viernes, abril 24, 2015

Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - Using Awareness to Create More Freedom - April 24, 2015

Hello Beautiful Souls,
There is great enthusiasm in your non-physical family of light, for the potential for divine embodiment is expanding. It is such a great pleasure to connect in this way. To know you and to participate in this amazing experience you are creating and drawing forth into form, which is, the leading edge of life on Earth.
We in the non-physical, we the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, we the Angelic, we the Ascended Masters, we your friends in the non-physical, we love this collaboration with you. We are focused upon the perpetual unfolding of Earth and we are invested in this in a profound and substantial way, even if we are not there with you in form, and so we wish to convey to you today, how powerful your choices are, how important your choices are, and how wonderful your freedom is.
It is an amazing thing to be in a realm such as you find yourself and to have the capacity for freedom. Of course the use of this capacity can be impaired by many things.

jueves, abril 23, 2015

HUGE UFO Armada - Galactic Fleet Arrival of the Sun, April 22 - 23, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - April 20, 2015: US Corporate government goes bankrupt on April 17th, refuses to acknowledge

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C. extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to, according to Chinese government and CIA sources. For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt, the sources say. However, the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive.

This can be confirmed in the corporate propaganda and government news wires around the world in reports about the Washington IMF/World Bank meetings that ran from April 16-18. The news reports to the general public do not mention the word bankruptcy but rather say things like 19 out of the 20 so-called G20 countries are angry that the US will not give up its veto over the World Bank and IMF. In other words the US government has been publicly repudiated by leaders of 19 out of the 20 top economies.

The current US situation reminds of an old joke my mother told me about a woman watching a military parade and shouting proudly “look my son is the only one marching in step.”

Underneath the surface too, there is a lot of spy movie type subterfuge going on involving high denomination bonds, identity theft, murder and secret negotiations as various players jockey for position in the emerging new financial system.

Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Archangel Gabriel - April 23, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as sovereignty. This quality gives one the ability to connect and utilize the absolute internal power that is their innate birthright.  They are connected within to a quiet, simple place where they know that they are enough just as they are in this moment, that they are beautiful and worthy, that they no longer have a need to justify their personal existence in this world to themselves or anyone else. As each individual brings balance of the divine masculine and feminine within them, they become more loving and compassionate with themselves and all others. They become passionately engaged with their true authentic selves and in the expressing of this truth in the world around them.  They begin to bring more meaning and depth to all aspects of their lives, their work, their relationships and their vision of the future. They are more consciously aware of their inner beauty and strength, and of the profound circle of love and support of family and friends. They see the world as a safe, secure and loving place where they are deeply supported and empowered to be the best that they can be. They step into the power and radiating imperatives of their own inner sovereignty.


Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Regreso de los Maestros Introducción - Estambul, Turquía, domingo 12 de abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Quienes puedan estar escuchando mi voz más tarde no saben qué enseñanza se ha dado recién. Es una idea profunda de que el individuo puede ser capaz de controlar su propia vida. No sólo de sí mismos sino tal vez de la sincronicidad de lo que le sucede. Es una idea acelerada, parte de la nueva energía. Sin embargo, algunos de los que escuchan esto y de los presentes en el salón han estado usando estos principios toda su vida.

Quiero felicitar a los que están aquí y los que escuchan, por trabajar con estos conceptos avanzados durante tanto tiempo. El sanador sabe exactamente que no sana: que cambia la energía de modo que el que está frente a él pueda sanarse a sí mismo. Entonces, comprende que la consciencia del ser humano puede sanar la propia vida. Podría decirse que los sanadores, por lo tanto, son especialistas en creencia (se ríe). Es más grande que eso; es más complejo.

Master Lanto: Shine Your Radiance ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda - April 23, 2015

Master LantoReceived April 22, 2015

Greetings, I AM Master Lanto, greeting you from afar, yet right next to you in your field of Light if you allow me.
I wish to speak to you about Radiance. Radiance is comprised of many things. Exalt within your own Radiance, for it is the spark that drives your Soul. It is YOU in your essential form. It is All-That-Is.
You are awash in your own Radiance when you bow to yourself and accept all that is YOU in its purest form: LOVE. Loving yourself and accepting yourself is key, as you well know. But do you live it day in and day out — Moment by Moment….In the NOW?
Every flaw, every obstacle, every struggle, every seeming impediment of your Happiness, is indeed only LOVE attempting to take hold on a deeper level of YOU.

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 1/3 FR

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 2/3 FR

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 3/3 ANNONCE

Clés des Pléiades pour la Bibliothèque vivante 3/3 FR

Sandra Walter - Divine Delineation and the SUNrise within - Apr 23, 2015

the animation of Stardust,
the Krysthl garden in bloom,
and the Divine wisdom interface.
And So Are You.

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
As odd as it may seem to experience separation on the way to Unity consciousness, we do have a large portion of the collective experiencing heightened states of Source consciousness which are brand new. It feels remarkable and requires great inner strength. Our Higher Teams ask that all Lightservers experiencing the new perception, Christ consciousness embodiment and multidimensional merge sequences connect in this Divine mission via the higher planes of consciousness. Unify in your Mastery, beloveds. Be a pure conduit and interface for the Higher Self and Higher realms to flow and thread the Crystalline consciousness into this realm. It does take a good deal of focus.

Jennifer Hoffman - Forgiveness without Regret - April 23, 2015

I was thinking about forgiveness today and what a difficult subject it can be to talk about, consider, and take action on. What we think we have to forgive is usually something that is hard to let go of, people can do terrible things to each other and there are things that we think are unforgiveable, if we look at forgiveness as a pardon or absolution, as if what they did was not important or didn’t matter to us.
Because it does matter, a lot.
The things we think we should or must forgive are those things whose memory stays with us for a long time. We remember the hurt that others do us and no matter how long ago it happened, the memory can evoke feelings that hurt as much today as they did when the situation happened.
But that’s not looking at forgiveness the ‘right’ way because aside from the emotions that we harbor around these situations there is another, more powerful way to look at forgiveness and that is from an energetic standpoint. You see, forgiveness is, first and foremost, all about energy. Sure there are a lot of emotions around it but it allows us to disconnect from these emotions because it releases the energetic hold they have on us.