martes, noviembre 03, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - 02-11-15. Las negociaciones secretas de alto nivel continúan mientras el ejército del estado delincuente de Israel es sometido a un bloqueo aéreo y marítimo

03 nov

Fuentes y comentarios en inglés:

El Estado delincuente de Israel ha sido sometido a un “cordón sanitario electromagnético”, lo que significa que sus aviones militares están conectados a tierra y sus buques de guerra no pueden salir de sus puertos, según funcionarios del Pentágono. El bloqueo se ha intensificado debido a que los militares estadounidenses y las fuentes gubernamentales rusas están de acuerdo en que fue un avión de combate F-16 israelí que salió de la base aérea de Ramón el que derribó el avión ruso en el desierto del Sinaí en Halloween, matando a 224 personas. “Israel está ahora atrapada en su caja de arena y sólo puede bombardear Gaza o derribar aviones”, agregó un funcionario del Pentágono. El derribo del avión de pasajeros también ha abierto ahora el camino legal para los ataques rusos en Israel propiamente, dijeron los agentes.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las energías para noviembre del 2015 - Nov 1, 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Noviembre comienza con un aspecto hermoso, una conjunción en Virgo entre Venus, Marte y Júpiter. Esta es la tercera conjunción Venus/Marte de este año y con Júpiter se convierte en un conjunto poderoso. También está en oposición con Quirón, el sanador herido, así que las heridas serán más obvias, e igualmente la sanación que ellas requieren, si tenemos el coraje de hacerlo. Una de las lecciones de noviembre será la de tener el coraje para avanzar al siguiente nivel de transformación, liberando los vínculos energéticos de nuestro viaje de experiencia de sanación, reemplazándolos con las alas de la libertad y la totalidad. Es un mes para la convergencia creativa, donde todas las piezas se unen para que podamos crear nuestros nuevos senderos de vida. No necesitamos saber hacia dónde vamos, solamente debemos tener el deseo de comenzar a avanzar.

Trish LeSage - "Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"

"Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"
As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).
However, many people do not notice that they have crossed over into a parallel universe, as they are often too busy with the hectic pace of modern life.  Furthermore, the differences between the universes are often very minute and therefore, are often not noticeable unless one pays close attention to the small details of everything. 
When one does cross over into a parallel universe, they often do so for only a short period of time such as minutes or hours. However, on rarer occasions, some experience extended stays in parallel universes that last days, weeks, months, or even longer. 
There are many reasons why one may experience the phenomenon of parallel universes.  One such reason is that they may cross over into a parallel universe in order to avoid danger in their current universe.
As an example of this, when I awoke one morning, I got out of bed, and once I got into the hallway and headed to the bathroom, I smelled smoke. The smell was more faint than what smoke normally smells like on the 3rd dimension Earth, however, it was distinct enough for me to smell it and for it to cause my allergies to start to bother me. My throat started to itch, and I began to cough. I also noticed that there was a cloud of smoke in the hallway between the bathroom and my bedroom door. Again, it was more faint than what smoke usually looks like on the 3rd dimension Earth, but yet it was distinct enough for me to see it. Oddly, the smoke stopped right at my bedroom door. It was as if there was a wall of smoke there, and something invisible was stopping it from entering the bedroom. Then I remembered that when I awoke that morning, I had not smelled smoke in the bedroom at all. I never smelled smoke until I was in the hallway. So, it made sense that the smoke stopped at the bedroom door.
Concerned about our home being on fire, I walked through the rest of the house, and I smelled smoke everywhere. However, I could not find a fire anywhere. When I returned to the hallway and bathroom, the smell of smoke and the smoke that I had seen was completely gone. It had vanished without a trace. Again, I walked through the rest of the house, and the smell of smoke was completely gone in the rest of the house also.
When my energy vibration is in the process of being adjusted so that I am able to travel to a parallel universe, I am often able to perceive both, the universe that I am leaving and the universe that I am traveling to. Therefore, as I was straddling the two universes, I was still smelling the smoke of the previous universe that I was leaving although I was also safe in the new parallel universe that I was taken to in which there was not a fire.  In the universe that I left, my home was on fire, and I was in danger of perishing in it. However, in the parallel universe that I was taken to by spirit, there was not a fire in my home, and I was safe from harm.
Although sometimes it is very difficult to notice that we are in a parallel universe unless we take the time to look at the small details of everything, in the case of the experience that I had with the fire, the experience was so profound that I know without a doubt that I had definitely crossed over into a parallel universe and that divine intervention was there in my time of need to make sure that I was safe from harm.
According to the article, “Living in a Quantum World”, by Vlatko Vedral in the June 2011 issue of the magazine, "Scientific American", vol. 304, issue 6, pp. 38-43, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleportation, and Quantum Tunneling are phenomena that suggest that parallel universes exist. Scientists had proven in past experiments in which particles existed simultaneously in more than one location and disappeared and then reappeared in other locations that such phenomena do already exist at a micro level. Scientists have now proven that Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleporation, and Quantum Tunneling also exist at a macro level through their experiments with plants, birds, and crystals which suggests the possibility of travel to parallel universes on a macro level.  As a result of these experiments, science is now beginning to prove that parallel universes do exist and that travel to them is possible. 
It is interesting to now see a bridge being created between the gap that has existed between science and Metaphysics for so long.  With the shift to higher consciousness that humanity is experiencing, we may begin to see more and more of these types of gaps being filled as people begin to experience their true multidimensional nature. 
About The Author:
Trish LeSage is a best selling author of books on metaphysics, parallel universes (alternate realities), ascension to higher consciousness, and body-mind-spirit topics.  She has written four books:  "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond"; "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology"; "Traveling To Parallel Universes"; and "How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness".  More information about her work is available on her website at 
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As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).

