viernes, noviembre 13, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Futuro Del Adn - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1º de agosto de 2015

Saludos, queridos, yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta, como debe ser, para que se dé un mensaje como este. Sabe cómo es esto y lo ha hecho muchas veces. Él está en un lugar - si quieren llamarlo así - desde el que escucha como están escuchando ustedes: Sin embargo, tiene distracciones, que no son las de ustedes, y ya habló antes de eso.

Ahora él no está hablando. Hablo yo, y nuevamente decimos que deben percibir esto con claridad para poder reconocer lo que se dice. Hablo de cosas que están más allá de su conocimiento, y hablo de la energía real de este planeta, que ahora mismo es física. Hemos hablado de Física extraña muchas veces, pero no lo haremos hoy. En cambio, hablaremos de las cosas físicas, tridimensionales, que los afectan a través de una fuente multidimensional que está cambiando lo que conocen y comprenden.

New Planet, Largest Pulsar Ever | S0 News Nov.13.2015

Mike Quinsey - Channeling HS - November 13, 2015

Dear Friends,

Some of you will not have read that since I stopped channelling SaLuSa events have moved on quite quickly, and that I have since received a message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate asking me to channel direct from my Higher Self. I had not tried this previously, but decided to give it a try, and the message I have received is as follows:

13th. November 2015. Mike Quinsey.

Nothing will happen now that will prevent the outcome being victory for the Light. The dark Ones are being held in check with their power having been largely diminished. It will not be too long before they will be restrained and unable to continue with their plan for the imprisonment of the souls on Earth. As you may have noted, just recently many positive actions taken by the forces of Light are taking place all over the world. So much so that the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth, and revealing many of the secrets that the dark Ones would rather you did not know.

Jim Self - Questions for Jim - Difference in Self, Soul, Overself, Christed Self, and Spirit

Judith Kusel - The Magdalene and the higher Mysteries of Initiation - November 13, 2015

Mary Magdalene is perhaps the most discussed woman in that she has been recorded in the past and present as both sinner and saint. The underlying reason for the continued fascination with the Magdalene, is that she in so many ways epitomizes what women, as a collective have had to go through within Atlantis and then in the aftermath of Atlantis. She stands for what has been rejected and suppressed, as well as that which has been resurrected and brought into the openness and Light she deserves to stand for.

She, in a sense is that Mystery which embraces all of life, and perhaps more than we realize the fact that with the fall came the judgments, the labeling, and therefore then most often the persecution of what one does not understand, because one is of a lower vibration, and cannot comprehend the higher pathways and calling in life.

jueves, noviembre 12, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 11.11 - Nov 10, 2015

A medida que las energías 11:11 entran en alineación el 11 de noviembre de 2015, permitan que los purgue de lo que ha estado solidificado y bloqueado. Todo el cielo conocido y desconocido entra a través de este Portal 11:11. Alinéense con todo lo que saben que es el amor. Una inundación del corazón les permite elevarse por encima de las orillas emocionales anteriores y los percebes del pasado. Zarpen hacia un corazón que esté libre de escombros, libre de las definiciones del pasado.

First Source Transmission (Multi subtitles) - My Central Purpose




Nosotras las Ondinas, los Elementales del Agua, estamos felices de hablar con nuestros humanos. Nosotras decimos "nuestros" humanos porque nuestro elemento de agua llena tanto de su envase terrestre. Sabemos que nuestro trabajo es muy importante, ya que el agua es la fuente más grande en el cuerpo de Gaia. No obstante, muchos humanos no se dan cuenta de esto, porque si lo hicieran, se habrían asegurado de que permaneciera clara y fresca.

Una vez, nuestros grandes océanos y cursos de agua eran claros y prístinos. Había suficiente vida dentro de nuestras aguas para alimentar a la humanidad y a otros animales y se habrían dejado aún suficientes criaturas del agua para procrear.

Healing music - 432HZ DNA REPAIR MODE [ 40 mins ]

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - Nov 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as boundless. Divine love is boundless love, it is a love that knows no limits. At the core of each individual is a spark of divinity which is their true essence. Through this divine spark, each individual is connected to everything in the universe. They, as a soul, are a boundless and endless expression of the divine. When an individual listens to the still small voice that guides them from within, it inspires them to envision an expanded version of the life they are truly meant to be living. They are connected through their own spark of divinity to the nature of the divine and its boundless and limitless resources of love, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, and compassion. It is a direct and personal contact that is always available when they need it. The sense of the divine’s boundlessness is a feeling of unconditional love and protection that shelters each individual. It is feeling something beyond one’s normal senses when they experience the wonders of nature and its boundlessness. It is a recognizable and appreciative gift of grace that comes to them in special moments of unexpected synchronicity. It is feeling a sense of joy, awe and wonder, gratitude and humility that comes in a profound and fleeting moment. When they recognize the presence and love of the divine within them, their life and their world takes on a luminosity and spiritual clarity that lights up their life and the lives of those around them with added meaning and purpose.