Blessed Beings, March is a turning point, a shift in direction.
With your Awareness, that path is Connection.
While it twists and turns your head learns. Where it is straight you adjust your gait.
Blossom: Hola, una vez más. Para ser honesta, no veo mucho sentido en cubrir el mismo tema una y otra vez con respecto a lo que puede suceder o no. O confiamos en lo que ustedes dicen y seguimos adelante de forma independiente, o no lo hacemos y seguimos adelante independientemente. El punto es… ¡AVANZAR! Tenemos la opción de hacerlo con gran aplomo o revolcarnos en toda la negatividad con la que nos bombardean continuamente. ¿Correcto?
SANANDA(Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times. How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.
Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.