martes, noviembre 19, 2024

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Tap into this Powerful Tool that You All Have - Mov 19, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We understand you and where you’re coming from, where your motivations are, and we wish for you to know these things about yourselves as well. We invite you to see yourselves as always having an agenda, or to put it another way, an intention, and we advise you to know what that intention is. When you are having a conversation with another person, and you’re about to share something with that person, understand what your intention is for saying what you are about to say. When you are about to take an action, understand what the intention is for the outcome of that action.

lunes, noviembre 18, 2024

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - LA ENERGÍA DEL MAESTRO

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos amigos,

Yo soy Jeshua. Os saludo con amor y calidez. Sois muy bienvenidos, aquí en esta reunión y, en un sentido más amplio, aquí en la Tierra. Hay tal necesidad de vosotros, estáis cambiando las cosas. Os habéis adentrado en un camino interior que ayuda a transformar la consciencia en la Tierra, y esto es necesario en estos tiempos. Hay necesidad de aquellos que preparan el camino, pioneros que son necesarios para recorrer nuevos caminos de consciencia.

Brenda Hoffman - The Final Divide of 3D and Beyond 3D - November 18, 2024

Dear Ones,

Your new world is likely not at all what you hoped for. In truth, it feels darker and heavier than before the latest astrological events touted by many spiritual Earth beings.

This is because you elected to fully see the fear and heaviness, so those on the fence about 3D or beyond 3D cannot blame others for not knowing about those two options. The fear and heaviness are becoming so obvious that one would have to be shut away without media or outside contact because the power struggles are so apparent.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es Posible Tener tu Alma Atascada? - Primer Miércoles de Sanación 4 de Septiembre de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Primer Miércoles de Sanación 4 de Septiembre de 2024

¿Es Posible Tener tu Alma Atascada?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para algunos de ustedes es un concepto extraño; para muchos, es lo que aprendieron. Quiero que se relajen por un momento mientras les cuento otra historia. Tal vez. Una historia sobre un alma magnífica; no un alma inclinada a los atributos tridimensionales y a un paradigma; un alma que no es castigada ni recompensada, un alma que no queda atascada en algún lugar entre el cielo y el infierno. Todas esas cosas que recién les he mencionado son constructos del humano. Imitando una plantilla de la existencia humana; no de la existencia divina.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday November 18, 2024

Have you noticed how your love relationships enjoy such a glorious time of wonder and connection in the beginning, and over time start to feel less and less magical? Have you wondered why that happens?

The reason for that is because you enter the relationship from a space of openness and appreciation but don’t consciously keep up that positive focus, and slowly start to shift from gratitude, unconditional love, and acceptance for each other into the lack of appreciation for them that you call taking for granted.

Judith Kusel - We have stepped into a new period of Transfiguration - Nov 18, 2024

We have stepped into a new period of Transfiguration where we are asked to truly now access our ineffable soul attributes, knowledge and wisdom and into full Soul Empowerment.

Lord Melchizedek this morning used the symbol of the seed. The seed is now changing form and is sprouting through the earth, and now slowly but surely takes on the form of a mighty tree.
This is the growing process of the sapling growing into a mighty tree. Not just an earthly tree, but a cosmic tree!

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - How to Pray Properly & Receive What You Want - Nov 18, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I know how you all have to face so many challenges in your lives and how you often seek out help from above. There is a proper way, an appropriate way for you to do this. First of all, acknowledge that you have created everything as it is in the present moment. Secondly, acknowledge that it serves you and everyone else for everything to be exactly as it is right now. Third, acknowledge that where you want to go from where you are already is. In other words, you will simply move to where you want to go where circumstances will be different.

domingo, noviembre 17, 2024

Aurora Ray - You Will Ascend And Live In The City Of Light - Nov 17, 2024


You Will Ascend And Live In The City Of Light

Today, I'd like to talk to you about what it'll be like when we go through this galactic ascension process, when we go through this change as a species on planet Earth and as a solar system that will make us all indestructible in some way, or at least give us the opportunity to be indestructible.

The reason I say this is because there are going to be some big changes coming up soon on planet Earth, and those changes involve taking us from being physical beings existing in what's called third density.

Steve Rother - Proyecto Banco del Parque - 10 de Noviembre, 2024

Proyecto Banco del Parque

10 de Noviembre de 2024

Steve Rother:

¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos al Banco del Parque hoy. Nos honra estar con ustedes aquí. El mundo está cambiando a paso muy rápido ahora. Todos tenemos que encontrar nuestro pequeño espacio y nuestra oportunidad para hacer servicio de la mejor manera posible. Y tenemos mucho para eso, con que vamos a estar trabajando aquí hoy.

November 17, 2024 - Project Park Bench