martes, marzo 01, 2016

Lena Stevens - The main theme for March is FIRE IT UP-POWER IT UP!

It is time for the resets, committed choices and greater intentions to ignite, take flight and move into action. We have great support this month for these themes with two eclipses and a powerful equinox time, events that always support great change. Much of the transformation and change so far has been internal and personal. This month inspires the internal changes to collect some much-needed fuel, fire up, and move towards outward manifestation.

The potential for great movement this month can bring up two fears. The first one is being out of control with how quickly and powerfully things are happening in your life. The attempt to control the energy out of this fear may bring anxiety, panic and irrational or overly aggressive behavior.

Jim Self - Webinar - Aligning the Two Still Points - Part Two

Jennifer Hoffman - March Energy Report 2016 - March 1, 2016

As I was thinking about March’s energy, the words ‘rise and shine’ came to me. And I think that’s appropriate for this very busy month. It is said that the month of March ‘comes in like a lion and out like a lamb’. While that term refers to the weather, I think that on an energetic level we’re going to hear a few roars this month, there is so much going on. The month begins in the 9th week of the year with a 9 year vibration, 9 is the number of completion and ‘heaven on earth’, and all types of completion are supported. March is the third month and with the 9 of 2016 ( 9 + 3 = 12 or 3) we have a double 3 vibration all month, the number of Enlightened Mastery. Then we have two eclipses and the solstice, as well as the usual ongoing heavy planetary activity in the background. If you have been wanting forward movement, this may be your time to blast off, just remember to stay grounded, it’s easy to lose your footing when there is this much activity going on.

World Sound Healing Day Feb 14th Gaia’s Heart Healing Matrix Humanity Sacred Seals

 1 mar. 2016
Forgive for the shaky camera felt this had merit to be shared of Gaia's transmission.
1st World Sound Healing Day Valentines Feb. 14, at Unity of Sedona AZ. ~ Shekina Rose, Shekinah Harmonic Vocalist in the Shekinah Angelic Language of Light in the 528 Hz miracles and transformation

JONATHAN GOLDMAN 14th annual World Sound Healing Day

Thousands throughout the planet gathered for the 14th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Sunday, February 14, 2016. At 12 noon for 5 minutes with the sound "AH", and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.
for Global Harmonization, planetary peace and healing. Please
visit Healing Sounds for more information.

Shekina does not consider herself a singer, but sings and tones only to bring in the Language of Light, the Holy Frequencies of Creation, where she was attuned when she went to Heaven and back through a near death experience. In an amazing discovery, science has analyzed her voice and a physicist verified that not only do her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz Love, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin. This level frequency of sound can heal cancer, raise Chi or Om Energy beyond comparison and awaken the soul to its highest potential.

The Lost Ancient Solfeggio Scale

Shekina's voice transmissions have been analyzed by a physicist, and her vocals resonate to the frequency of 528 Hz Love Solfeggio—Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair) and, amazingly, six other frequencies.

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL –741 Hz– Expression/Solutions
LA – 852 Hz – Awakening Intuition

Kryon "The Joy of Spirit" 2016

lunes, febrero 29, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Earth Sun Moon Merge, Terra Nova, Sleep, Powerful Light Upgrades, Another Trinity Activation - 2/29/2016

Two nights ago we started a huge blast of light. Massive sleep and integration, massive light knowledge, portals to everything open and so much information. This continues now, with huge solar waves, crystalline and super high frequencies. The words then were "sumo tryptophan", "triangulation" and the activation of geometric triangles, and "supra hybridization". We had another HUGE Trinity Activation and in every moment now something is activating. I'll share more as we go. ♥

In observing the completion of Earth's Ascension and the final merge of Mama Earth/Gaia and Our SOLar Sun, we now complete the merge the Moon's frequencies this month, which is beyond HUGE!

Ron Head - The Council – Truth is Truth is Truth - Feb 29, 2016

We will address the subject of messages that arouse comments of “that was nothing new” or “that was based on the work of so and so” today. We are not attempting to judge anyone’s viewpoint. We do not do that. We are going to approach this in several ways in order to explain why the messages you receive and the teachings that you are finding are, as you may perceive, not new. In fact, we will say, if it is new, please examine it very carefully.

You are in a time of remembering things and applying things that have been known for millennia and much longer. The truth is that you are bringing forth knowledge that many of you have learned, relearned, and then learned again. You are exposing, if you will, things which have been known as true for eons.

Brenda Hoffman - Creating Without Repercussion Fears - 29 February, 2016

Dear Ones,

Today is the first day of the rest of your life on earth in this lifetime. Even though that statement sounds a bit grandiose, it is merely a reminder of your newly activated skill set.
You have always had the skills you are curtailing (curtailing is the correct word) now, but you did whatever was required of 3D you to disclaim, deny or ignore those skills. And it continues to be easier for you to ignore your new being than to accept and explore it.
That last statement is to explain why you have not created that which you wish to create. You are most likely thinking that such words are another delay tactic or carrot to draw you further into this make-believe world created by this and other channels. Such is not true for you ARE the creators of your world – including the world you are sitting or standing in this very moment.

Selacia - Vista Previa de las Energías de Marzo - 27 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cierta poderosa energía viene durante marzo, asistiéndoles potencialmente para recomenzar cosas dejadas en segundo plano o hacer nacer proyectos totalmente nuevos. En este artículo les daré el panorama mayor de lo que está por desplegarse y algunos consejos para navegar a través del tumulto con recursos hábiles. Sus respuestas a las energías de marzo les ayudará a determinar sus progresos durante los meses siguientes.

Los Temas en Marzo

Incertidumbre - Si todavía no están sintiendo la intensa incertidumbre en el aire, prepárense a conectarse con ese tema en marzo. La incertidumbre se verá en el escenario mundial, en los negocios, en las reformas sociales, y en niveles muy personales.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 28 de Febrero al 6 de Marzo, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Están experimentando los efectos de las descargas anteriores que se han dado y se están encontrando yendo hacia su interior en la medida que les llegan las revelaciones. Se está realizando mucho trabajo interno cuando comprenden que, de alguna manera a lo largo del camino, se han convertido en los observadores de sus propias vidas. Este es un poderoso avance y les servirá de mucho cuando los pensamientos fluyan a la superficie. Entonces podrán simplemente decirse a sí mismo, "Oh, esto es energía vieja, no necesito hacer nada con esto, elijo dejarlo ir." Reemplacen estos pensamientos inmediatamente por otros más felices y potenciadores que los haga sentir bien y felices por algo positivo que esté ocurriendo en sus vidas. ¡Esto son USTEDES asumiendo su poder personal con un pensamiento a la vez!