domingo, diciembre 10, 2017

Code of the Feather and Reality Shifting Magick (Silver Solstice Series: Part Two)

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 10, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are much more comfortable with giving rather than receiving. But asking for help when you need it is essential for moving forward in your life expressions with greater ease and comfort. The holiday season is one where imbalances in giving, receiving, and asking and being heard often come much more into focus.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light - Dec 7, 2017

Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira

Beloved friends,

We greet you in love. We want to talk about establishing certain kinds of momentum in your life and how it serves you. And we want to talk about a super simple approach to achieving the experience of abundance that you feel like you want now, you want to come about, to be your experience.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things - December 10, 2017

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

Dear One,

Deep within you and all around you is Divine Love. When you are free from distracting thoughts about the surface appearance of the world, it is easier to remember this truth. Even if you are in a situation that appears to be upsetting, know deeply in your heart that God's Love exists within all things. When you remember this higher wisdom, the outer world of appearances has no choice but to fall in line with your focus of attention.

Mike Quinsey - 8 de Diciembre, 2017

Un año que siempre prometía ser uno de mucha actividad no ha decepcionado, y la incertidumbre de la política mundial está aún en estado de cambio. Tras eso que está llegando, están los movimientos lentos pero seguros para establecer Gobiernos que no solo representen a los intereses de la gente sino que los ponga en primer lugar. Así que van a llegar más cambios y demostrarán un avance distinto hacia una representación abierta y honesta.

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - Accediendo a los Cristales Semilla de la Memoria de la Tierra - Diciembre 2017



Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amados maestros, en el ojo de su mente, como quiera que lo perciban, visualicen que están mirando a la Tierra desde una gran nave de luz conjuntamente con nosotros, las Fuerzas Angélicas y la multitud de Seres de Luz que representan a nuestro Padre/Madre Dios, y vean que estamos aportando los patrones vibratorios energéticos del maravilloso esquema Divino en preparación para la habitación de la Tierra por parte de la humanidad. Durante estas intrincadas y complejas etapas de preparación, se plantaron profundamente dentro de la Tierra, en lugares estratégicos alrededor del planeta, grandes cristales sensibles. Una porción de cada enorme cristal se elevó desde la superficie de la Tierra como centinela que irradiaba la energía e información hacia el cosmos, funcionando además como receptor de Luz Divina, Sabiduría y Poder de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios. A lo largo de muchos eones, a medida que ocurrían cambios en la Tierra durante los cuales se elevaron hacia los cielos grandes cadenas montañosas, enormes masas de tierra se hundieron bajo las aguas y los continentes cambiaron de forma, la mayoría de esos cristales se destrozaron y hundieron profundamente dentro de la Tierra y bajo las aguas. Sin embargo, muchos de ellos quedaron intactos sumergidos en las aguas, en grandes cavernas y muchos más yacen cerca de la superficie de la tierra, escondidos solamente por una fina capa de tierra o vegetación, esperando que ustedes los descubran y puedan acceder a sus poderosos dones y memorias antiguas. Son los Guardianes del Registro del Átomo Semilla de la Tierra y ustedes tienen la llave que les dará acceso a la sabiduría y el poder de manifestación que yace durmiente dentro de ellos.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 10, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, December 10, 2017

What you are learning to do is trust yourself,

your True Self.

Now that is the obligation at this time.

James Gilliland - Hecho en Mexico - December Update - December 10, 2017

Hecho en Mexico
by James Gilliland

December 10, 2017

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed, contemplating "Do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own?"

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed contemplating - do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own. ECETI was created to be a different world where people would live a spiritual life in harmony with nature as a template yet no man/woman is an island.

sábado, diciembre 09, 2017

Distraction of Christmas and the Shadow Reality (Silver Solstice Series: Part One)

Lisa Renee - Wrestling with Demons - December 2017
Wrestling with Demons 

One of the most important realizations we require to gain deeper clarity about the nature of the reality, the war over consciousness on the earth plane, is to recognize the kinds of forces that play in the negative polarity archetypes, or service to self that exist within people, places and things. To maintain calm and sanity, one is required to understand the kind of forces that they are interacting with, or in consent with, and where there has been a manipulation that allowed access into that person’s energy field. This confusion is even more amplified during the holiday season when we are being assaulted by various consumer marketing campaigns that use forces in the negative polarity to stimulate groups of people to act from unconscious impulses, rather than truly reflecting and meditating upon what quality of forces they are actually interacting with. The Christmas season can be especially toxic with vampiric and consumptive modeling behaviors, because the belief systems around the baby Jesus and the birth of Christ are completely fabricated by negative forces to serve materialism in order to use this belief system to further manipulate the masses. The use of manipulation and deception to instigate people into unconscious actions is not a positive influence, therefore it generates an amplification of forces in the negative polarity, which is the primary reason many people feel depressed, isolated, and disconnected during the end of the year holiday season.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 9, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, December 9, 2017

What if the greatest obstacles lead

to the greatest miracles?

What if all of this is a set up for you to

find your True Self?

For you to dance with destiny.

And so it is.



