martes, mayo 24, 2016

Sheldan Nidle - May 24, 2016

2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jarin! Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been forced to wait for the proper time in which to strike. At present, the dark and its main minions associated with the regime known as USA, Inc. have been given a certain degree of leeway. This has allowed them to engage in some skullduggery on a global scale. The Light is prepared to conclude this odd part of your history. The dark believes that the Light is incapable of launching the type of massive counterattack required to put a quick end to their shenanigans. Meanwhile, our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to do exactly that. In our case, it is to be surreptitious, which is covered by the joint actions of a number of friendly military forces. These joint actions have previously been able to limit the reach of the dark’s sponsored terrorist forces. The aim is to eventually cut off and finally debilitate those dark elements that seek to maintain instability in some areas on your globe. Meanwhile, the Light is readying its attacks that are to finally take down USA, Inc. and its numerous allies.

Ground breaking 3D images show HIDDEN TUNNELS deep inside the mysterious pyramids

lunes, mayo 23, 2016

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 23/05/16

Jennifer Hoffman - The Corded Path and the Light Path - May 23, 2016

As you proceed along the ascension path your life’s possibilities shift and new portals of potential open for your consideration.  Knowing your path in these times is difficult because it appears to be changing constantly although what you choose becomes the next step on your path. The final outcome is always your choice. As your energies shift options you did not imagine were possible for you become available. And lifelong dreams, things you have worked towards believing that they were part of your path, suddenly come to an end.
What you are learning is that as light workers who are transitioning to light beacons you have an option to follow the corded path of destiny and karma or the path of light, which is an endless flow of energy that expands outward with each step you take. Your path of healing can transition into the path of wholeness and congruence when you choose which path you will follow, the one that is not of doing but of being and you must, at some point, choose whether you will walk the corded path or the light path.

Benjamin Fulford 5-23-16… “The head of the Khazarian mafia is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild” - May 23, 2016

Posted by benjamin,

The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA. Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen and many other currencies, not including the Chinese yuan or the Russian ruble. It was Rothschild who stood in the way when the Asian elders offered gold at a 13% discount in order to set up a future planning agency charged with ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction turning this planet into a paradise. The plan is supported by the BRICS nations, the Pentagon, most of the agencies and even many of Rothschild’s own relatives.

Brenda Hoffman - NO! - May 23, 2016

Dear Ones,
You are clarifying your being and direction – not always an easy task for you are used to pleasing others, doing a tap dance of society rightness, despite misgivings about how that society rightness might affect you. You are discovering it is too uncomfortable not to be you – no matter the consequences.
Until now, most of you tip-toed around your feelings and how you wished to function.
The past few days, many of you discovered personal cover-ups are no longer possible. That if you betray your inner being, you physical or emotional body creates a discomfort informing you that you have gone astray.

domingo, mayo 22, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - Illumination and Inspiration - 5-22-16

Dear Ones,

I wish to speak to you today of Freedom. I begin by saying that it is helpful to orient oneself to the perspective of seeing one’s life as having the freedom TO do or be, as opposed to freedom From something. With this focus you are free to move beyond and clear old patterns with the intention to move forward into the Light and your new life without dwelling on the past, which is just your learning ground. And with moving forward and embracing and inhabiting what you have learned, you are free to catapult to wider expansive realities, which is your true birthright.

Freedom is the allowance and acceptance of the expansion to one’s True Being, to discover the infinite possibilities. It is to extend oneself beyond limitations. It is the opening of the doors that are just waiting to be opened, what you are being encouraged to open by your Higher Self. It is the ultimate sacrifice of, and letting go of, one’s limiting boundaries, self-imposed as they are.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Living & Existing on Higher Density Physical Planes as You Expand & Embody Light

Mike Quinsey - canalización de su Ser Superior -..."tienes” y “no tienes” no será aceptable… - 20-05-2016

Estad seguros de que todo progresa bien y que aún están ocurriendo muchas cosas tras las escenas.

Tal y como lo vemos nosotros, los dos próximos meses podrían demostrar ser los más importantes de los tiempos recientes.
Se ha anticipado que los acontecimientos habrán avanzado lo suficiente para que se haga un anuncio que será el comienzo de muchos otros más sacando la verdad a la luz.
En realidad, no se ha perdido ningún tiempo en absoluto, porque han estado ocurriendo muchas cosas lejos del alcance de los Oscuros.
Realmente, según pasa el tiempo está disminuyendo rápidamente su poder y el trabajo de los de la Luz se está acelerando su avance.
Las energías de la Nueva Era están sacando la verdad a la luz, resultando en una elevación de las vibraciones.
Muchos avances que se han mantenido reprimidos están comenzando a salir a la superficie, y sobre todo los que está difundiendo la Fundación Keshe.
Durante muchos años sus inventos han sido contenidos, pero ya no, porque ahora hay muchos que están siendo difundidos por los que desean verlos entrar en el dominio público.

2016 Graham Hancock : An Updated View of True Human History - Wow ! Stunning!!!