martes, julio 14, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy -

13 Men, 13 Kumku. 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We come on this day with more news about what is happening around you. The complex process of establishing a new financial system is moving forward at its own pace. The BRICS Development Bank is operating and is open for business as is the Chinese AIIB. These are just the beginnings of what is to come. The operations required to set up a Global Currency Revaluation (GCR) are likewise being readied for its unveiling. A necessary preliminary is the delivery of worldwide prosperity funds. This process is now being discussed by our earthly associates and by us. It is scheduled to begin once a number of initial humanitarian funds are successfully disbursed. This procedure is moving along nicely and we expect you to see some results shortly. In addition, we are presently devising a way by which we can intervene when it is required. We have already secretly followed a number of fund transfers and discovered how we can, if required, assure successful deliveries. The cabal has, in fact, reached the end of its time to further delay the outcome expected by Heaven.

Sandra Walter – The Tranquility of Transfiguration – 7-14-15

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

There is much occurring at the moment, on all levels of the Ascension process, the awakening, and the Shift in consciousness.
As has been emphasized for all of 2015, your focus and your choices sculpt and create your own personal Ascension experience. This is readily apparent, even within the diversity of the Ascension Tribe.
Embodiment of the crystalline consciousness creates stability as the volume is turned up on all realities. It also challenges the Tribe to honor Divine Delineation as your experience, or the experience of your colleagues, becomes unfamiliar.

Crop Circles 2015 - Alton Barnes, Wiltshire - UK - 14th july 2015 - UFO UK 2015

Kryon - Instructions for the Old Soul

Ho'oponopono, Mantra Meditation, Hawaiian Prayer, Theta Binaural Beats, Hooponopono

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Filtros Humanos - Última Parte - Totowa, Nueva Jersey, 28 de junio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Quiero que sientan todo lo que sea posible sentir en tres dimensiones. Estos mensajes especiales, en estos días de taller, son diferentes. Hablo para los buscadores, para quienes se quedan y hacen las preguntas que ustedes hacen. Miren a su alrededor y verán todas las distintas edades. El proceso de despertar no es para jóvenes, no es para mayores; es para los humanos. Y está sucediendo.

Si pudiera llevarlos en un viaje para mostrarles quiénes fueron, lo haría, pero muchos de ustedes empiezan a descubrirlo. Es un viaje expansivo cuando verdaderamente, realmente, entienden lo que ha sucedido y quiénes son.

lunes, julio 13, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Cómo Ser Ego-ista sin ser Egoísta - 5 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En mi niñez le oía decir mucho a mi madre “No seas egoísta”. Como la hija mayor en la familia, siempre tenía que compartirlo todo con hermanos y primos. Y cuando no quería compartir me llamaban “egoísta”. Así que aprendí que si quería enfocarme en mí misma estaba siendo egoísta y eso era algo malo. Pero si no aprendemos a ser ego-istas, lo que significa apropiarnos de nuestro propio poder y ser/estar en nuestra propia energía, entonces nunca desarrollaremos un basamento sólido de auto identidad, auto control y auto percepción. Las cosas han cambiado, es tiempo de ser egoísta y hacernos más egoístas realmente nos hace más poderosos, plenos y totales. No es interesante que podemos realmente tomar fotos de nosotros mismos en un tiempo en el cual preocuparnos de nuestras necesidades y ser egoístas es necesario en esta parte de nuestro viaje de experiencia.

Jennifer Hoffman - Free Will and Energetic Consent - July 13, 2015

Our free will allows us to choose any path we wish for our life and we do that every day, with every thought, word, and action, whether we realize it or not. Contained within our free will choices are decisions about the frequency, vibration, and type of energy we will allow in and into our lives and on the earth. And there are two distinct paths for how we allow energy to flow into and out of our lives — we can either adjust ourselves to the energy around us or set strong boundaries and stay in the frequencies we choose for ourselves. A more appropriate term for free will is ‘energetic consent’ because it is a process of allowing energy flows according to where we focus our intention and attention, and by allowing these energies to flow, which we do by not choosing another level of energy, we agree to its presence.  That’s why understanding our energetic consent is critical now, since with each thought and choice, we are creating an exponential energetic impact for ourselves and for everyone and everything around us.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Thoughts from your Hostess of Light July 2015 - Jul 13, 2015

The energy of July has us all pulled apart like a southern pork sandwich/ displaced and shredded. Emotions run high as families gather and all the old dialogue emerges long enough to push buttons for another 3 months. We hold within us slice of the ‘DNA PI’ that gets served up especially on holidays. Parts of ourselves we stuff in a closet until we are forced to being them out. Parts of ourselves we do not seem to have a lot of control over and we react basically like Pavlov’s dogs, ‘one ringy dingy’ and we are off on an emotional tangent.