viernes, julio 21, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday July 21, 2017

Dear Ones, why not give yourself a break and decide to love yourself right where you are? Your essence is aching for you to acknowledge and accept your divine perfection, in this right Now moment, wherever you may be on your path. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 7-23-17 - July 21, 2017

Dear Friends,
New Moon is Sunday, July 23 at 3:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

A good time to reflect on balance, your body, what has happened or is happening in your life and get as neutral as you can about it all. This is a day that you could either feel greatly empowered (and should) or you can feel beaten down by recent events and disempowered by something that has happened or current happening in your life. The key word is “empowerment” so see if you can become empowered in some way even with life’s challenges. What is the power to be harnessed in your current situation?

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Amethyst - Healing Lack of Trust - 21st July 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Angelic blessings flow to you from my being; I am Archangel Amethyst, the twin flame and feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are the angelic representative of the 7th Ray of Light. It is our mission to support transformation, purification and the dawning of the divine within all upon the Earth. Through our light and the energy we transmit we assist present moment ascension deep within your being.

I come forth to you with Archangel Faith and Archangel Hope; together we create a trinity of angelic light. Our trinity magnifies the light that we transfer and express to you. Archangel Faith is the twin flame of Archangel Michael while Archangel Hope is the twin flame of Archangel Gabriel. Together we create a powerful source of light transmitting qualities of trust, belief and transformation. We believe that together these energies magnify the divine within you and reawaken your remembrance of your truth.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 21 July 2017

Can you believe that you are over half way through the present year. If ever you needed proof of the special times you are now in you need look no further. Changes are likely to come thick and fast that will propel you into the New Age, so that you can enjoy the advantages and benefits to be gained. Nothing will stop them coming into being and as you must know by now, the ultimate is to reach the point when Ascension will occur. We see the whole picture as all is in the “Now” and can assure you that all proceeds well and in accordance with the plan set by great Beings who monitor and follow your progress. Some souls will not be ready to ascend and that is to be expected, and their path is also planned to ensure they continue to evolve. It is one that meets their needs and enables them to continue evolving. All of you at some stages in your evolution are guided by Higher Beings, who are dedicated to their work that will not cease until all of the Human Race has ascended.

jueves, julio 20, 2017

Ground inspection of the Crop Circle at Cley Hill 18/07/17

Cley Hill CROPCIRCLE 18.7.2017 4k60p

Susan Leland - Ashtar - "The Free Will of Humanity Has Prevailed!!!" - June 27, 2017

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference

June 27, 2017

"Greetings, Beloved Family! Well, you heard the news.* Turning point is reached! Dominoes are falling so fast that even we in the Ashtar Command really are on high alert - Joy-full alert, we shall say - because everything is coming together! Everything is, if you will, coming into place, or falling into place in exactly the precise, sequential, Highest and best order for all of Planet Earth - on all levels of dimensionality, for all members of all Kingdoms, including Humanity!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Evolving on a Soul Level: Relationships, Abundance/Worth, Connections, OpportUNITY, HOW the Physical Correlates, Shows You, Responds - Evolving on a Soul Level: Relationships, Abundance/Worth, Connections, OpportUNITY, HOW the Physical Correlates, Shows You, Responds - 7/20/2017

PictureEvolving on a Soul Level: Relationships, Abundance/Worth, Connections, OpportUNITY, HOW the Physical Correlates, Shows You, Responds

Awakening from separation/human/ego/unconscious/linear realities is confusing at first, as the outside (and inside) don't make sense for awhile.... Where emphasis used to be placed on the outside world first, this shifts, changes, as you do.... as we all do... as inside awakens (our Spirit/Soul), on a cellular level we are unaware. We do not yet have access to all of the information and to the infinite reasons as to why we are truly here.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - 2017 - Códigos Esenciales Controladores de la Transformación Cristalina - Julio 15, 2017

2017 - Códigos Esenciales

Controladores de la Transformación Cristalina
Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Reservados los Derechos - 2017

¡Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de la Luz! ¡En esta sesión me uno a Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino! ¡Saludamos a cada uno de ustedes cálidamente, conscientemente, en un vector de amor incondicional!

Este es 2017, el Año Cinco de la Nueva Tierra, porque ciertamente la Nueva Tierra está frecuencialmente formulada, lógica y fácticamente, en el fin de 2012 y comenzó en su aspecto lineal en 2013. De modo que así medimos y así contamos, en consideración simbiótica de la transformación "Cristalina" y la activación aspectual de la Rejilla Cristalina 144.

Laura Pleiadian - New Moon in Leo, July 23rd, 2017 ~ Sudden Intense Energy - July 20, 2017

New Moon in Leo, July 23rd, 2017 ~ Sudden Intense Energy

This New Moon in Leo is on July 23rd, 2017 at 6:45am ADT.

The impact of this New Moon will last till the August 21st New Moon and Solar Eclipse. More soon on THAT!

Sun Conjunct Moon ~ The New Moon aspect, This is the energy of New Starts! New Beginnings, New Relationships… or beginning again! The ideal time, so to speak, to start something new is during the first 2 weeks of the New Moon, in the waxing phase, till August 7th.