viernes, mayo 19, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity? - May 19, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there on Earth, and we include these transmissions as experiences that we are having with all of you, because we know when you receive the transmission and we feel the effect that each transmission has upon you. We also get all of our ideas about what to broadcast to you from you. So we are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you.

jueves, mayo 18, 2023

Aurora Ray - How To Raise Your Vibration - May 18, 2023

How To Raise Your Vibration

If you are in a situation where it seems like there is no way out, or you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again, recognize that your vibration is in a low place. It doesn't mean that there is no solution. It simply means that you have another opportunity to raise your vibration and move forward.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday May 18, 2023


If you allow your authenticity to be the predominant energy you lead from, you will find it much easier to draw to you the true matches that light you up. Not being willing to shine in your own truth is like hiding under a blanket of other people’s expectations.

How on earth will the people and experiences that are meant for you ever find you if you are doing that? They are looking for your unique energy stamp, your pure vibration, your soul essence, and that is exactly how they will recognize you. So do yourself and those who are waiting for you a favour and allow the truth of you to lead the way.

Pamela Kribbe channels Earth - The Snake in Your Abdomen - May 16, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Earth

Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth.

Feel me in this space, in the sounds you hear, in the atmosphere around you. You are part of the Earth, part of me. But you are oblivious to this fact, because many of you live in your head and have lost contact with the most living part in yourself: your strength, your passion, your feelings. For most people, there is a veil over these elemental forces even though they are what connects you with me, the Earth, and with life.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 12 de Mayo, 2023

Extracto de un artículo de Uri Geller.

Un mapa descubierto por arqueólogos rusos parece demostrar que la vida inteligente visitó la Tierra hace millones de años. El profesor Alexander Chuvyrov descubrió una imagen tridimensional en serie de las montañas que rodean Ufa, ciudad situada a 100 kilómetros al este de los Urales, que revela un gigantesco sistema de irrigación. Insiste en que tal precisión sólo es posible con tecnología por satélite y también que la losa de piedra fue mecanizada, y la llamó "Mapa del Creador"

Releasing a 4D Phantom Zone Transmission

Judith Kusel - The more consciously aware we become - May 18, 2023

The more consciously aware we become, the more our inner seeing, hearing and deep inner knowing awakens, as well as our heart center.

We now can see through the illusions into the heart of truth.

We simply cannot take things at face level anymore. We see through the lies, the cover ups, the false programming, etc.

The Miracle of Gratefulness: Finding Hope and Healing

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - New Helpers & Help Coming Thru Physical Doorways - May 18, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very impressed by the way that you all are handling the energies that are upon you at this time, and we want you to know that more transformative experiences are coming your way. You cannot possibly dodge those experiences at this point, because you decided that you were going to transform and evolve into your fifth-dimensional higher selves in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake are doing it consciously and deliberately. You are taking the steps that you know are necessary to get you to that place, and you have a lot of help as well. What will always be coming to you is more help, because there simply are more helpers than there are beings there on Earth at this time.

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Final Battle - May 17, 2023

The Final Battle

The time has come for the final battle between good and evil. Those who are truly united with the heart of God will be victorious. Be alert! The battle is upon you, and it will require all your strength.

Previously, many of you were not prepared to stand up for your most precious gift—your individuality—nor to give up your most cherished illusion—separateness. This illusion of separation is at the core of all fear.