viernes, agosto 27, 2021

Jamye Price - September Ascension Energies – Joyful Heart - August 27, 2021

As the year of Freeing Your Heart keeps calling us to a clearer mental and emotional focus, September brings that clarity to a head. Literally.

For September, as usual, Areon builds on the mental and emotional Reflection that life is echoing out so that what arises from within your Bold Heart is waves of creative love. The energies are Joyful Heart, but the main focus is the mind in order to bridge your heart’s joy into this world.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Agosto 27, 2021

Es difícil para vosotros ver la dirección en la que van las cosas cuando están sucediendo tantas cosas a la vez. Pero para ciertas cosas no se puede volver a como era antes y que en su mayoría pertenecen a una Edad que era adecuada para su tiempo, pero no para el tiempo presente en el que las cosas han avanzado a través de cambios que están aquí para quedarse. Lo que está ocurriendo es que os estáis desprendiendo de lo que ya no os sirve, hacia un estilo de vida más apropiado que se adapte a la Nueva Era. No ha sido fácil, especialmente para los que se aferran a las viejas costumbres y que incluso algunos tienen miedo de lo que los cambios puedan traer. Sin embargo, tened la seguridad de que a la larga todo será bien recibido y resultará en una vida más agradable.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 27, 2021

It is difficult for you to see the direction things are going in when so much is happening all at once. But for certain things cannot return as before and most belong to an Age that was suited to its time, but not in the present time when things have moved on through changes that are here to stay. What is happening is that you are shaking off that which no longer serves you, to a more appropriate life style that is suited to the New Age. It has not been easy especially for those who cling to the old ways and some are even scared as to what the changes may bring. However, be assured that in the long run all will be well received and result in a more pleasant life.

Natalie Glasson - Master Kuthumi - Heart Chakra Connections - August 27, 2021

Heart Chakra Connections by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Master Kuthumi, greetings, my beloved souls upon the Earth. It is an honour and a great source of joy for me to be in your presence today. I am bringing forth the wealth, abundance and the bountiful blessings of love, the love of the Creator. This I embrace you in as it extends through my being from the Creator. Love is such a vast and expansive energy, it is also can be a general topic, as well as being very intricate and detailed.

Selacia - Illusive Peace -What Blocks Inner Joy- - August 27, 2021


Illusive Peace
-What Blocks Inner Joy-

by Selacia

It's part of the human condition to sometimes feel like peace is illusive and out of reach. How can this happen when we understand that peace comes from within? Continue reading to grasp the dichotomy of our experience with peace.

Illusive Peace

Ironically the more we chase after peace and feeling inner joy, the more illusive it becomes. That's because chasing something infers that we don't already have it. To chase is an ego response within us - convincing us that we must do something or be something or have something to enjoy peace.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Waiting - August 27, 2021


My dearest child…you cannot drag anyone, kicking and screaming, into a new world. As much as you like to, it would not be their accomplishment, it would be yours. Each person needs to discover their own pace and rhythm. What can you do in the meantime? Continue your work, be the person they can come to when they are ready to begin exploring and remember how The Universe waited for you. ~ Creator

The Creator Writings

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, August 27, 2021


There is much energetic shifting going on at this time. This is to give you an opportunity to get really clear about the essence of your desired creations.

Imagine your purest desire is mixed in with all kinds of chunks of density. These chunks of density may come from old belief systems and experiences, or from the churned up energies of the collective. You have to extract your dream from what no longer serves you.

639Hz | Buddhist Meditation Music | Attract Love, Positivity & Cleanse Heart Chakra

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 17 - August 27, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
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Schumann Resonance Today

27 August 2021 17:00 UTC

Judith Kusel - Transfiguration - August 27, 2021


Transfiguration: What it in truth means and indeed this is what we are all required to go through in order to step into our full soul mastery in the New Earth.

“A transfigured individual knows the secret of mankind’s, in many ways, tragic state, and is able to raise him or herself above it.

“When the last shadow has been transformed, the inner light body of a person becomes exposed, rather like a when a ball is turned inside out. There is nothing to hide, just pure consciousness, which is indeed perpetual, deep communication with other people and with God.” (Lars Muhl)