sábado, marzo 04, 2023
viernes, marzo 03, 2023
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - March 3, 2023
The Dark Ones have kept you back from advancing to higher levels so as to not lose their hold over you. However, it is impossible for them to keep you back from advancing as a civilisation and that time has arrived. As painful as it may be the changes are overdue, and you are now going through a rapid period where you are literally being forced to make up for lost time. For our part we have encouraged you to speed up your evolution so that you are ready for advancements that have been denied to you.
Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation: FREE Energy - Mar 3. 2023
Dear ones,
This is a message for humanity from the Galactic Federation. We are here to inform you that, based on new developments and research, we are introducing this new initiative on the planet earth.
The idea is to create a free energy zone here on earth, which will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects.
Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleadian High Council - March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.
I greet you today with all the love in my heart and marvel at the wonderful work you are doing. Yes, everything is chaotic, what you like to call topsy-turvy. Much is being toppled and is dissolving in front of you. Those who have always needed to “See it to believe it,” are scratching their heads a bit because they are beginning to see it, integrate it and then believe it. For much has been hidden from you on your earthly journey.
Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - March 3, 2023
"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"
~ Valerie Donner
Here's the latest from Apollo: “These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not. You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful. They are changing the planet and all of life. It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming. No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light. This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you. This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come. You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them.”
Lee Harris - Actualización Energética de Marzo 2023
Hola, soy Lee. Soy intuitivo y cada mes tomo el pulso de lo que podría estar apareciendo para ustedes emocional, psicológica y espiritualmente. Algunos de los temas de marzo, con un gran enfoque en la sanación, este mes son:
Energía de Cambio Ardiente en el Aire,
Renovaciones y Cambios en las Relaciones,
y Revelaciones que Conducen a la Transformación.
Estén atentos para la actualización completa.
Hola a todos. Bienvenidos a la Actualización de Energía de Marzo, y sólo para informarles, comenzaremos mi curso para Empáticos de Recuperación de Narcisistas el 10 de marzo. Es un curso que he realizado durante muchos años. No lo hemos tenido disponible durante los últimos 18 meses, por lo que estamos felices de tenerlo nuevamente. Si resuena contigo, nos encantaría que te unas a nosotros. Te reproduciremos un extracto al final de esta Actualización si estás interesado, o puedes encontrar el enlace debajo del video.
Suzy Ward - Canaliza a Matthew Ward - Marzo 1, 2023
Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Parte de la batalla entre la luz y la oscuridad aún se está librando detrás de escena, pero otras partes se han movido audazmente al escenario mundial. Los ciudadanos de muchos países se rebelan contra las políticas gubernamentales inmersas en la oscuridad y otros gobiernos se niegan a cooperar con los esfuerzos de los Illuminati para reforzar sus tentáculos globales los que se marchitan rápidamente. El Estado Profundo, la Cábala, el Gobierno de la Sombra, el Orden Mundial Único y el neonazismo son, entre otras designaciones, esta sociedad secreta, cuyas muchas facciones dispares tienen la misma ideología y objetivo diabólicos: controlar el mundo.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - An Arcturian Promise & Human Misinformation - Mar 3, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are bringing more light and love through to all of you there on Earth in every moment of every day. Every opportunity that comes before us, we seize upon because we know how important it is for you all to be receiving that which is coming to you from a higher-dimensional plane. We are now competing with your many, many sources of entertainment, information, and infotainment. We are aware that there is so much out there that you can tune yourselves in to for knowledge and for spiritual guidance, but also for versions of reality.