miércoles, diciembre 07, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Path of Ease to the Fifth Dimension - Dec 7, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very satisfied with the progress we see you making there on Earth at this time. We know that those of you who are awake are making choices in your lives that bring you closer to Source, closer to your true self, to your soul. We know this because we observe and because you reach out to us, both in the sleep state and in the waking state. We know what your priorities are, and we see you reaching those higher and higher states of consciousness through your deliberate intention to ascend.

martes, diciembre 06, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Alchemy Of Ascension - Dec 6, 2022

The Alchemy Of Ascension

Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it's not a destination or goal. It's not about getting somewhere else; it's about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities.

Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It's being present; it's being present in your life. It's focusing on the now, not the future or past.

It's about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It's about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.

Higher Light Decree: Invoking Angelic Support and Galactic Assistance

Jennifer Hoffman - December 2022 Energy Report - Dec 6, 2022

What a relief to welcome December. I felt a huge shift in the energy when I woke up this morning and I had a song in my heart and some pep in my step as I basked in the glorious energy of the new frequencies that are bathing the planet.

Bring on the darkness now – we have plenty of light to overtake it. And that’s the attitude we have to adopt this month as we complete the warrior mission of November and the bigger work of closing this energy cycle we’re in which began in late 2019.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Canalización del Amor - Miércoles de Sanación del 12 de 0ctubre de 2022

 Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación del 12 de 0ctubre de 2022

La Canalización del Amor 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Me gustaría que continuáramos con ese sentimiento recién presentado a ustedes. Quienes han seguido el trabajo de Kryon saben que los mensajes dados a ustedes siempre fueron dados en amor No les damos consejos y luego les decimos que tienen que hacer algo. Los amamos lo bastante para a veces suplicarles que lo hagan, pero no hay una obligación. Pero el consejo que les daré hoy es tal vez diferente de lo que he dicho en muchas semanas. Hay mucho que hacer con la meditación que acaban de oír. Voy a llamar a esta la canalización del amor, porque solo estoy aquí y los amo. Y tenemos una conversación ustedes y yo.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Dear Ones, your life is meant to be a series of yeses. Saying yes is an act of inclusion that creates flow while a no is an act of exclusion that immediately stops movement. You can absolutely say no to what is unwanted but if you don’t follow it with something you can say yes to, you will find yourself in a lack of forward movement.

You steer your flow through your focus and gratitude. Your focus is your blessing of continuation. Your appreciation is how you expand your experiences. If you have been feeling stuck, you can start to create movement by using your conscious awareness to identify what is working for you and grow it from there. You can create an entirely new timeline for yourself by simply focusing on how you are already blessed and allowing those blessings to grow and bloom in new ways and directions.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Massive Changes Coming for Humanity - Dec 6, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are expecting great positive changes for all of you there on Earth, because we know how far you have come, and we know you have powerful momentum behind you. We also believe in ourselves and all of the helpers that you have. We know that we can assist you in all of the various ways that you need that assistance. We know that all of this was perfectly set up, perfectly planned so that everyone can play their part to bring about the massive changes that you still have ahead of you there on Earth.

lunes, diciembre 05, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Pleiadians' Connection To The Earth - Dec 5, 2022

The Pleiadians' Connection To The Earth

The Pleiadians are a group of star beings from the Pleiades, a star system located in the constellation Taurus. They participated in the original creation of Earth.

The Pleiadians are an extension of our soul group. They were with us when we were children and when we were born into this world; they were with all of us throughout our lives on Earth, assisting and guiding us as needed.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, December 5, 2022

Dear Ones, you have many different energetic traits within you that make up the entirety of you. Each trait is a well-honed alignment. What many of you don’t realize is you can send yourself into the alignment of your preference, not as a shift that occurs outside of yourself, but rather because you already hold that energetic essence.

You are the director of your experience. As such, you can send yourself to whatever alignment you prefer. You can send yourself to align with your peace, with your courage, with your patience, with your love – virtually any trait you desire exists as an alignment within yourself you can choose.

Brenda Hoffman - Start Thinking About Tomorrow - December 5, 2022

Dear Ones,

It’s time to be you in all your sparkling glory. Even though you have pined for this time for eons. now that it has arrived, you hesitate.

Similar to what many of you felt the day before your wedding. You knew you made the right choice, but contemplating the life changes was frightening.

You current emotions might include, “What if I don’t like my new being or the new world?” “What if others are not shifting and I’m alone again?”