Sarah Varcas - November 2015 – September 2016: Saturn in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces - Nov 3, 2015

Inside Out and Back To Front
Sarah Varcas

Welcome to the next major astrological event to shape our lives, ourselves and our world. Alignments such as this, between the slow moving outer planets, impact the very core of our being, catalysing irrevocable change. The previous such event – the much discussed Uranus/Pluto Square which dominated the heavens from June 2012 to March 2015 – up-ended many lives, bringing with it disruption and challenge the likes of which were unimaginable until we found ourselves in their midst! Since March of this year we’ve been taking stock, letting the dust settle and blinking in the clarity of new light. We may have wondered what on earth hit us, whilst in many (though not all) cases, being strangely grateful that it did. 2012 feels like a distant memory and our present a whole other world from the one we occupied four years ago. Some may feel that’s change enough; we need rest and space now for things to ‘get back to normal’. In fact there is no ‘normal’ anymore. Uranus and Pluto saw to that by making all things new. Now Saturn and Neptune follow in their footsteps, raising the curtain on the next stage of becoming which recalibrates our being to accommodate the very absence of ‘normal’, alongside the joy ever present in surrender to both matter and spirit, in a world saturated with the impulse to evolve.

lunes, noviembre 02, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels - 2 November, 2015

Dear Ones,

On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light — the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.

As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form. It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.

When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening. The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.

Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed. You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.

The Gateway of the Archangels

On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.

Archangel Sandalphon holds frequencies of Earth’s crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.

Archangel Gabriel holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.

Archangel Michael offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.

Archangel Raphael offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.

How to Step through the Gateway

Bring the Soul's vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart. Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully into your human form. Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul's original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.

Take sacred time during the 24 hours of November 11, most especially at the moments a digital clock displays 11:11, to anchor these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels standing guard over the gateway are holding this expansive Portal of Golden Light open for you. See them standing there; massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth. These great Archangels are bringing to you a blessing from God.

When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision for new life of Peace and Harmony on the Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist simultaneously, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered, integrated way.

In the holy instant of profound opening, the Gateway of the Archangels awakens your divinity into alignment with your physical form, as you step into the 5D Golden Template for new life on Earth. Know that as you claim this for yourself, these frequencies bless all of humanity in this moment of awakening.

The Intention of the 11:11 Empowerment

The greater intention for this 11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail.

As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility during the fifth dimensional shift occurring on this planet.

The flow of Divine Love through each person creates an expansion in perception when the veils have parted, so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for planetary well-being so the Earth and all humanity can also receive from this moment in time will be of great benefit.

Asking for miracles is very appropriate when you are in the celestial gateway between Heaven and Earth.

The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow specific goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers and intentions are the key to this process.

As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded forms and patterns of existence that do not fit your new Golden Template of Light or the energy stream of Unity Consciousness occurring on the planet at this sacred time.

Create the model of your new life through your intentional setting forth of exalted ideas, even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your Soul and the Archangels to lead you. Embrace the new level of your inner being merging with your most Divine Self, and invite Archangel Sandalphon to help you anchor it on the Earth.

