lunes, diciembre 05, 2016

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 4/12/16

Saludos, queridos. Venimos juntos de nuevo en amor y entendimiento, y con un mutuo deseo de verdad. Cada día se convierte en algo nuevo mientras la consciencia global e individual crece, porque a medida que la consciencia se despliega y se expande así hacen sus expresiones exteriores.

Muchos de vosotros estáis comenzando a tener experiencias de sincronicidad mientras hacéis vuestro día a día. Ahora las soluciones parecen salir más fácilmente, y los asuntos que antes causaban angustia o preocupación ya no parecen importantes. Esto es fruto de vuestra consciencia expandiéndose, una que está entrando en alineamiento con la gracia y la armonía de la verdad.

Seven Sacred Flames Meditation: Sixth Ray Temple, Temple of Resurrection

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Mini-canalización - Todo está conectado - Wilmington, North Carolina, noviembre 19, 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchas personas escuchan estas canalizaciones, y siempre existe un tema en las que son cortas, dadas antes del seminario. El tema es: ¿cómo reconocen lo que están oyendo?

Existe un caparazón, una cáscara que hay que atravesar; incluso quienes creen muy, muy firmemente en este tipo de cosas igual tienen esa cáscara. La cáscara es esa realidad tridimensional que llevan puesta todo el tiempo. ¿Cómo encaja esto en lo otro? ¿Tienen que hacer una adaptación para atravesar esa cáscara de creencia para poder abrir esta?

Natalie Glasson - Lord Maitreya - Despertando Su Conciencia Original - 18 de noviembre del 2016

Honro la Luz Crística dorada dentro de su ser; la energía del puro amor activo del Creador existente en ustedes y en todo ser. Soy Lord Maitreya, el aspecto más elevado del Maestro Sananda. Soy conocido como el Cristo de los planos internos porque ése es mi propósito y misión, el asegurar el flujo continuo de la Conciencia Crística desde el corazón del Creador a través de las dimensiones de Su Universo para apoyar una conexión continua con todos los seres. Yo superviso y protejo la Conciencia Crística, asegurándome de que la vibración más pura esté disponible a todos, que la energía esté constantemente presente en la Tierra, y que toda expansión de esta energía sagrada sea armonizada con todo el Universo del Creador.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - We are headed into the Solstice and everything that's gotta go will surface...December 5, 2016

La imagen puede contener: noche

Okay, after a massive blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT running through us all day yesterday & last night, we have a night of weird/bizarre/sleep/clearing old vibrations/timelines huge, then get ready, cuz everything in our NEW REALITIES that are old, will come up to be visible, present to deal with.... there's going to lots of old programmed realities, not in-alignment with "where you are going" or your new reality come forth.... We are headed into the Solstice and everything that's gotta go will surface....

Blossom Goodchild - Federación Galáctica de la Luz - Diciembre 5, 2016

Blossom: Buenos días. Les estoy entregando esto directamente a ustedes hoy para ver cómo les gustaría que fuera la conversación de hoy.

Federación de la Luz: Le tenemos una gran Gratitud a Cada Uno que participa y se involucra en nuestras conversaciones. Llena nuestros Seres de tanto Amor al saber que estamos siendo recibidos y entendidos por tantos.

En primer lugar, vamos a seguir adelante diciendo que estamos muy al servicio de todos los que eligen ponerse en disposición para escuchar lo que tenemos que decir. No queremos que piensen que es sólo a/con Blossom con la que estamos hablando… porque somos conscientes de tantos que hablan con nosotros telepáticamente también. Algunos sienten nuestra respuesta; otros optan por desacreditar sus capacidades. De cualquier manera… SEPAN QUE LOS AMAMOS. Porque así es.

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada: Dust off your Joy with Gratitude - December 5, 2016

Received December 2, 2016
Lady Nada: Greetings Beloveds,

I come before you today to encourage you and uplift you in these challenging times. Many of you have been discouraged of late and thus your energy may be lowered and it may take a lot for you to uplift your energies to the high vibration you are so capable of staying in.

And, likewise, it sometimes may be difficult to experience Joy, which is so necessary to keep your vibration at its optimal level and to be able to express your beautiful unique gifts that are so necessary to support and change this world to the image and intentions you harbor so deeply in your hearts.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 5, 2016

La imagen puede contener: flor, planta y texto
Dear Ones, it is safe to love and be loved. In fact, the energy of love is the safest, most healing, restorative energy there is. It is your birthright, your true essence, and as natural and necessary to you as breathing.
What has happened is somewhere along the way, someone tried to sell something to you as love that wasn't love at all. Deep in your being you know what love really is, and what it isn't. What you are trying to avoid is the absence of love because that is what causes you pain.

Mike Quinsey - de su Ser Superior - 2 de Diciembre, 2016

Está claro que cuanto antes se haga el anuncio confirmando los cambios de moneda mejor, y así aliviar la tensión y la preocupación de los que esperan los fondos tan necesarios. Las buenas noticias siempre se extienden rápidamente, pero siempre están los escépticos que son reacios a creer que esos cambios sean posibles. Hay muchas más sorpresas esperando a ser introducidas y todas son parte del plan para introduciros rápidamente en la Nueva Era. Los viejos métodos han tenido su momento los controles de los Illuminati son eliminados para permitir que la gente goce de su nueva libertad. Cada fase será introducida de tal manera que fluya con los cambios y cause los menos problemas posibles antes de que se asienten, y no se permitirá que nada interfiera con ellos o los retrase. El tiempo para su introducción ha pasado hace mucho tiempo, pero como sabéis siempre hay un tiempo “adecuado” para hacer los cambios importantes, y la mayor preocupación es la interferencia de las Fuerzas oscuras. Pero estáis protegidos por las Fuerzas Galácticas, que se asegurarán de que todo proceda como se necesite y con el menor alboroto.

