miércoles, agosto 28, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Should You Wait for Your Manifestations? - Aug 28, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We understand you even though we cannot relate to everything that you are experiencing there on Earth because it is so different from our nonphysical plane of existence. We invite you to consider the possibility that you can be helped by those who are living something quite different from what you are living. You know what you need, and you know you have the free will to create what you want to create. We will supply the energy as universal architects within this universe, to help you with those creations.

martes, agosto 27, 2024

Jamye Price - September 2024 Ascension Energies – Preparing the Body



Hello Powerful Light!

We are heading into Equinox month and we have an eclipse a few days before that. These are powerful times of change. Rollercoastery, so I'm trying to remember to enjoy the ride in all of it's ways. 

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío? - Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 17 de julio de 2024

¿Es Posible que Dios Interfiera con el Libre Albedrío?

Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Es posible que Dios interfiera con el libre albedrío? Aquí está la respuesta: “Bueno, por supuesto que no”. “Bueno, tal vez”. Ah, ok. (se ríe) Tengo que explicar esto. Y quiero hacerlo. Quiero que todos ustedes sepan cómo funciona esto.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 27, 2024

Dear Ones, all growth is an internal decision. You cannot force growth in another, nor can you assume responsibility for what another person does or does not do.

Ascension Explosion: Experiencing the Power and Magic of Ascension Waves!

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Your Multidimensional Self - Aug 27, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

We who exist in the twelfth dimension also recognize that we exist in all dimensions. We recognize that the expression of who and what we are is not limited to one self, not limited to one dimension. And certainly, we don’t feel limited by being just a part of one star system, one galaxy, or even one universe. We encourage you to see yourselves as multidimensional beings of love and light. We encourage you to look beyond your singular expression in the dimension you find yourselves in right now.

lunes, agosto 26, 2024

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday August 26, 2024

Dear Ones, we are always available to you. Always. As you will experience us most times as a subtle energy, your ability to sense our presence largely depends on your level of awareness.

Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware. How can you tell if there are changes around you if you do not know how you feel in the first place? Check in with yourself. Are you warm or are you cold? Do you have any sensations to note in your body? Once you have made yourself aware of how you are feeling, then ask us to make our presence known to you.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Adónde Van las Almas Cuando Mueren? - Miércoles de Sanación 26 de junio de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 26 de junio de 2024

¿Adónde Van las Almas Cuando Mueren? 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Qué pregunta, realmente. Esta es la última canalización del mes, y es la última de la serie de los grandes misterios en su interior. Hemos estado diciéndoles durante todo el mes, queridos, que lo que está en el interior del ser humano es asombroso. Ustedes no obtienen ningún crédito más allá de lo que ven, y sin embargo en su interior no está solo la maestría; está el control sobre la consciencia, sobre la Física. Sobre mucho de lo que no tienen ni idea. Y es un misterio.

Brenda Hoffman - Being a Forerunner Isn’t Always Comfortable - Aug 26, 2024

Dear Ones,

What happens to you and those you love once you fully claim yourself by crossing your bridge to new you? Will you remain who you are, or will you be so different that you do not need to complete anything now? Will the heavens open with golden sunshine day after day? Will you like your new self or the new self of those you love?