martes, junio 04, 2024

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 4, 2024

Dear Ones, your world is in a time that is ripe for change. The shift that is being made is from old 3D models of power into authentic power, or empowerment. This is why you are seeing displays of power that seem outrageous and amplified. These acts not only get people’s attention, they also get people thinking about what power is, and what it isn’t.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Removing Your Stuck & Blocked Energy - Jun 4, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are being in this moment what you were created to be, and you are having the experiences that serve this version of Source Energy that you are. You get to have these experiences. You are not forced to by any force outside of you. When you accept that your life is as it needs to be right now, you get to move on to something else. You get to have new experiences after the acceptance of the experiences that you are having. When you deem them all to be okay by your standards, then you get to have a set of new ones. And yes, your preferences matter.

lunes, junio 03, 2024

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message June 2024 Article - Jun 3, 2024

Pleiadian Message June 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

There is a natural vast shift within the rhythm of pure light that is creating a series of layered transformational structures to anchor throughout the earth plane. These multidimensional shifts are designed to build higher elevations of consciousness for those of you who are awakening. There is a celebration throughout the entire Universal realms as we witness those of you on this path accelerate further within your evolutionary process. We witness you begin to play a much more conscious role in your awakening process.

Can a Human really achieve Mastery? - Destiny of Mastery Part 2

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday June 3, 2024

Dear Ones, discomfort is simply a redirectional tool. You are not being tested, being taught a lesson, being punished, missing the boat, or needing to prove yourself in any way. All the discomfort is saying to you is, “Not this way”, and encouraging you to try another route. It is simply a means of self guidance. It is not one bit more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Brenda Hoffman - Living “The Wizard of OZ” - Jun 3, 2024

Dear Ones,

Slowly but surely, you will pull away from 3D words and actions. Not because they are wrong for 3D, but because they are wrong for you.

This transition is not, about and …, but about this and only this. What was, including 3D you, is no longer. What is now is shifting you inside and out, as well as your interactions and, therefore, your culture.

M4.8-Class Solar Flare With a Spectacular Plasma Eruption - June 3. 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Cannot Break this Law of the Universe - Jun 3, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to be visiting with you once again, and we want you to know that we are visiting with you always. And so, what we mean is, visiting with you through this particular channel. We can reach any of you at any time, and it is your openness to us that makes that possible. You are opening yourselves up to connect with whatever it is you are focusing upon in any given moment. And so, if you do not wish to connect with, or vibrate in harmony with, a particular person, government, group, or organization, then take your focus off of that and put your attention on what it is you would like to connect with, what it is you would like to become.

domingo, junio 02, 2024

Natalia Alba - During June we are surrounded by loving and harmonic planetary alignments - Jun 2, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During June we are surrounded by loving and harmonic planetary alignments to help us recalibrate and stabilize our bodies. Energetic clearing is vital at this time, after a long period of integration, and transmutation.

Many of you, as I have witnessed recently, may find yourselves with fatigue, lack of joy, or even depressive feelings, physical symptoms, and other similar ones that indicate a lack of life force and energetic leakages.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Géminis Junio 2024

Le damos la bienvenida al comienzo de un nuevo ciclo lunar el 9 de junio con la Luna Nueva de Géminis, ¡y parece que el Universo está llamando nuestra atención hacia el amor!

Venus, el planeta del amor y las relaciones, está fuertemente entrelazado con las energías de esta Luna Nueva, al igual que Juno, el Asteroide Diosa del matrimonio.