viernes, enero 22, 2016

John Smallman - Jesus - You have no need of fear, or of defenses - January 22, 2016

Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you truly reside in every moment of your eternal existence, we watch with joy as you resolve and intend to move ever more fully into your natural state as beings of Love. It is a state you have never left, and never could leave, but you have – through your choice to experience as real as possible a state of separation from God, and therefore from each other – hidden from yourselves your divine and eternal connection to Source. Consequently you feel alone, small, and insignificant in the vast universe in which it seems humanity’s planet, Earth, although large in relation to each of you, is itself utterly insignificant. A planet that could itself be instantly destroyed by collision with some rogue and wandering celestial body. Your security as humans on the planet truly appears unsustainable due to many factors that are beyond your control and beyond your knowledge.

Often it seems that those who are searching for God, a Prime Source, a Supreme Intelligence, or who believe in one are merely hiding from the truth of your inevitable and eventual death in whatever form it strikes you. It is an issue far too fearful to address consciously – unconsciously it creates great emotional stress and pressure that needs to be relieved – and so you hide from reality by imagining and hoping for a divine deliverance from your eventual and inescapable extinction. Others strive for material wealth and military security for the very same reason – an intense fear of death. That is the game of separation that you chose to build and engage with. And it always ends in death!

Mike Quinsey. - 22nd. January 2016

You are learning how quickly matters can change, and in but a short time suddenly the future does not look as encouraging as it was recently. Fear has entered some people’s minds as big business falters and is losing confidence in monetary values. Behind the scenes much is being directed by those in positions of power, with the aim of pulling away from the American Dollar. In such times there is little stability and you are at the mercy of those who control the world markets. Inevitably it will get worse before matters are sorted out and the money markets calm down. Much can happen so quickly and there is little that can be done to change the outcome. Be assured however that greater powers than those on Earth, are playing their part to ensure that it is eventually to your liking.
Many pathways are leading to a satisfactory conclusion for many changes that are gradually taking shape. The dark Ones may still have influence but their power to dictate your future is rapidly diminishing. Many countries are coming together to present a solid front and disclosure and the revaluation of your most important currencies is becoming more likely. All is planned far in advance and it will come to be for the betterment of the people of your world. Opposition to it is weakening and nothing will prevent the eventual desired changes from coming about. It is the first steps that seem to take so long to be achieved, but revaluation and the distribution of funds around the world are going ahead. In fact it has already commenced although it has not been acknowledged so far.

Lena Stevens -Patricia Liles - Leo Full Moon Update - Jan 21, 2016

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Saturday, January 23 at 6:46PM Mountain Time (MST).

This is a moon that supports personal expression and an experience of personal power. Acknowledge what you have accomplished this month in terms of RESET and celebrate your own your talents, unique capabilities and personal power. If you feel overwhelmed about what is coming into your life, take a deep breath, ask for clarity, and be willing to allow that which does not serve you to be gone, making room for what wants to manifest.

This is a good day to be in community and to inspire each other with new ideas and possibilities. It is time to dream big and do your thinking outside the box. It is also a good moon to anchor new partnerships and commit to new relationships, projects, travel and something you have always wanted to do but never thought you could. What you put into motion during this moon will have a great engine of energetic and higher centered fuel behind it for manifesting in the future. Use it well!

jueves, enero 21, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - ANGEL AURORA: LOOK FOR THE RAINBOWS - January 21, 2016

ANGEL AURORA: LOOK FOR THE                                      RAINBOWS

Beloved Ones,
I greet you this day with a message of Love and Peace for all upon your beautiful Planet Earth. As the changes continue to take place upon the surface of the Earth and within the atmosphere around the Earth, that which has been unseen will now become visible to your physical eyes. All around you there are a multitude of Beings, entities and consciousness working for your highest good and the highest good of the entire Planet. As your sight is restored to you of all that really is, you will experience a feeling of wonder and delight at what you behold, for there IS wonder and magic all about you.
We are working in unison with all the Devic kingdoms to restore the life force of all the plants and trees upon the Earth. This is done through alchemical knowledge given by Divine Creator. All are busy at work restoring, rejuvenating and regenerating all of Nature according to the will of the Creator and the Divine Plan. This is a work of Love and Joy for all of us and we sing with joy and love and praise as we do our work. There are many angelic choirs that you might hear in the gentle breezes of the wind that blows softly through the leaves on the trees. All is in the process of Awakening to the original blueprint.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility - Jan 21, 2016

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457
This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  
Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.
Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.
Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.
You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.
There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 21/01/16

miércoles, enero 20, 2016

The Great Planetary Alignment of 2016,Jan 20:5 Planets are visible at the same time

Ron Head - The Council - The Dike Sprung A Leak – Jan 20, 2016

The Council

The dike has sprung a leak. And there is no little boy to put his thumb in the hole until help comes.

This was a children’s tale not long ago. It is not so often read anymore, but it applies to the situation your world finds itself in at this time. The great majority of people are still blissfully unaware of what is going on, or perhaps not so blissfully since to them the chaos seems overwhelming. But for those who read our messages, and who have access to what is now being called alternate sources of information, there are numerous hints appearing every day that indicate a growing stream of new information. As these stories continue to unfold, they will form a new tapestry of understanding, and its pattern will soon show your long awaited new world society in its infancy. Take heart. You all must remember how rapidly infants tend to grow.

Questions for Jim - Everyone is Feeling the Changes - Waking Up

Kryon "Five in a Circle" 2016