jueves, junio 04, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Floating-Free Energy and Life Stocktake - June 4, 2015

There is a big free-floating feeling in the air these days. The more our consciousness becomes centred in our hearts as opposed to our minds, the more an 'unplugging' of sorts takes place. It is an unplugging of our former paradigm, including an unplugging of old beliefs that held our reality and identity together. More and more our awareness and focus is being brought into NOW, and so you may be finding it really difficult, detached even, to think about the past or future in the same way you used to. Recalling memories might feel strange, and planning for the future might feel like you are grasping at clouds that keep changing every moment.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The Love from All-That-Is covers you and my 
Love flows into your heart. So it is today and in eternity.
Beloved Ones,
This time adulates Life, even if death is everywhere.
The world is devoted to Love, Even if the fate of this 
mankind still needs to be fulfilled and thereby hate 
and darkness appear again.
Everything shows itself in the Light now and before this 
world has been entirely stripped off, it is necessary to l
ook, to accept, to dissolve and to forgive, because truly: 
Forgiveness heals souls and forgiveness heals the world. 
God’s Grace and the Light from Heaven flow relentlessly to earth, 
so that you may ascend and arise.You shall no longer meet death, 
you, who serve God and who bear testimony of the world of Light 
to mankind.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - June 5, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as diplomacy. This quality enables one to engage in spiritual practice in the midst of life, one that can bridge the external world with one’s inner world. The practice of spiritual diplomacy is one that harmonizes by bringing agreement and understanding through the reduction of the fear level within others in order to bring about a more harmonious world. It is a high level of spiritual discipline that one practices by being a living example in order to bring others in the direction of a world of harmony and peace. By being mindful and aware of what is happening in each moment, one becomes aware of the greatness and wholeness of all life. By cultivating the understanding of the spiritual beliefs of other cultures that has made them who they are today, one gains new spiritual insights. They integrate the spiritual aspects of life by practicing these precepts in their everyday life. By the practice of open hearted and open minded awareness, one is available to life as it exists around them, in the conditions in which one finds them, but at the same time they are aware of the improvements within self that are needed. These individuals thereby change themselves and the world around them through the understanding that there is a chance to change a way of being in each moment of the current now moment.

Shocked Crowd Records Large Fleet Of UFOs Over Canada! Best UFO Sightings May 2015

Emmanuel Dagher - The Crystals Speak - June 2015

Dear friend, 
I’m excited to reconnect with you again. Sharing in this space, where we get to honor each other in this way, is one of the things I cherish most, and for that I am profoundly grateful.
I am also grateful for all the heartfelt messages I receive from you, sharing your own personal journey of how you came to be the miraculous person you are today. It reminds me that we are truly all in this together.
There’s a lot for us to catch up on in this Energy Forecast, so let’s get right to it.
The Gap Narrows
In the past few weeks, a resurgence of light frequency from the celestial skies has been pouring into every single corner of the planet. This light has also been pouring into our biomagnetic sheath (auric field), body, and mind.
For a while, it appeared as though the two worlds (the world of Unity/Oneness and the world of fear/lack that have operated in the context of duality) were headed in completely different directions, creating a large gap between them.