The tree kind of represents the "center" and the different paths we choose/experience in every moment. The mountain can represent the challenges we "overcome" through INNER CONNECTION and the ocean representing flow, remembering, connection, cleansing too. The green grass representing how human ego is always looking at "the grass being greener" on the OTHER SIDE, and it kind of is, except ONLY once we've gone inward and planted/sewn a whole new garden, tilled it, done the work, grown it, nurtured it, loved it into MATURITY and de-weeded the distortions of the old. What emerges naturally and organically is PURE BEAUTY, flourishing through generosity, gratitude and love. This is about the WHOLE PICTURE, kind of like this one. We must do "all of it", not just part of it.... Balance is KEY and constantly making that CHOICE for what path supports our highest experiences is too. ♥

Jahn J Kassl - Master St. Germain - DEALING WITH DEMONS - Dec 9, 2017


Message from Master St. Germain

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

A nightmare

JJK: What is the nightmare that I had today all about?

Dream: Little disgusting animals are floating in my freshly poured draft beer. I pour out the entire beer, but the animals pick themselves up and quite rapidly get bigger and bigger … I warn everyone around me about them and want to kill these monsters right away, but the other people want to wait. I am desperate because I am aware that soon these animals can’t be tamed anymore … because, having reached the size of small adults by now, they are already rearing and snarling right in front of us. Then I open my eyes, because I don’t want to see the end of it. (end of dream)

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 9, 2017

Many of you are so committed to your enlightenment journey, you worry if you are doing enough. You wonder, am I good enough? Am I loving enough? Am I grateful enough?

Dear Ones, you are always enough! The very fact that you are an individuated aspect of Source energy automatically, through your birthright, ensures you are always delightfully and divinely more than enough. Even if you have made what you consider to be mistakes, you are learning and evolving and experiencing, which continues to drive the shift on your planet.

viernes, diciembre 08, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Mother Earth - Returning to Your Original Design of Co-Creation with Mother Earth - 8th December 2018

Divine blessings and gifts of light extend from the essence of my being to you. I am Mother Earth; I am the pure consciousness and source of the Earth. I come forth to communicate with you as we have a contract together of co-creation. In order for us to exist within this dimension known as the Earth, there is a need for our energies to be as one, listening and communicating with each other, as well as holding a similar focus for creation. When we have embedded in our entire being the same focus of creation our frequencies unite, we empower each other, awaken truth and becoming a potent force of creation. Thus healing, remembrance and all that humanity and I, Mother Earth, desire can come to fruition. Our united focus and frequency is the key to aiding ascension for all beings, fulfilment and remembrance of the Creator.

Emmanuel Dagher - Emotional Independence – December 2017 - Dec 4, 2017

Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect this way with you again. December is a big transitional month and we have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

The first few days of December will offer us a quiet and contemplative space that will give us the opportunity to reflect on the past year, our present reality, and the next steps to take to get ready for all that’s coming up in the new year.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Estado de la Energía - Laguna Hills, California, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Laguna Hills, California, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Parte 2 - El Estado de la Energía

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todavía nos encontramos en lo que mi socio llama la energía del aula inicial; déjenme darle otro nombre: la familia. Y la familia oirá estas cosas primero, y otros las oirán después. Es importante, porque cuando le hablo a la familia es diferente. Oh, ustedes han oído que, desde la perspectiva del otro lado del velo, toda la humanidad es familia. Pero yo sé quiénes están aquí, sé quiénes han vuelto una y otra vez. Sé cuáles son los que han reconocido mi voz, no la de mi socio, y más de 20 años atrás sintieron la energía de algo que cambiaba.

Sarah Varcas - ¡Mira Antes de Saltar! - 1 de Diciembre 2017

Mercurio Retrógrado en Sagitario del 3 al 23 de diciembre del 2017:

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mercurio se estaciona retrógrado en el último grado de Sagitario, recordándonos que a veces vale la pena mirar atrás antes de dar el salto. La importancia de esta precaución se enfatiza aún más por la conjunción con Saturno, debido al rol de un firme compromiso a la sabiduría que se refleja en la presencia a su lado, de la Luna Negra Lilith. En resumen, el paso de este retrógrado de Mercurio augura un momento de reflexión respecto a lo que nos inspira a la acción, lo que da sentido a nuestra vida y cómo podemos expresar esos valores en nuestro quehacer cotidiano.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday December 8, 2017

If you are experiencing doubt or resistance, stop and ask yourself, “Is this fear?” Is the fear based on anything concrete or is it due to the unknown of the future?

If the fear is concrete, explore your feelings around it. Is this a cycle or pattern? Does this match who you are today vs who you were when it started? What is looking for release? What wants to be acknowledged and healed? Are you seeking your own love, reassurance, and guidance? Is your inner child?

Sandra Walter - The Becoming: The NOW Embodiment Events - Dec 8, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

This is one of those lengthy articles after an intense download this week. Feel into this message and its connections, as it is the last of the year. A PDF version is provided below. The intention is to provide clarity and comprehension of what is about to occur.

Our Gatekeeping and Gridwork took on a strong Solar focus over the last few years. This process was twofold; it anticipated the changes in the SUN as well as the trajectory of Gaia to become a more Solar entity. The New Earth grid system, which is crystalline based and aimed at the 5D magnetic lines of Gaia, works in tandem with the off-planet crystalline grid and the 5D/6D crystalline core of Gaia. The intention was to activate the ancient structures, Solar temples above and below ground, crystal beds (many of them containing off-planet crystals), and unify them with the crystalline grid, Solaris (the SUN), and interdimensional stargates. This was fully activated with the August 2017 eclipse.