sábado, noviembre 14, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Straight Talk on Ascension --Sue Lie 11-14-15

Straight Talk on Ascension ~ Episode #1

Dr. Suzanne Lie

Many of us are having a lot of unique situations and the energy feels very different. Those of us who have been on the path for a long time know that this energy is a part of the path. We also know that it is the difficult part because it is where we are moving into brand new territory that we have never experienced before.

This new territory feels like it is “the next step,” but we do not have a clue how to navigate through this frequency of reality. However, we do know that we need to call in our higher multidimensional self and connect with the component of our SELF who is able to assist us in the manner that we can best accept.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ It's safe to let your Light shine! - Nov 14, 2015

It's safe to let your Light shine!

Dear One,

At the very heart of you is the pure light of God. This light has the ability to change your thinking and change your outer world. It is a light which, like a flame when fanned, can fill every cell, every fiber of your being and transform you. Fanning this flame means giving the light within you a time of focused attention.

Your imagination holds the key to transforming your life. What you believe can be achieved. Even before you believe something is true, you can allow the possibility to be there and imagine it to be true. Wherever you focus your attention, your life-force energy will follow.

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - November 14, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you again today.
We are aware that you are in mourning for those lost in the terrible events in Paris yesterday.

It is not only a time of sadness and shock. In the old, third dimensional way, it is also a time of blame, of fear, of jumping to conclusions with little concern for the accuracy of those judgments.

And you will find that though the mainstream news and governments are continuing to protect the true culprits, whether willingly or out of fear for their own lives, as they must continue in their role as spokespersons for your planet’s dark hats, you know in your hearts that this situation is not a simple question of “You see? We were right! Don’t let those Syrian refugees in—some of them are terrorists!”


Hola, soy un portavoz en la Nueva Tierra. Tenemos un acuerdo aquí que cuando sea que un nuevo Ser aparezca, paramos lo que estamos haciendo para ofrecer asistencia. Digo "Ser" en vez de "persona" porque las formas de vida no humanas están entrando también en esta frecuencia superior de la versión de la Tierra.

De hecho, muchos de los animales y plantas que se han "extinguido" en la Matriz de la Tierra están vivos y bien en la Nueva Tierra. Ya que toda la vida aquí es consciente y capaz de comunicarse con otras formas de vida, nosotros somos capaces de ayudar a las plantas, animales y elementales, así como a los humanos.

John Smallman - Saul -To awaken is to know yourself - 11/14/2015

Judgment has been an ingrained habit within humanity for eons which has generated an intense need to be right and to judge others wrong. However, over the last few decades, an awareness has been growing that judgment does not work, and many are attempting to release themselves from making judgments. Obviously discernment is needed in your lives as you deal with the issues with which your human state constantly presents you, but you need to discern the difference between the two. Judgment is making someone, including yourself, right or wrong, whereas discernment looks at an issue to see if more information can be found, or to find an alternative approach which can clarify it.

Selacia - Once energías de la semana del 11 - 8 Noviembre 2015

- Comienza un tiempo poderoso para nuevos comienzos y mega cambios -

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Esta semana es un tiempo muy poderoso para nuevos comienzos y mega cambios en su vida. Con la luna nueva de Escorpio el 11/11, manténganse presentes con respecto a lo que están creando y establezcan algunas intenciones personales audaces relacionadas con lo que quieren experimentar, ser y hacer a continuación.

RT - Paris attack TIMELINE: Suicide bombers, blasts, shootouts

Oremos por nuestros hermanos en Francia
Resumen ataques

viernes, noviembre 13, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - WE are Hybrids, Evolving Genetically and Physically Beyond Human, as WE Embody Light


Typical humans will not understand, or believe, our current evolution that we are living and existing as now. The awakened being, continually becoming aware that there are changes going on inside, on a bio-molecular and sub-atomic level, begins to understand, seeing first in the sleep/close-eyed state or through what is perceived as other dimensions. This is your knowledge emerging and presenting so that you can stretch your mind to comprehend through your heart. Grasping "concepts" is what the human mind does. We are here to BE the proof and to be visible now.

Natalie Glasson ~ Reflections of the Creator by Goddess Moon - 13th November 2015

Immense pure love flows from my being and consciousness into all aspects of the Earth. The Earth and yourself are designed to reflect the love I share with you back into the universe of the Creator to distribute love far and wide. You may absorb and draw my love deep into your being in any moment, day or night. My love is free flowing always requiring movement and greater projection. When you connect into my energies you will discover your light shifts become more flowing with the ability to be enhanced and reflected to wherever needed and required. We become one, a mirror of each other and a reminder of the Creator when we connect in unison and acceptance.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl

translated by Franz

God’s arrival is near, the return of human Beings in eternity fulfills itself. The great circle completes in the oneness of all Life and many human Beings return to the Source.


The time wherein your light-filled intentions work out

has come and when they can be realized.

Light-filled and love-filled doings, actions, which occur in harmony with the divine assignments, manifest now the new reality. And therefore be aware that the old world dissolves with increasing velocity in front of you and you will experience the end.