martes, noviembre 14, 2017

Steve Nobel - 11:11 Galactic Gateway Transmission. Weaving Light Codes into Your DNA and Future Timeline

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 14, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Receive the Garden of Eden now.

Build your fantasy life to include miracles.

Kryon - "Becoming Multidimensional" - 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 14, 2017

As you move toward the end of your year and look forward to the future, the question to ask is not “What should I do?” but rather, “How do I wish to express myself?”

You see, up until this point many of you had incarnations with very long to-do lists. This was why you often were looking for the guidance of what you should do next. You knew you had things on your agenda to experience and you didn’t want to miss anything.

Jennifer Hoffman - How Much Are You Paying for Parking? - Nov 14, 2017

Those who know me will laugh when they read this article because they know that paying for parking is one of my pet peeves. I think that parking should be free and I will go out of my way to look for a free parking spot, rather than paying to park my car somewhere. When I was in Los Angeles with a friend recently, we drove around for fifteen minutes looking for a free parking spot but we eventually had to pay a nominal rate because there were no free spaces available. I had to make the choice between paying for parking ($8 an hour) or driving around looking for something that I was not going to find in Los Angeles, free parking!

lunes, noviembre 13, 2017

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 13, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, November 13, 2017

You are realizing that you are enough.

Now this is important.

This is essential

for entry into the portal of higher Truths.

As you maintain a belief in scarcity

you will slow things down

11 11 Ascension Stargate with Pleiadians of Peace Shekina Rose Blue Ray

Sue and Shawnna - The Arcturians - Calibrate to Your Higher Self to Create an Expanded Reality - 11-13-17

Calibrate to your Higher Self to Create an Expanded Reality

Conversation with the Arcturians
Sue and Shawnna

Arcturians: Greetings, We are the Arcturians.

We want to remind you that it was taking long, slow breath, as well as placing your focus on your Higher Self, that allows us to come in and speak through you. We also want to remind you that every single human has the ability to call us, the Arcturians, into their consciousness.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday November 13, 2017

Dear Ones, the energies are always moving and changing. This means that where you felt aligned and good one day may very well not be the place where you feel aligned and good the next day. Do not let that frustrate you!

Brenda Hoffman - The War is Over - November 13, 201

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you believe the earth is dividing into two entities of “good” and “bad, ” and you do not feel worthy of the “good” earth. That earth division is not as most now envision. There is only one earth location with various dimensions or veils that open as one becomes of the 5th or beyond dimension – which is little different from what is now true.

domingo, noviembre 12, 2017

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 12, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, November 12, 2017

All we are saying is give peace a chance.

This peace must begin with you.

It can never be demanded first upon another.

"You shall be peaceful."

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it - November 12, 2017

Dear One,

Just as a storm can clear the air with its cleansing rain, a disruption of energy also serves to bring clarity.

This disruption is a blessing that may come disguised as that which you do not want in your world. Sometimes knowing what you don't want is the quickest way to knowing what you do want for yourself in all situations. Clarity of mind is necessary in order to bring about that which you would like to see manifested in every area of your life.

Dianne Robbins - Imprisoning Whales - November 2017


Although I have been in captivity for so many years now, I am still communicating with my family and friends all over the ocean, for my thoughts are free, although my body remains incarcerated.

Lisa Renee - Implanted Thoughts - November 2017

Implanted Thoughts

When we have a better comprehension of how Implanted Thoughts and mind control implants are used, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. If someone set out to design a society that drives people to worship self-destruction, self-absorption, and materialism while driving them to escape the inner emptiness through self-medicating and addiction, you’d have the general blueprint of mind control that is used in our society. Essentially, this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode or perceive what is really going on. Many of us can feel the pressure to create soul disconnection and AI assimilation in the masses, has been turned up. The antidote to mind control broadcasts and clearing implants is deeply connected with developing our spirit and refusing to become a slave to automated impulses. For this reason we will look at the most common forms of Implanted Thoughts and implants and how to identify them.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday November 12, 2017

Have you ever noticed how people are so drawn to the performers, the artists, the people who excel at their crafts? It is not so much what they do that makes them so irresistible to many. It is their pure expression of their purpose, and the alignment with Source energy they experience by honouring and completely embracing their soul’s calling.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - Noviembre 2017

El Despertar Cuántico es traducido con amor al español por Susy Peralta, de Argentina. Gracias, querida dama de luz.


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz sobre el 11:11
*** Una “secuencia avatar”
*** Números maestros


Para mí, la Estación de la Luz comienza cuando noviembre sale de su capullo estirando sus alas de luz para convertirse en la hermosa Estrella de la Paloma del 11:11. Cuando la luz estacional comienza su descenso sobre el planeta Tierra, entramos en la verdadera Estación de la Luz. Una estación nacida de Milagros Atemporales, mitos y Magia, una estación de amor que busca ser acogida en los corazones de todos los seres humanos. Les pide que dejen de dar excusas sobre por qué no celebran los días sagrados y los días festivos de la Tierra.

Jennifer Hoffmann - Informe de Energía de Noviembre 2017 - 1 de Noviembre 2017

November 2017 Energy Report

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Octubre será recordado como el mes en que comenzó la revolución, cuando la humanidad despertó y recuperó la sensatez acerca de lo que suponen el poder, la dominación y el control de 3D. Desde la masacre de Las Vegas, hasta a las noticias de vejaciones y abusos sexuales por parte de magnates de Hollywood, despertamos a la triste realidad de que colectivamente hemos entregado nuestro poder y de que necesitamos recuperarlo.

sábado, noviembre 11, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday November 11, 2017

Dear Ones, if you ever feel like you are unsupported or alone on your journey, we suggest taking a moment to announce, “I gratefully accept all the help and support that is available to me.”

This is a wonderful affirmation because it activates your team of helpers by giving them permission to assist. It also clearly shows your intention to receive help in the many ways it can arrive, and to shift beyond where you are into a better feeling, supported space. The gratitude acts as an energetic anchor to what is desired. It is a profoundly empowered act of moving out of separation into being led by Source with faith, trust, surrender, and acceptance.

Asara - Update From The Galactic Council

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

At this time, you are experiencing the next level of your Ascension process.

L’Aura Pleiadian -11:11 ~ Enter the Heart Portal of The Eternal Now - November 11, 2017

11:11 ~ Enter the Heart Portal of The Eternal Now

Life as we Know it has Shifted.

We have entered into the NO Time ~ experience of Reality.

11:11 ~ 3:33 (and MORE) have become markers of experience, of AWARENESS levels, of activations, within.

Of experience in the moment.

Anticipation free from attachment has become the eternal Joy of the moment.