miércoles, diciembre 27, 2017

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - diciembre 27, 2017

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Miércoles, diciembre 27, 2017

Estás aprendiendo cómo estar parado sobre tus dos pies.

Esto es importante.

Esto es una misión

de alianza con tu verdad.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 27, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

You are learning how to stand on your own two feet.

Now this is important.

This is a mission

of alliance with your truth.

Selacia - Preview of January Energies-Foresight for Success- - Dec 27, 2017

Preview of January Energies
-Foresight for Success-
by Selacia

As the year is winding down, it's helpful to have a look ahead at January, a pivotal jumping off point for 2018. In chaotic times like these, having foresight about societal and energy cycles can be both comforting and an essential tool for spiritual transformation. Continue reading for highlights of energies unfolding and what they mean for you.

Kryon - Return to Lemuria - 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 27, 2017

The energetic shifts you have gone through over the past several years have left you completely transformed. You are different than you were five years ago, two years ago, a year ago. Because of the changes you have gone through – the purging, healing, and integration processes – what is an energetic match to you now may be very different than what was a match to you before.

martes, diciembre 26, 2017

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Diciembre 26, 2017

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Lunes, Diciembre 26, 2017

Y yo te digo que

verdaderamente estás listo para servir.

¿Qué significa esto?

Significa servir al Corazón Superior.

Significa que en un tiempo record te des cuenta

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel- Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 26, 2017

Have you ever noticed how you will frequently get a feeling of letdown or emptiness after you experience a big event? The reason why that happens is you, as creators, are perpetually in a cycle of creation and completion. Once one thing has been completed you will naturally feel a void until you find the next great thing you wish to experience.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Joy, Abundance and VIRTUES are States of Consciousness ~ The Eternal -

The VERY fabric of Light is abundance. The very heart of eternity is the state of Light Frequency Consciousness that is complete JOY and overflowing abundance.

How could eternity have a limit after all.

Entering BEING the ETERNAL here on Earth. Is the lavish no limit ABUNDANT state, that knows itself as this eternal Light state of consciousness. Recognizes itself.

John Smallman - Saul - Everyone’s task is to be the Love that they are - 12/26/2017


The Christmas season is a time for renewal as you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Jesus by opening your hearts more fully to the Love that is the energy field in which you are forever present. As you open your hearts, all with whom you interact in any manner at all will themselves be assisted in opening their hearts, so intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

lunes, diciembre 25, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - A Christmas Reflection On How I Became who I am today - 12-25-17


A Christmas Reflection on

How I became who I am today.

Happy Holidays to you all,

I, Sue Lie, my husband and I have been greatly enjoying the Holidays, which arrived just a few months after we had completed our move to a totally new area and a very different lifestyle. Therefore, we have been greatly enjoying a time of deeply relaxing after we left our old house and moved into our new house.