lunes, mayo 22, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday May 22, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that it can be hard to wait in faith and trust for your manifestations to take on shape and form. But holding the space for their creation is even more important than the original inspiration for the dream is.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Avatar Cósmico de la Unidad - Mayo 13, 2017

Translation: Gloria Mühlebach 

Dentro de las esferas del átomo yace una cierta vibración que mantiene a uno unido/atado. Esa vibración es la que mantiene la rejilla de la Unidad firmemente y ayuda a moldear formas nuevas de vida. Lo que vemos como la vida es, a menudo, un destello de lo real, lo cual nos permite seguir preguntándonos y ver más allá de lo conocido. Por lo tanto, lo que está formateado recibe ayuda para ser liberado a fin de que puedan adquirirse entendimientos nuevos. Esto es para que inclusive los átomos puedan tener una manera de reestablecerse al tiempo que siguen estando íntegros como un campo magnético conectado/unido.

Brenda Hoffman - No One and Nothing Is as It Was - May 22, 2017

Dear Ones,

Some of you have lost friends and family, others have gained new relationships. Such is as it should be during this epic Universal shift.

For as you become a different being so do those with whom you interact. No one and nothing is as it was. You are interacting differently with different expectations. Such a dramatic shift in your being is off-putting to some and attractive to others.

Even though the global light is shining more brightly, there are some who are not interested in being of the light. And there are others who are frightened of the light, of the shifts their inner-being knows are necessary to be of the light. So it is that some of your closest friends, co-workers, and relatives might shun you for you frighten them.

domingo, mayo 21, 2017

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Do not dwell in past patterns. Simply accept those choices and move ahead - May 21, 2017

Shanta Gabriel
Dear One,

As you move through your life, you are given many opportunities for growth. There may have been times when you chose ways of behavior which now seem inappropriate, and may even cause you great pain when you think of them. You may also have a sense of guilt for the pain you feel you caused others. You are here at this place and time, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept the choices you made in the past and to move on with your life. You were doing the best you could at the time.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - El Colectivo - Mensaje a los Trabajadores de la Luz - Mayo 9, 2017

La última guía de los Maestros Ascendidos, los Galácticos, los Elementales de la Tierra, Los Ancianos Hada, los Ángeles y los Arcángeles conocidos como el Colectivo:

¡Saludos, Maestros de la Luz y la Manifestación! Nos complace tener la oportunidad de hablar con ustedes de nuevo hoy.
Y nosotros diríamos, viendo las tremendas olas de energía más elevada creada por su enfoque y su intención más elevada y la belleza de su deseo de vivir como sus Yos Más Elevados, que están sucediendo muchas cosas ahora las cuales sin su total dedicación a su misión espiritual y senda de Ascensión de otro modo no hubieran podido ocurrir.

Asara - AA Michael's Latest Energy Update - May 20, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Currently, you are experiencing sometimes softer and sometimes stronger pulses of energies, that are being sent to your beloved planet for your Ascension.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Conferencia en Pisa - Parte 1 - Pisa, Italia, el 6 de Mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Pisa, Italia, el 6 de Mayo de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético. 

Queridos, siempre están los que cuestionan lo que aquí sucede, y lo hemos dicho cada vez que vinimos. Los invitamos a relajarse y suspender la creencia en lo que les dijeron. Quiero preguntarles algo: ¿Creen realmente que el Creador de este universo, que conoce sus nombres, esté en la oscuridad? ¿O creen que esa maravillosa energía creadora conoce lo que está sucediendo aquí?
Todos los Maestros del planeta dijeron lo mismo: que dentro del ser humano estaba la imagen de Dios. Ustedes pueden hacer lo que quieran, y creer lo que deseen al respecto. Quiero que sientan lo que esto significa. Si ustedes tienen la imagen de Dios dentro de sí, significa que son eternos. Y esta eternidad es bella; no lleva consigo castigo ni recompensa; sencillamente regresan a lo que es Dios.

Blossom Goodchild - May 21, 2017

My Dearest Beings from somewhere else! Here we are again then. Actually I have a bit of a quandary which I thought you may be able to help me with. A certain gentleman is very keen to hear the Truth about whether or not this Earth of ours is flat, under a dome etc. I have told him that this is not ‘my position’ to bring this Truth out … IF indeed it was/is a Truth! For reasons of my safety and Divine Plan timing … along with many other reasons why I feel it is not for ‘me’ to delve into this. He wrote back with this:
After all this years of reading your blog I guess going round and round in circles has me screaming to get off - or at least has me exasperated that if one supposedly has the ‘ear’ of higher entities, one might just get down and dirty with specifics.  It’s a bit like wandering into the greatest library in history and spending hours admiring the shelving and the colour of the carpet.

Marilyn Rafaelle -The Arcturian Group - You are here at this most powerful time because you choose to be here - May 21, 2017

MAY 21, 2017

Dear ones, with love and understanding we seek to assist you in your journey out of the miasma of dense illusion and into reality. Life has become a time of tremendous struggle and confusion in a world accustomed to living according to the rules and beliefs of third dimensional consciousness.

You have been taught incorrectly through lifetimes and thus still carry cellular memory from many experiences serving to validate duality and separation. Life lived within the third dimensional belief system was necessary in order to awaken out of it, much as a small child falls many times before learning to walk. These experiences have now served their purpose, you have learned to walk and are now ready to run.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday May 21, 2017

As you continue upon your enlightenment journey, you start to recognize how important balance is, for it is through a balanced state that can experience your alignment with Source, and from there navigate your life from your heart.

So how do you stay in a more balanced state? You simply ask yourself, in any situation, “What do I need to add to this situation to get back to balance?”