martes, octubre 31, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal - Dwarika - Parte 2 - Nepal, octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Nepal, octubre de 2017

Dwarika - Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la última reunión en Nepal en que ustedes están todos reunidos para una canalización, porque algunos ya se van. De modo que deseamos tratar algo, y algunos van a pensar que es divertido; espero que así sea. El grupo de almas antiguas, muchos de ustedes, han estado con nosotros en este viaje asombroso casi durante 20 días.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nepal - Dwarika - Parte 1 - Nepal, octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Nepal, octubre de 2017

Dwarika - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos todavía en el país de Nepal, en un hermoso hotel, y el viaje está llegando a su fin. He elegido este momento para darles lo que llamarían un mensaje avanzado. No es sencillo; es difícil de entender; es más que esotérico; está más allá de eso. Muchos no entenderán, pero quiero hacer lo mejor que pueda para presentarles la razón por la que los seres humanos tienen tanta dificultad para acercarse a la paz. Una dificultad parecida a trepar una escalera desde donde están y de lo que creen que es la realidad hasta ese lugar donde están en paz consigo mismos y tienen una conexión con el Espíritu y con la unidad de la que tantos hablan.



Beloved masters, we ask you to pause for a moment and turn inward as you quickly move into your Sacred Heart Center. Take a deep breath and tap into your Sacred Mind as well. Now ponder these questions: What is it that you yearn for above all things? What is missing from your life that affects everything you think, feel and do? The answer is Sacred Love, dear hearts.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 31, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Be willing to be wrong about everything.

Be willing to be wrong.

What this does is it allows the very presence

of your Divinity

to slip in,

to glide into its natural place.

While you are attending

to the details of your life,

your daily affairs,

allow there to be an orchestration of faith

that your Real Self

has just been introduced.

Be willing to be wrong about everything.

And so it is.

Lee Carroll for Kryon - The Addictive Old Energy - 12 August, 2017 at Stamford, Connecticut

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside as always, and I now give you a message that he is not aware of. The way it works, dear ones, is that the information that is being given from the other side of the veil is information that perhaps you don't expect, and is given in ways that you might not have thought of.
Tonight is a revelation that goes further than ever into the differences between the old and the new energy. Today my partner tried to set the stage [in the seminar] so that you would understand that, before 2012, there was an energy that you no longer have. It's an energy that you are not going to revisit, and it is not coming back. It's a new kind of energy that is beginning to place itself on this planet, and it is filled with a completely new paradigm of reality.

The Hilarion Connection©Update - November 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Day ONE of 7Days with my SELF - 10-31-17


Today I choose to love myself UNCONDITIONALLY!

I am not sure what “Unconditional Love” is, 
as I am not sure how much I have received. 

However, I KNOW that energy OUT is energy BACK. 

Julie Alexander - @ In5D – I Am A Soul In A Human Space Suit – 10-31-17

by Julie Alexander, Guest writer,

I am a soul in a human space suit. We all are.

I will not die when my body is no more, my soul will continue, as will everyone else’s. We are here to experience this density, this reality; we are all on a journey an adventure.

We all have our own destinies. Some of us will wake up to reality, some of us will not.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of November 2017 ~ Ascending to New Earth - October 31, 2017

By Natalia Alba

At this final phase of our bifurcation from Old Earth, we find ourselves traversing the space between Old Earth and the New Vibrational Earth, in which, some of us, have consciously chosen to dwell. At this time, some ascending souls, already are anchored within a fifth dimensional real, while many may find themselves still navigating between the 4D portal that leads us into this New Timeline, for in truth, it is all a matter of how we choose to vibrate and radiate our essence more than a number or physical dimension.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 31, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how much more comfortable you are energetically when you are visiting a new place? That is because it naturally leads you to pay attention to your surroundings and become far more engaged in the present moment.