miércoles, noviembre 23, 2022

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - How Timing Works in Your Life - April 20, 2022 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, "I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity. How can I fight the darkness?"

The answer I have always given, dear ones, is that you never have to fight the darkness. All you must do is create light. That’s all. Darkness cannot exist when light is there. It simply cannot. This is the premise that we have presented to you for decades. It states that the light around you that you yourself create, is far, far more effective than you think. Instead of trying to fight that which is dark, creating light around you via compassion, understanding, and kindness, goes directly into the FIELD and darkness starts to diminish due to that … by itself.

Aurora Ray - How The Fifth Dimension Can Change Your Life - Nov 23, 2022

How The Fifth Dimension Can Change Your Life 

All of us are here on Earth for a reason, and that reason is to learn about ourselves and about other people.

In order for us to learn about ourselves, we need to be able to look into our own hearts and minds. This is what the Fifth Dimension can help us with.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, November 23, 2022 

Your greatest manifestations are birthed through you. You receive a divine inspiration that lights up your soul. You say yes and proceed to connect and align with it until the moment when it is ready to take on tangible form.

Because you are integral to its creation, you must be willing to enter into flow to allow it to move you, and to have energy come to you and through you. You must be willing to expand, create, discover, and receive.

Do you see? The greater your willingness to work with all aspects of the flow, the greater your ability to be a vessel of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How the Number of Asleep Souls Serves You - Nov 23, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see so many of you growing and expanding more consciously and deliberately, because of your status as being awake. You have all been taking in so much more energy consciously as well, because you are aware that energies are available to you. You have been anchoring in so much more for the human collective of which you are a part, because you are more likely now to take the time to do so.

martes, noviembre 22, 2022

Aurora Ray - A Message From Your Inner Self: How To Earn Cosmic Consciousness By Meditating And Listening To Your Inner Self - Nov 22, 2022

A Message From Your Inner Self: How To Earn Cosmic Consciousness By Meditating And Listening To Your Inner Self

The physical world is a manifestation of the spiritual world.

When you look at the world around you, what do you see? Do you see a physical reality that seems separate from yourself? Or perhaps we are all completely intertwined, just like the roots of a tree.

Consider this: your existence is not simply skin and bones, but rather a conscious being who has manifested in a physical body to experience life in this earthly plane. We are all connected. This connection can be seen in nature and the universe; it is what makes us human.

The Aquarian Christ Transmission: Clear Old Programming and Receive a New Blessing of Light.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Noviembre 18, 2022

A medida que pasa el tiempo se hace evidente que el periodo que estáis atravesando está trayendo cambios que afectarán a toda vuestra forma de vida. La mayoría de ellos serán considerados como cambios muy aceptables que harán la vida mucho más fácil. Sin embargo, son las relaciones entre los diferentes países las que tendrán que traer una mayor coordinación que sea beneficiosa para todos los involucrados. Tened en cuenta que, como una sola Raza Humana, debe llegar un momento en el que trabajéis como una unidad en la que los beneficios conseguidos estén abiertos a todos. La población de la Tierra está creciendo muy rápidamente y se volverá inmanejable a menos que haya un acercamiento para compartir los recursos de la Madre Tierra.

KRYON - You are Equipped For Mastery!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, November 22, 2022

When it comes to creation, some of you do better focusing solely on what you want. It is most productive for you to not distract yourself with thoughts of scenarios that may or may not happen along the way. You feel like the best use of your energy is to stay focused on where you wish to go.

Some of you find it easier to shift into creating what you desire if you first take the time to consider any potential pitfalls and have a plan on what you can do should they occur. Feeling like you have been thorough and diligent soothes the mind which then makes it easier to shift fully into creation mode and stay focused on where you wish to go.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ask Yourselves These 2 Questions & Then Ascend - Nov 22, 2022


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are watching and waiting to see how humanity reacts to each and every occurrence there on planet Earth. We know that everything now is about inching you forward to your inevitable ascension, and we also know that there are many paths to raising one’s consciousness. It doesn’t have to happen through pain and suffering, but when a person isn’t paying attention, oftentimes that then becomes the choice on a subconscious level. No one consciously says that they want more pain and suffering to come in their lives, but it happens and it happens frequently there on Earth. And even though it always serves a purpose, you can ascend just as quickly and easily by following your joy.