lunes, octubre 03, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - You’re of the 3D Audience Now - October 3, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you felt or sensed little the past few days – or maybe you sensed a great deal. It does not matter for those of you reading these words internalized the multitude of energies floating about earth the past few weeks.

The difference is that some of you cleared pieces related to those energies before these recent energy bursts. Such does not create a more masterful you but instead points to the elements you were most interested in clearing before life on earth in this lifetime.

You are a different person than was true at the beginning of the time you label August. Yet you are unlikely to notice great changes in your being other than perhaps a few different interests and perspectives. You will also likely breathe a sigh of relief that there are fewer Internet posts you feel a need to explore because all seems relatively calm in your world.

So it is that the key phrase for your new being is becoming, “All is relatively calm in your world.” Granted, the media and politicians continue to spew this piece and that, all pointing to a doomsday that is not New Earth reality. And perhaps you continue to be somewhat enmeshed in family or personal struggles, but those struggles, including media news, do not affect you as was true just weeks ago.

You are no longer horrified or particularly frightened. You merely observe and think to yourself, “How interesting. Or, “Why doesn’t that person, country, or entity do this or that to solve their dilemma?” You no longer consider yourself part of the 3D solutions and therefore, are no longer part of the problem.

You have stepped aside within your being to become more of an observer than the participant observer role you played for eons. You are now of the 3D audience.

The new stage you are creating for yourself does not include angst, fear, rage, control, or anger. So it is you are creating a new personal stage filled with joy that beckons anyone who wishes to join. And you will find that you are no longer willing to or even interested in cajoling those who remain enmeshed in fear.

Previous to the recent energies, you were much more likely to encourage, push, or do whatever was required in your mind to force your loved ones, even your political parties to do what you felt was necessary to create a loving world for you.

Now you, as an observer, are accepting that others may not wish to be part of your joy. That there is little you can do other than to be yourself – for those not willing to move into joy at this time, will not. And those who wish to, will. Both without your assistance or more to the point for past behaviors, insistence. You cannot make anyone do anything despite meditations, incantations, cajoling, loving, pushing, or forcing.

You have finally accepted that you are responsible for you and you alone. At the same time, you have moved off the drama stage, for now, your being clamors for joy in whatever form that is for you.

You have read and listened to the need for personal joy. But until now, you have felt that one more attempt to cajole your loved ones into joy, required you to remain of 3D earth muck.

Now, you are discovering that you have little patience with those who continue their fear path. And you will find yourself either leaving their pity-scene or snapping a comment back to them without forethought.

For you are becoming irritated with those who refuse to see the joy possibilities.

Such irritation probably does not fit your current image of love or compassion – an incorrect assumption. For you have shifted from placing everyone before you to honoring and loving yourself.

You are creating a stage of joy. Does anyone want to join you? That is your only intent at this time.

It is not feeling sorry for those who do not seem to ‘get it’ nor does it mean pushing others to your view. It merely means you have become more of you and would like others to be more of who they are. Even though who they are is not that much of a concern to you any longer.

For eons, you learned that the only way to access joy was to control others – financially, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. None of which you are drawn to after the recent energy bursts.

You are finally accepting that you are a beacon not a ship captain of the masses. You can do no more than shine your light. Anything beyond that returns you to the controlling motif that has ruled the earth for eons.

Free will is a constant throughout the Universes. You are claiming such for yourself now. First, you had to accept that you were as important as anyone via the love energies that expanded your being a few months ago. Now you are accepting that self-love means just that. You cannot nor do you wish to control as was your overwhelming need in 3D.

Perhaps you beg to differ thinking that you were extremely compliant to this or that person, employer, government, religion, political movement, even earth – neglecting your needs for the greater good of family, job, etc. Of course, that was control both by the entity you supplicated yourself to and the entity. For your personal goal was to fit in, be comfortable, create what you thought might be a happy situation for you. You supplicated yourself not to follow the rules as much as to control your life, to make your life as pleasant as possible.

Maybe such is not necessarily apparent yet for many of you – but it will be. For you are beginning to realize how much energy and time you wasted trying to make others comply to your needs so your life would be more pleasant.

You are you, and they are they. Others do not require a dictator – which is what you were in 3D even if you played the supplicant role – and neither do you.

You are free, and so are they. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Benjamin Fulford 10-3-16… “Document dump shows Federal Reserve Board based on outright fraud”

Posted by benjamin, October 3, 2016

Documents leaked by US government personnel reveal in detail how the owners of Federal Reserve Board created the 2008 Lehman crisis as a way to steal vast sums from the people of the planet.

The documents show how an Indonesian by the name of Yohannes Riyadi Johannes Riyadi [photo link]

Wilfredo-Sarabia-Saurin-DOB-02NOV54-Philippines-passport-wil1 Johannes Riyadi
used 700 tons of gold that originally belonged for former Indonesian President Soekarno to back a US$500 billion bond issue. This money was used to bribe senior Indonesian government officials, according to CIA officials based in Asia. 

Twin Flames, only one or many? How can I tell if someone is my Twin Flame?

domingo, octubre 02, 2016

Kara Schallock - Being the Light We Are - 02-Oct-2016

Many judge chaos as something to avoid, including me in the past. Yet when we can move beyond judging something as either good or bad, we enter Neutrality, which is a sacred place and one that is not of duality. When we can be neutral, we transcend duality, which judgment is a part of. Out of chaos comes Balance. It is like a mobile. When one part of a mobile is removed, chaos ensues. The mobile bounces around till it finds its new Balance, and we are the same. If we can remain neutral and observe, we do not attach to one side or the other; we patiently observe and wait till the new Balance is created. In the new Balance, born from chaos, old patterns are dissolved and all rearrange themselves in new ways of being. As we allow all things to shift, we balance. As we detach from judging something as good or bad, we allow Divine Order to create the New.

James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 24.9.2016

VIDEO 02 - Crop Circles 2016 - Prudentópolis, Paraná, Brazil - 27th September 2016 - UFO 2016

Sandra Walter - Accelerated Timeline Update - Oct 2, 2016


RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - Convirtiéndose en un Emisario de Luz - Octubre 2016


Traducción: Mary García
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Convirtiéndose en un Emisario de Luz

Amados Maestros, tan cierto como que viven y respiran, es que están ayudando a crear el Cielo o el infierno en la Tierra o posiblemente muchos de ustedes pueden sentir que vacilan en algún lugar ubicado entre los dos. No importa lo que crean o cómo interpreten las antiguas enseñanzas, el Cielo es un estado de la mente / conciencia, y no en un sitio "allá afuera" en las dimensiones superiores. No es un destino final o un lugar que pueda ser elegible para ir cuando trascienden y dejar su vehículo físico actual. Es un estado de conciencia que se crea y existe en no importa dónde, dónde se encuentra ahora, o dónde se dirige en el futuro. Ustedes han venido de un lugar celestial, y trajeron Amor / Luz con ustedes, junto con la capacidad para crear un entorno paradisiaco, no importa qué dimensión, mundo o realidad, ustedes han optado por la experiencia.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – October 2 – 9, 2016 - October 2, 2016

Beloved Ones,

As you continue on your spiritual journey through the life that your soul has chosen, know that many changes have been taking place within you. Every effort that you have made to cleanse and clear all the vestiges of negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, mental patterns, and patterns from your ancestral DNA, every effort that you have made to be your Light and let it shine brilliantly has not been in vain. You are Light; you have always been Light and always will be Light. You are one who has never forgotten the Light that you are. There are many people in the world who have forgotten and need to be reminded and this is why you and others like you are here at this time.

Ancient Megalithic Stone Towers In Peru