viernes, mayo 01, 2015

Diana Cooper - A healing for Nepal and higher perspective on the disaster. #prayerfornepal

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué Edad Tienes? - Bologna, Italia, domingo 19 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente, mi socio da un paso a un lado. Para él esto es un proceso. Después de tanto tiempo, pasa por el mismo proceso, porque dar un paso fuera de sí mismo a veces requiere un linealidad de unidad. Le requirió algún tiempo aprender cómo, pero en este proceso flota por encima, observa; podría entrar en cualquier momento, él puede fundirse con Kryon. Aprendió estas cosas. Pero en general tiene que salir de en medio, en esa pureza que durante estos años ha aumentado más y más a medida que comprendía que tenía que salirse completa y totalmente del camino. Solo menciono esto por lo que va a llegar en los próximos minutos.

Quiero darles una mayor perspectiva de la benevolencia del Creador. Mi socio ya oyó esto en su idioma, pero quiero exponerlo otra vez para los italianos, para honrar esta cultura y para que quienes oigan esto sepan un poco más sobre la grandeza de quiénes son ustedes. Para esto, deberán suspender su creencia por un corto período.

Ron Head - No decision is ever made without your express consent. - May 1, 2015

Michael and The Councils
 Our topic for discussion today is The Councils.  All of you have experience of these.  Many of you have memories and dreams of this.  Even the very best efforts to describe these to you will fall very far short, but you have reached a level of awareness now that makes it possible to begin acquainting your conscious minds with this image, this interpretation of ‘how things work’.

More and more of you, in your remembrance of dreams or meditations are seeing what you variously call auditoriums, amphitheaters, or council chambers.  Most are seeing these as of immense size and participation.  This is, in actuality, a representation you have constructed to allow understanding of an energetic event which you have witnessed.  Such things must be ‘seen’ by you in this way in order to understand the events you participate in.


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

“Filosofía Espiritual Para La Evolución De La Humanidad”

Amados maestros, muchos de ustedes se sienten como si estuviesen en el último tramo de una larga y difícil carrera y su energía y entusiasmo decaen. Se están desencantando más y más con el glamur de su existencia mundana y las cosas que los entusiasmaban parecen algo aburridas y opacas. Esto se debe a que están cambiando, entrando y saliendo de dos realidades totalmente diferentes o de varias dimensiones a la vez. También, sus cuatro sistemas corporales inferiores (físico, mental, emocional y etérico) están tratando de ajustarse y ponerse a tono con las muchas Facetas de su Yo Superior, las cuales están integrando en una base regular y acelerada. Esto ha recargado con mucho estrés y esfuerzo su vehículo terrenal.

Benjamin Fulford - April 27, 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.

To bolster is bargaining position, the Pentagon is undertaking some large scale moves against China. Pentagon sources say last week’s earthquake in Nepal was generated using high energy electronic waves. The aim was to send a message to both China and India prior to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s planned trip to India next month, the sources say. The basic message was “only the Pentagon can defend India against China.”

This demonstration was part of a concerted push by the Pentagon to get India, Russia, China and Japan to see recent Chinese moves in the South China Sea as evidence China is an aggressor that needs to be contained. As a part of this push, the Pentagon is about to announce an end to its arms embargo against Vietnam and the construction of 8 US military bases in the Philippines, the sources continued. The Pentagon sources say that deep seated Russian fears of the “yellow peril” are coming to the surface again and that Russia will cooperate with them against China militarily.

Crop Circles 2015 - Hoeven, Netherlands - 28th april 2015 - UFO 2015 UK

Star Children and Indigo Children [FULL VIDEO]

Sarah Varcas - Honesty is the Best Policy - May 1, 2015

May 2015 raises the issue of relationship: with ourselves, each other and our environment both near and far. We simply cannot go it alone, is the basic message of this month, nor can we expect others to do it for us. It is time to take full responsibility for ourselves whilst simultaneously recognising that we do nothing in isolation. Every thought, word and deed impacts and is impacted by everyone and everything around us. We act both as individuals and as a collective, standing alone and forever entwined. Within this central paradox of the human condition is found the mystery of the divine which expresses itself through us, as us and aside from us. Recognising ourselves as both instruments of creation and creators in our own right is necessary now, for we must, in coming months, be clear in our actions, knowing what is needed to further the common good rather than focusing only on what serves our personal gain. The two cannot be separated now, for if personal gain contravenes the common good we will reap only isolation. And if the common good appears as an obstacle to personal gain a realignment of priorities may be required.

Pixels Movie shows September 23rd as start of "alien invasion" and meteorite strike

Messenger's final image before crashing into the surface of Mercury The Cosmos News The Cosmos News