Although the path on the other side of the 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels may not unfold for you all at once, you can be shown a glimpse of a new vision to give your heart a burst of hope. Do know that as you walk through this portal, you are aligning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in harmony with your new Golden Template of Light, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This empowers you to experience greater Faith as you take the next steps and the next on your path into an unknown future. Know that you have aligned with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way. Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you.

Union with the Self

During this day of 11-11, join with others for a profound Gateway initiation with the Archangels. You will be connected with the Source of All That Is Divine as you step into your Golden Template for the blending of your most Divine Self with your most human. Give thanks for the Grace that descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deeply within your being, and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self so you become a Bridge between Heaven and Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness.

Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point — the key that fits the doorway to Unity within you and within all beings on the planet.

Archangels of Light and the Divine Presence of All That Is:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 Gateway of Power, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.

I joyfully invite the Golden Template that holds my 5D Crystalline Body to integrate my human form as is in my highest good at this sacred time.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Wellbeing into the Earth to assist its evolution.

I join with the Angelic Dimensions and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the integration of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat.

I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine gifts being offered to me now with supreme Gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light on the planet to bless all of Nature. As I bring loving awareness and respect for the Earth into my consciousness, all of humanity awakens into this requirement for new life.

Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the Golden Template for my crystalline body. With every step, may I use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being so I may be a blessing for the Earth.

For this and all the blessings I am receiving, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.

Jim Self - Planetary Update - November 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Another Dimension Newsletter and Energy Updates - November 2, 2015

Aloha Light Family,

We've activated the Star Gate of the 11/11 Gateway/Portal. As our Star Gates dial different frequencies, we will cycle through many dimensions and realities, go through blasts of light to activate our Star-Light Crystalline Particles so that molecular restructuring and particle realignment can further occur. Inside and outside, much is continually occurring and in all other dimensions, universes, parallels... waiting to converge here as we arrive. Simultaneous Advancement is what we are continually DOING, whether conscious of it or not. Much "bizarre" is surfacing for clearing, transcending and unification in other timelines and the lower realms. Simultaneously, the most amazing, magical and abundant realities continue to come forth in their place. Pay attention to what you are expecting, looking for and open to, in your own reality. Keep your focus on YOUR OWN VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, continually expanding your heart and mind, breathing LIFE and LIGHT through every cell and exhaling anything that is ready to be released from within you. Challenge your own mentalities and FEEL what you truly believe... Utilize nature and sleep to integrate and clear timelines easier (faster). Let go of the need to know.... You'll know when you are meant to as you exist in present moment. Stay in your heart to know the truth. ∞

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Piercing The Veil - 11/2/15

Just when we thought we finally hit a ceiling of weirdness and intensity, it just took another step to more craziness. It feels like we are not being allowed to get comfortable with being uncomfortable before the next level descends on us. Just as we get a reprieve, and we get our feet grounded, the game plan sifts, and we anchorless once again. Yet, with everything that we experience, there is a greater purpose, and we want to pierce the veil regarding this purpose.

We are deep in the confusing throes of emptying the sacred chalice within us. This is a necessary process to clear and make room for the brilliant future that we have envisioned. We are letting go and detaching from all things that we will not be taking with us. Yes, there is still more dumping and clearing! This includes outdated or unnecessary ways of making a living (even in very successful metaphysical and healing areas), unhealthy relationships, and we even find ourselves moving from current geographical locations or at least wanting to.

Brenda Hoffman - Glory in Your Expectation of Joy - November 2, 2015

Dear Ones,

Not all of you feel joyful, even though you wish to do so. Perhaps you do not understand the importance of that last sentence. In your 3D earth lives – including this lifetime – you expected to experience more fear than joy. Fear is no longer a large part of your repertoire.

You are expecting joy. You are even angry when joy does not appear in your life or experiences. Yet, just a few weeks ago, you fully expected pain to follow any piece of joy. So it is you are evolving more rapidly than you believe.

Jennifer Hoffman - November Energy Report 2015

November begins with a beautiful aspect, a conjunction in Virgo between Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. This is the third Venus/Mars conjunction this year and with Jupiter it packs a powerful punch. It’s also opposite Chiron, the wounded healer, so the wounds will be more obvious, but so will the healing they require, if we have the courage to apply it. One of November’s lessons will be to have the courage to move to the next level of transformation, to release the energetic bonds of our healing journey and replace them with the wings of freedom and wholeness. It’s a month for creative convergence, where all of the pieces come together so we can create our new life pathways. We don’t need to know where we are going, we just need to have the desire to start moving forward.