miércoles, diciembre 04, 2024

Daniel Scranton -St. Germain - Catapult Yourself to a Better Experience - Dec 4, 2024

"I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I am ready to remind you of what you set out to do in this lifetime, no matter who you are, and it is my hope that you are ready to hear this. You did set out to grow, to expand, to become more of who and what you really are. And you did come to have experiences, not all of them ‘good,’ in your sense of the definition of the word. Now, does that mean that you cannot create for yourself a beautiful life? Does that take away the beauty of the life you are living to know that?

martes, diciembre 03, 2024

Patricia Cota-Robles - Allanando el camino para el Nuevo Año 2025 - Dic 1, 2024

Allanando el camino para el Nuevo Año 2025
Patricia Cota-Robles
Diciembre 1, 2024
Traducción: Alicia Virelli 
Ahora estamos ingresando a la segunda mitad del proceso de purificación de 40 días que ustedes, yo y el resto de la Humanidad que está Despertando hemos estado co-creando con nuestro Padre-Madre Dios, los Poderosos Elohim, los Directores del Reino Elemental, todos los Seres Elementales, nuestros Ancestros Indígenas de todos los marcos de tiempo y dimensión, Saint Germain y sus Legiones de Arcángeles de la Llama Violeta y los Seres Cósmicos de nuestro Gran Sol Central y de todo el Universo desde el 11 de noviembre – a las 11:11. Esta poderosa actividad de 40 días de la Llama Violeta del Perdón Cósmico de Dios se materializará en el Solsticio del 21 de diciembre, allanando así el camino para el nacimiento del Año Nuevo 2025. 

Judith Kusel - Consciousness and awareness go hand in hand - Dec 3, 2024

Consciousness and awareness go hand in hand.

As consciousness awakens, awareness awakens and the ability to tune into cosmic information you could not access before. This is all part of the “enlightenment” process.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - I AM/WE ARE: Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches - Dec 3, 2024

In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 3, 2024


Joyful service serves all for it is just as much a gift to give it as it is to receive it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message December 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

At the time of New Year your Earth will formally enter a new era of awakening, a completely new phase, a pathway opening that begins a higher cycle. A shift of unlimited potential for humanity, allowing those of you on the path to enter another realm of your multidimensional consciousness. Simultaneously to this happening all the Universal energetic systems will be impacted. This process is all pre-destined for a completely new cycle of awakening for a rapid reset for the entire Universe. Understand as your Earth enters this transitional phase of vast change our resident Universe can go through another alignment to the God Seat of Power.

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - The time has come for humanity to heal its connection with the Soul of the Earth and the Soul of God within - Dec 3, 2024

The time has come for humanity to heal its connection with the Soul of the Earth and the Soul of God within. This is the hurdle humanity faces before it can enter the new Earth frequencies. Humanity's disconnect with the universe has created an age old based on a false reality / false program that is not sustainable in the near future. These false realities cannot evolve or ascend with the Universe as Earth speeds forward into a new phase within infinite creation, the great ocean, the great void.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Your Blockages & Challenges - Dec 3, 2024

“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of non-physical beings and we are here to help.

We know that many of you are facing bigger challenges than you would ever choose for yourselves in this moment, and we know that you are missing the point of the challenge when you feel overwhelmed by it. The challenge is always there to get you to grow and to take the expansion that is being offered to you by the circumstances of your life. Sometimes you are meant to take a detour. Sometimes it is better for you to do something else than what you originally aspired to do.

lunes, diciembre 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - A deep reminder that we are here - Dec 2, 2024

A deep reminder that we are here, as souls to now fully step into our highest soul purpose and mission, with love and joy, as we agreed to do before we were born, and have been prepared for, for thousands, and for some, millions of earth years ago.