Blossom Goodchild - Galactic Federation of Light - Dec 5th.2016

Good morning. I’m handing this straight over to you today to see how YOU would like today’s conversation to go.

We are in much Gratitude to Each One who participates and becomes involved in our conversations. It fills our Beings with such Love to know we are being received and understood by so many.

Firstly, let us move forward by saying that we are very much in service to everyone who chooses to make themselves available to listen to that which we have to say. We do not wish you to think that it is just Blossom that we are speaking to/with … for we are aware of so many that speak with us telepathically also. Some feel our response; others choose to discredit their capabilities. Either way … KNOW WE LOVE YOU. For it is so.

So, what would you speak of?

Kryon - St' Bridget's Well, Ireland 2016-09-11

domingo, diciembre 04, 2016

Kryon - Brisbane Australia Channeling 2016-10-09 Mini Channeling

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 4, 2016

La imagen puede contener: texto

Being of service allows you to experience your highest expression of self, which will always, always bring you joy. Your service does not need to be grandiose to make a difference. It can be powerfully expressed in the simplest ways, by intending to be of service however those opportunities may present themselves to you, and also allowing others the joy of serving you. If you understand that it brings you joy to give, receiving from another is also an act of service, for it allows them to experience their highest expression of self, as well. Do you see? By embracing the flow of give and take, serve and be served, love and be loved, you are offering the experience of joyful service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Me Day: Ramblings on Relationships, Love, Purity, Out-Growing Old Realities, Physical Light Body Upgrades, Activating Our Dreams, Sleep... 12/4/2016

​Today is a "me day" a "be day"... where I don't "do" for anyone else... my "every moment" is "doing/git'r'done mode/produce mode".... not today and maybe not tomorrow too.

Last night we went into a huge Crystalline LightBody/Light BEing upgrade and this continues strongly. "No receiving" outside stimuli, for my own neural transmitters/receivers are going through a huge upgrade/tuning/re-calibration process and we learn to honor these processes above all.

Jennifer Hoffman - December 2016 Energy Report - December 4, 2016

Every year comes to an end and this is the final month of 2016, a year of clearing and fransformation that has been challenging but we’re at the end point. I started to write this report several times and could not finish it for reasons that had to do with the collective intention to stand up for its truth and we have seen a lot of that in recent days. If you’re familiar with the Standing Rock protest against the Dakota Access pipeline route through their water source it was denied today, after heavy protest and the presence of 2,000 US veterans. This is a significant moment for us and it changes the landscape for 2017. We have been challenged to stand up for what we believe in and for what benefits the collective. Standing up can lead to a stand off or a stand down but one thing we have learned with this situation is that the power rests with us, the people, and in a 5D paradigm power does not corrupt, it unites.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way - December 4, 2016

Dear One,

These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.

Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Experiences of Grace will continue - December 4, 2016, dear ones. Again we come together in love and understanding, and with a mutual desire for truth. Each day becomes new as global and individual awareness grows for as consciousness unfolds and expands, so do its outer expressions.

Many of you are beginning to have experiences of synchronicity as you go about your day. Solutions now seem to appear more easily, and issues that previously caused distress or worry no longer feel important. These are the fruits of your expanding consciousness, one that is coming into alignment with truth's grace and harmony.

Experiences of Grace will continue to increase as you live out from your highest level of awareness, letting the truth you know flow into and through all daily activities. As you allow the truth you know to flow out, more is given.

Evolution is a never ending journey into spiritual awareness for Divine Consciousness is infinite.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re the Parent Clearing Boogeymen Now - December 4, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you wish to rewind your personal clock, to start over. Such is not possible any more than you can unbirth yourself once you entered earth. So you adjust to life as it is.

Even though you can transition if you wish, you will not most likely for the reasons you entered earth in this lifetime. Perhaps those of you who accept challenges – which is most of you reading these words – take that last statement as a dare. It is not. It is merely stating your reality at this time.

Your world might seem gray, lifeless, unexciting or any number of words that tell you that you are too tired to continue with this silly shift process.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 4, 2016

La imagen puede contener: océano, cielo, nube, exterior, naturaleza y agua

It is true that sometimes difficult people will show up in your life to mirror to you what you need to work on. But they can also show up momentarily in your life to help you see how far you've come. How would you ever know how much you had grown if you never had a means to measure it by? As you continue to evolve you will always be getting opportunities to see how you can view and handle things differently based on your newest level of mastery. 

From this viewpoint you will be able to see that everything serves you, even the challenging situations. As you continue on your enlightenment journey you will get better and better at handling those situations and they will become more sporadic. Do not put untoward pressure on yourself or make yourself wrong for having an experience. You are all growing and evolving in the speed and ways that are perfect for you. Rest assured you will eventually be able to see it all through the lens of love, for love is always the base you will return to. ~Archangel Gabriel

sábado, diciembre 03, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Neural Receptors Upgrade... - 12/3/2016


After a huge day of Crystalline Upgrades we went into "wow" Crystalline LightBody tuning....

In August we went through a sub-neural net(work) upgrade that was beyond intense for the overlay embedding in our crystalline structures. Tonight the word was "neural receptors" (we've gone through neural transmitters for years). This one is "new" and upper spine area to the base of the neck and whole across the back of this area going through major integration of these light encodements and re-calibration too. Physical body upgrades no where as intense as other times (yet, lol). Some may not experience anything. This is for those who do. I'll share more later as I know. Long day of awesomeness. Time for me to love my body after a nice bath and chill too! Love and happy upgrades. We love upgrades!!!! Nighty night. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