sábado, diciembre 31, 2016

Asara - Adama's New Year's Message - December 31, 2016

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are passing the threshold to a new year, we wanted to express our deepest love and admiration for your journey on the surface of Earth.

As you are looking back of the past year, pay well attention to all the things that went well in your life.

You created all the joyful experiences, as you are the creator of all your experiences.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - 2017 : New Beginnings and the Year of Sacred Earth - 31 December 2016


Welcome to 2017! Welcome to the New Beginning!

Welcome to Sacred Earth!

Beloved Family, as you move forward into this New Year of 2017 we would welcome you all to a New Beginning, a New Cycle of Time and a very special time for the Planet. This will be the year when “Sacred Earth” energy becomes more manifest, and when those who are awakened and living with Higher Consciousness will engage their Creativity and Intention to celebrate the Sacred Nature of Life and the Sacred Earth herself.

In this period of time since the Lion’s Gate portal in August, the Earth has made a major “Time Line Shift” which has caused huge waves and tumultuous shifts in the last few months. This has been done to align Earth and Humanity with the path that will lead to the renewal of the Earth and the re-establishment of Sacred Paths on the Planet.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 31, 2016

Our greatest wish for you in 2017 is that you embrace and shine the love that you are, and allow your beingness to lead the way to your greatest joys. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Report - 12/31/2016

11:42 am HST: Anchoring anchoring anchoring anchoring anchoring huge diamond light codes and Christed Light Frequencies for days. Oh and did I say anchoring? :)

Happy anchoring ALL NEW REALITIES loves. These mega high frequencies are beyond pristine! Heavily collapsing old structured timelines to create NEW ONES to take their place... all in accordance with higher light consciousnesses LOVE ones of UNITY, PEACE AND MAGICAL'ness! These are soooo fine and working through every aspect of everything, every cell for continual "deep cleansing", which is interesting to observe "how" our bodies experience these compared to the old days of physical density. Now it's just an energy working, so very cool indeed!

It does make it hard (super challenging) to do logical/linear work until the process is complete. Normally I would have been kicking out the work, nope.... gotta flow with it all and "do" when allows.... a bit more maneuvering when trying to function in linear when linear is not really an option until we shift, and the higher we go, the more we have to continually adapt and "wait" until our bodies have completed the upgrade phase to handle more/do more/be more with so much more ease than ever before. Activating all kinds of awesomeness means we have to honor the process first and "manage within fully-aligned flow" constantly.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - Dec 31, 2016

This is a time for all of you when it is time to speak and move on ahead in what you desire for your life. If the ‘means by which’ don’t seem to be with you, then ask yourself why. Ask yourself what the desires you have mean in your life, and what they will mean to those whom you have in mind to share them with, or to exhibit to. Is there an ongoing fantasy in which you see the dreams of a lifetime coming true? Is there a’ means by which’ you feel you don’t have the ability to bring into your life, or are you seeing the result of what the world is telling you is going to happen?

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Observing Huge Collective Cleansings: Judgment, Integrity, Discomfort & More... - 12/31/2016

​Observing a multitude of collective clearings/cleansings lately ... always interesting to observe and just SEE......

Everyone has to go through everything in order to transcend, unify and merge everything back into the PURITY of Love again. Human love and Divine Love are sooooo way totally opposites.

Judgment is at an all-time-high for those who have not come to understand the difference between story, projecting and come to see the purposes of absolutely everything. Limited mindsets all over the place, as many "judge" the person instead of really really really being conscious of that person in their own reality, following their own higher/inner guidance or moving through their own ego and into their higher power that hold's no ego at all. Many still do not understand the ego and are all over the place pointing the finger. Quite interesting for sure. ♥ Judgers judging.... even this post borderlines judgment except it's not a post judging judgment, yet instead observing the energy of judgment and how it comes to be.

Dianne Robbins - Mikos from the Hollow Earth - December 31, 2016

The picture below is the sky above my house in Mt. Shasta, CA
December 25th, 2016 - Christmas Day

In deep gratitude, I thank you, my subscribers for the role you've played in my life in 2016. My life has been vastly enriched by your being part of it! Please keep the Spirit of Love, Giving, and Gratitude throughout every day of 2017!

May this holiday season bring you an abundance of life's blessings!

No need to Age, It's all a Myth, Just choose a number and stick to it !

Lovingly, Dianne Robbins




Beloved masters, through our many past messages, we have endeavored to help you remember your wondrous past, and to accept the truth that you have within you all that is needed to create a grand new world. We were not just talking about your past lives on Earth, but we have tried to give you some insight as to how truly magnificent you all are. Please accept the fact that you left the vaster part of your Beingness in the higher realms, and now it is time to begin the process of reclaiming those many Facets of God-expression that make up the totality of the real YOU. We have told you that this is a Universe of great diversity, and as part of your training, you have experienced many wondrous adventures in very specific and complex places. You now understand why the Earth is so important, because your planet is where all the diversity of this Universe was brought together. You have had a grand time playing the game of duality and polarity, as you created great wealth, and then painful scarcity. In other lifetimes you brought forth wondrous talents and accomplished great deeds of valor, just as you have also experienced many simple-minded lives in a narrowly focused way. You have all experienced every situation imaginable, from the lowest to the highest, within each Realm of self-expression.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - December 31, 2016

Posted on December 31, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Selacia - Comiencen el 2017 con Esperanza - 29 de Diciembre 2016


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Justo ahora es un momento perfecto para fijar el tono energético de cómo quieren comenzar el 2017. Esto se hace con conciencia e intención, con ustedes decidiendo con propósito que tipo de experiencia quieren tener. Sí, hay cosas muy extrañas que suceden en el mundo, pero ustedes pueden elegir conscientemente sus respuestas.

Un ejemplo es la esperanza. En el núcleo de su ser, ustedes tienen esperanza y están llenos de luz. Esta parte de ustedes puede atravesar cualquier desafío y mantenerse confiada en que todo estará bien. Esta respuesta de esperanza tiene una energía palpable. Ella los eleva y brinda coraje para prevalecer y persistir. Les ayuda a triunfar y a ver el éxito aun ante un supuesto fracaso. Cuando conectan con la esperanza de forma espiritual, es como un elixir de los cielos.

En este artículo enuncio algunas formas para conectarse con su propio reservorio de esperanza y tener mayores recursos para lo que viene. Al leer, inviten a que su sabiduría interna les muestra lo que es relevante en sus vidas. Pidan entendimiento y conocimiento de la oportunidad divina en todas las cosas.