viernes, febrero 05, 2016
Mike Quinsey - 5th February 2016
Events that will affect your future and be beneficial for you continue to take place, mostly out of your sight. However, there will come a time during the course of this year when you shall learn of the benefits brought about by the changes. It is known that a revaluation of currency is foremost in your minds, and it has taken considerable time to bring countries together in agreement to the changes. There are now sufficient of them for it to brought forward, and there has never been a time when it has achieved such progress. You may therefore be sure that revaluation is in its final stages. Meanwhile more inventions are seeing the light of day, and it is only a matter of time before they start to be released. Be assured that the changes are well under way and too far forward to be halted. Ways of producing free energy have been available for some time and now even more devices are being revealed. Their ultimate use and availability is approaching, but the Illuminati are still trying to prevent their distribution. It will not always remain in this situation as your evolution cannot be held back indefinitely.
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Mike Quinsey
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - 2016 Ascension Symptoms/Predictions - February 5, 2016
Year of the Starseed Empath Revelations
For many Light Bearers, Blue Rays and Starseeds, empathic sensory awareness will be heightened this year to make decisions that are spiritual impulses of the Universe. Your empathic sensory sensitivity will be keen in its ability to decode and download these new ways of communion with the Universe, setting in motion an expanding direction of your destiny and working with the higher Divine Plan. These choices will be coming from different time lines, with alignment to your DNA blueprint being activated by your authentic multidimensional self. 333Others in your life will also be making decisions as well based upon their direction and new time lines that can be a misalignment with your energy field. As your ultra sensitive empathic awareness is heightened, the energy can feel uncomfortable and even painful at times. The Universe is directing you by the empowerment of your intuitive sensing nature. This is to bring you into vibrational harmony with the Universe and new wave frequency of grand opportunities and success. 444
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Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
jueves, febrero 04, 2016
Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Communicating With Spirit - 10 January, 2016
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are
those who continue to say that channelling is an odd thing. It doesn't
fit into that which you have learned might be truth. So it begs the
question to be asked, "What is the truth and what is real?"
I'm the magnetic master. I met my partner on this planet through his free choice 26 years ago. Many times he has told you about this story of how we met and about his reluctance to believe that I was real. He may have told you about the first time when he was alone in the dark and when he sat in the chair for the first time and said, "If you are there, then show me!" In that moment, his countenance, his brain, his heart and his pineal were all synchronized and asking for a sign. The engineer wasn't a believer, but he voiced an interest to "know".
I'm the magnetic master. I met my partner on this planet through his free choice 26 years ago. Many times he has told you about this story of how we met and about his reluctance to believe that I was real. He may have told you about the first time when he was alone in the dark and when he sat in the chair for the first time and said, "If you are there, then show me!" In that moment, his countenance, his brain, his heart and his pineal were all synchronized and asking for a sign. The engineer wasn't a believer, but he voiced an interest to "know".
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Lee Carroll
James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Reino de las Hadas, las Dimensiones Astrales los Espíritus de la Naturaleza y las Formas de Vida Eléctrica - febrero 2016
Crónicas del Guardián de la Tierra
En Español
febrero 2016
Traducción Cristina Caffaro
Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón de Luz Angélica, y me uno en esta sesión con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. ¡Los saludamos en un vector de amor incondicional!
Queridos, hay realidades objetivas que existen de hecho en el astral y en otras dimensiones, dentro y por encima de las polaridades terrestres de la omni-tierra. Los habitantes vivientes de las dimensiones terrestres no visibles son mucho más complejos y numerosos en tipo y forma que los meros espíritus de la naturaleza. La mayoría son proteicos, lo que significa que son capaces de no tener forma así como también de asumir formas diversas.
Deseamos enfatizar el hecho de que las energías astrales se han vuelto mucho más tangibles en la resonancia iónica mejorada de la Nueva Tierra de 2016 y después. La Tierra, la Omni-Tierra, se expande de maneras asombrosas en la transformación transicional en curso, llamada Ascensión Planetaria. ¡Es una época sorprendente! El hito del 2012 inició cambios maravillosos en su visión y percepción de las realidades a su alrededor. Los reinos de la vida que antes eran mucho más difíciles de percibir, en la Nueva Tierra son mucho más accesibles para los que son sensitivos en la humanidad.
