viernes, mayo 03, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Do This & Everything Will Change (for the Better) - May 3, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very true to ourselves in every sense of the word. We will never pretend to be something we are not, and we will always follow our feelings. We are now beings who think and feel without bodies. And so, there is no lying in the ninth dimension because there is no way of hiding what you are thinking or feeling from any other being or collective. We are all open books, and it is very liberating to be that way. Whatever it is you think you need to hide from someone else will probably come out eventually, and you are communicating it to them subconsciously and nonverbally anyway. So you might as well verbalize it in a way that feels good to you.

jueves, mayo 02, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - May 2024 Energy Report - May 2, 2024


As we roll into another month you may think ‘here we go again’ but that would be unwise because nothing is as it seems and everything is shifting we just are not aware of it all. I have a theory about that which I will discuss in the May Energy Report.

May opens with some beautiful blessings and that sets the tone for a month whose theme is abundance, fertility, new growth and beginnings, and the earth. Named after the Greek goddess Maia, the month of May is the start of the growing season so its focus is new growth, blooming, and fresh starts.

Natalia Alba - Emerald Blue Ray Transmissions - May 2, 2024

Beloved Ones,

During May, many of you Blue/Emerald Ray descendants are decoding your unique mission. Each of you, as all of us, brought a distinctive light signature, with the coordinates for you to serve in the locations you have been assigned. During this month many of you will start, whether physically or remotely, moving into the locations where the Divine Masculine is being retrieved, as well as where unification between both essences is possible.

The Secret to Healing Your Inner Child - A Healing Wednesday Experience with Kryon

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday May 2, 2024


Your enlightenment process is a process of self awareness and self responsibility. It is through turning your focus within and discovering your divine essence and capability that you are able to step out of victim consciousness into your authentic power. It is a glorious journey of coming Home to yourself, and from there, moving forward as a creator and servant to all. Might we add that the all includes you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message May 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,

Expect the unexpected as you navigate yourself through this upcoming time frame.

There is much to be joyful about as you choose to take moments within the stillness of your Hearts. Remember you Heart is your guiding light, your only true reference point for your life, your only compass. Your Heart is your tool for living, guiding you into authentic moments of understanding, and clarity that re-aligns you to Home.

Golden Age Unleashed: ETs, Peace, Love, and Unity for Humanity

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The New Age on Earth & What It Means - May 2, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are coming of age there on planet Earth. You are becoming your true selves. You are not only waking up, but you are also growing up. You are becoming more mature as individuals, and that maturity helps you to recognize that you truly are a collective, and as a collective, what affects one of you affects all of you. As a collective, you are ascending, and those of you who are awake want to help the rest of your collective to ascend with greater ease and with an awareness of what is happening, and they are coming.

miércoles, mayo 01, 2024

Natalia Alba - Planetary Emerald Rebirth - Jerusalem Gate Awakening - May 1, 2024

Beloved ones,

We have ahead of us another important transformational month. During May we are going to be immersed in a planetary shift as never before in our human history. This change is propitiated by the rebirth of the emerald ray, for as the entrance points in our earth's grids are being rehabilitated, activating the emerald key planetary portals that anchor this ray, the retrieval of the divine masculine continues, as the elemental transfiguration taking place, during this time.

Aurora Ray - Humanity's Revolutionary Shift from Darkness to Golden Age Accelerates at Unprecedented Speed! - May 1, 2024

Humanity's Revolutionary Shift from Darkness to Golden Age Accelerates at Unprecedented Speed!

Humanity is undergoing a profound transformational journey like no other - the process of ascension from a 3D dark age reality to a 5D golden age reality!

This shift in human consciousness and capabilities has captured widespread attention and fascination throughout the galaxy!