miércoles, julio 08, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Message and Meditation from Mary Magdalene: Jewels of Your Awakening - July 7, 2015

images6U1GTFVC.gemsReceived July 4, 2015
Mary Magdalene:
Hello dear ones. Awakening to the vast beauty within and all your exquisite gifts is but a step away. As you spread your wings of Love and become Divine Love Incarnate, this is a catalyst for deep awakenings. Beyond the fears and limitations that you are illuminating and clearing, opens a beautiful vista, a beautiful expansiveness, a deep well of beauty within you.
It is there that you find your True Divine Self. It is there that you may dwell, it is there that you inhabit. It is there that you will find all you have been waiting for, looking for.
Dear ones, now is the time for a deeper awakening of the beauty of your Divine Self. It is there within you, within your Heart.

Suzanne Lie - Entering the 4D Emotional Plane Mystery School - July 8, 2015

                                                 The 4D Emotional Plane Mystery School
The Arcturians
Now that you have completed your journey through the Lower Astral Plane Mystery School, you continue your journey by entering the Emotional Sub-plane along your journey through the fourth dimension.

As you make your journey, be sure that you leave “bread crumbs” so that you can easily recognize the pathway that you have created. This fourth dimensional pathway will expand into a road, then into a highway, then into a freeway as you repeat this passage again and again.

Kryon "Empowerment" Mini Channelling, Laguna Hills, California, Sunday - July 5 2015

Kryon "Awakenings" Mini Channelling, Laguna Hills, California Saturday, - July 4 2015

Kryon Mid Year 2015 Report - Laguna Hills, California, Saturday - July 4 2015

Kryon Empowerment - Laguna Hills, California, Sunday - July 5 2015

Benjamin Fulford - July 6, 2015: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.

The fact that 61% of Greek citizens voted to refuse to pay for banker’s reckless mistakes indicates a majority of the people at the street level in that country now recognize the criminal nature of the Western banking system. The fact is the Greek people now know they are not legally responsible for debts incurred by Mafiosi banker gamblers and will therefore not pay. This has set in motion the first domino that will lead inexorably to the bankruptcy of the Khazarian banking system and their criminal subsidiary known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. A Greek default, as mentioned previously, is just the first domino that will be followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and then the United States.

martes, julio 07, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - July 7, 2015

Be aware of your abilities and seize this power to express your love for Gaia and for all of humanity. This great reservoir of Love and forgiveness can literally move mountains!

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

6 Lamat, 6 Kumku, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! Your world continues to move forward with the manifesting of the new financial system. This system is to reduce or eliminate the stealing that was common under the old system. In addition, several adjustments are to be made that make money laundering practically impossible. Transparency in all kinds of transactions is to be the rule of the day. In the coming weeks we expect a great number of deliveries to occur. Thus, the time for you to receive your blessings is fast approaching. This grand transfer of wealth is to lead quickly to the downfall of the cabal and its many hidden associates. Thus, new governance under the aegis of NESARA is not very far off. These facts allow us to know that our period of announcements is swiftly approaching. This means as well that your needed lessons by the Ascended Masters are looming. Many of you have patiently waited for the time, which is now upon you. Others have occasionally succumbed to the rigors of this prolonged wait. In any case, remain positive and be joyous for what is happening around you. The time is approaching to at last let go and begin your many projects to aid humanity!



Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

Continuación de 
   El artículo va a tratar en un primer aspecto con las Triadas las cuales tienen tantos otros nombres que llevarían página tras página el mencionarlos todos. Uno de los nombres que las Triadas tienen es Sociedad de la Tierra y el Cielo. Otros nombres principales incluyen "La Liga Hung" y "La Asociación de la Unión de los 3". Los francmasones han estado muy interesados en las tríadas y los masones les han hecho varios estudios en profundidad y han escrito libros acerca de las mismas incluyendo G. Schlegel (La Liga Hung. 1866), JSM Ward (La Sociedad Hung -. Ver otra cita de su en la página 2), y El Grupo de Trabajo de la Ley (La Sociedad Hung 1925). (Este artículo se va a recortar de nuevo y tal vez parte de la información puede ser proporcionada en un boletín en el futuro.) La historia de China es una historia de las dinastías autoritarias y las sociedades secretas que se les oponían. A lo largo de la historia de China, ha habido básicamente un solo recurso a la oposición del establishment y esta ha sido únicamente a través de las sociedades secretas. Las sociedades secretas han sido un camino para los débiles, para luchar contra lo que cada vez se percibe como la causa de su miseria.


Basado en el libro de Fritz Springmeier "Linajes de los Illuminati", con agregados actuales

   Escribiendo acerca de la familia Li y las sociedades secretas chinas, me siento como la persona que se despierta a mitad de la noche andando a tientas en la obscuridad mientras todos los demás duermen tratando de calibrar el camino. Puedo compartir con ustedes lo que he aprendido, pero sin lugar a dudas, hay mucho más que se puede aprender.
   Cuando el año comenzó yo sabía solo un poco acerca de la familia Li, y ese poco que sabía era de lo que había escuchado. Yo no sabía ni como deletrear su nombre correctamente. Yo estaba deletreando Lee (Actualmente el apellido de la familia Li se deletrea Lee en algunas áreas tales como  Hokkien, Teochew, Singapur y por algunos chinos-americanos). Debido a que sabía muy poco acerca de la familia, fue una de mis principales áreas de enfoque al hacer mi investigación.


   Un nombre chino se compone de un nombre de familia (apellido), que se escribe primero, y luego viene el nombre personal. En la manera china de las cosas mi nombre sería Springmeier Fritz. Los apellidos son por lo general de un carácter cada uno, aunque hay excepciones como Ouyong y Situ. Hay más de 6.000 apellidos chinos por alrededor de mil millones de chinos. Los apellidos chinos más frecuentes en países de habla inglesa tales como E.U.A, Inglaterra y Australia son Chan, Lin, Li, Wong, Huang, Mei, Yang, Chin, y Fong. En la tierra principal, China, los cinco apellidos de las principales familias son Chen, Li, Zhang, He, y Huang.