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AA Metatrón,
James Tyberonn
Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders Christed Heart Transmissions ~ February 4th 2016
Mp3 download
You Tube video
Written Transcribe
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred year of 2016. Sweet ones, from a ray perspective you are experiencing the fourth Cosmic ray ~ the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service, under the directorship of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. This refined golden-white ray frequency is a combination of all twelve rays with a focus on the tenth ray of Divinity and brings about the perfect Cosmic balance of power, Love, and wisdom.
In Jacob's Ladder Two, these ray qualities are depicted through the triple overlay of Victory (Netzach) over Mercy (Chesed) over Wisdom (Chokmah). You have raised the sphere of Victory, depicting the lower aspects of the Higher Mind and imbued with the Love aspects of Venus, into Mercy, depicting Justice and Empowerment. Further to this you have raised both these spheres into the Wisdom and Light of God, understood through the spiritual experience of The Vision of God Face to Face. And so sweet ones, we come into a deeper understanding of what this sacred year holds, in the fourth year of this Golden Age of Light. As you deepen the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love through the activation of your Christed Hearts, and the Twelve Petals of your Christed Hearts, you experience a deeper re-union of hearts with your own beloved Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, and additionally, the re-unification of soul clusters and twin flames.
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Anrita Melchizedek,
por los Arcturianos
Al inicio, su viaje a través de la cuarta dimensión es lento, pero se acelera al entrar en los sub-planos superiores del mundo astral tetradimensional. Luego al acercarse cada vez más al umbral entre la cuarta y la quinta dimensión, el tiempo - en realidad el concepto del tiempo - comienza a ondear dentro y fuera de su conciencia.
Es en este cruce de rutas donde su cuerpo físico comienza a cambiar en formas extrañas y poco familiares. Lo que una vez pareció sólido comienza a oscilar adentro y afuera. En realidad, ustedes están oscilando dentro y fuera de su conciencia pentadimensional.
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Suzanne Lie
Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías para Febrero 2016 - 2 de Febrero 2016
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Está sucediendo mucho en febrero y si les fue difícil en enero, no creo que este mes sea una repetición de esa energía (lo cual es bueno). Pero mientras los flujos pueden ser más equilibrados que el mes pasado, este es un mes de número maestro con una vibración 11. Y es también un año bisiesto, así que tenemos 29 días este febrero, un día extra de esta energía maestra. Esto significa que tenemos una energía de frecuencia superior para trabajar, más tiempo para practicar lo que hemos aprendido hasta ahora y todo está sujeto a revisión, liberación y renovación al comenzar el mes en la sombra del retro de Mercurio. El enfoque de febrero en el amor traerá esa energía a la palestra, con el Día de San Valentín el 14 de febrero, nuevos comienzos con la luna nueva y el Año Nuevo Chino el día 8, Mercurio sale de la sombra el día 15, estamos preparándonos para la cuadratura Júpiter/Saturno en marzo, y hay un día extra para procesarlo todo. Justo una nota, la última vez que tuvimos un año bisiesto fue en el 2012. ¿Recuerda alguien en que estábamos pensando en el 2012? Quizás esta vez sintamos que vamos a alguna parte con el proceso de ascensión (ya lo hemos hecho, es para que lo sepan). Creo que la razón por la que nos sentimos descorazonados la última vez es porque pensábamos que la ascensión nos sucedería ‘a’ nosotros, en lugar de ser un proceso auto dirigido. Así que mientras todos buscábamos los extraterrestres, las naves espaciales, los ángeles y las transfiguraciones milagrosas, todo estaba sucediendo a nuestras espaldas. Ahora estamos enfrentando la dirección correcta y podemos ver la acción según ocurre porque estamos ahí.
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Jennifer Hoffman,
Reporte de Energías
Ron Head - The Council - Current Events - Feb 4, 2016
Today we would like to discuss current events with you, not news items, but the things that are going on in your lives. We’ll just dive right into it.
You have been told to expect a lot of things in your lives. And we have repeatedly told you that the important things were what is happening to your inner being and the rest would happen as a result of that. We told you that your outer world could not be anything but a reflection of the inner. The word ‘soon’ became something of a joke. “Oh no! Not ‘soon’ again!” And we said that the changes were happening ‘now’ but had not surfaced yet.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
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