jueves, junio 04, 2015

SolaraAnRa - June Solstice 2015: Accelerating Your Path

Benjamin Fulford - June 1, 2015: Will the revolution finally come this autumn?

There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule. In fact, it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery.

The most likely trigger for the revolution is now expected to be Greece. The latest news on that front is that Greece will “bundle” June payments to the IMF. What this means, according to British MI5 intelligence, is that “if Greece bundles it’s June payments, it defaults to the IMF in early July, this will be reported by the IMF Managing Director after 30 more days followed by some 3-4 weeks of procedural talks inside the IMF.” In other words the crunch will come in September.

The fact is the Western banking system, notably the mega-banks, are already bankrupt. They are bankrupt based on the simple fact that, as a whole, Western countries have been importing from the rest of the world, mainly Asia, for the past 30 years using their credit card and the card has maxed out. The Western banks have been pretending this is not the case by creating hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of derivatives. These derivatives have very tenuous links to real world things such as Greek people’s income so, something like a Greek default would be enough to send the system into terminal tailspin.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías de Junio 2015 - 1 de Junio 2015

1 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mayo fue un mes difícil que tuvo poco que ver con el retrógrado de Mercurio aunque fue un factor. Escribí en mi Informe de las Energías de Mayo que era un mes para ‘tomar acción’ y lo era, pero la acción tiene que ver con muchas cosas además de subirnos al auto e irnos. Hay que hacer mucha preparación y planificación que nos lleva a la acción y eso es lo que significaba mayo. Aunque estaba lista para lanzar mi cohete al espacio exterior, no había verificado para ver si todavía estaba en la rampa de lanzamiento con todos los sistemas listos para el arranque. En mayo, cada paso intentado de avanzar nos traía algo más que debía despejarse y que era necesario para poder alinearlos con e integrar lo que estamos ahora listos para hacer en junio. En junio tenemos algunos desafíos, los mayores relacionados con avanzar luego de un largo período de falta de movilidad y libertad, permitiendo que soñáramos en grande.

Cosmic cinema: astronomers make real-time, 3D movies of plasma tubes drifting overhead

miércoles, junio 03, 2015

Natalie Glasson - Synthesis of the Divine Feminine by Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary -June 3. 2015

Natalie Glasson Sacred School of OmNa Channelled Messages, Wisdom and Light

It is with the grace of the Goddess and the Divine Mother that we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary greet you. We come forth as representatives of the purest vibrations of the sacred feminine aspects, qualities and expressions of the Creator, so you may absorb and activate the same within your being. Let us welcome the purest vibrations of the Divine Feminine aspects of the Creator into our present ascension knowing that acceptance will lead to synthesis within your being and the universe of the Creator.

Upon the inner planes we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, are communing in unison, joining our energies together with a focus of synthesising the Divine Feminine aspects we represent to create a powerful unified surge of Goddess vibrations and power, which will impact and alter the Earth and inner planes. We, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, have always been focusing upon unity and synthesis between our energies as Mother Mary represents one aspect of the Divine Mother energies while Lady Quan Yin represents a different aspect. When these two aspects are united we are all able to recognise fuller and more complete vibrations of the Goddess. Mother Mary upon the Earth has been known as a western figure of the Divine Mother, whereas Lady Quan Yin has been known to represent the Eastern figure of the Divine Mother. Many may perceive the energies of Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin as the same, they both hold a powerful resonance and embodiment of the Divine Mother, some may even recognise them as the same soul, however we are two souls representing two aspects of the Divine Mother vibrations. The synthesis of the Divine Mother energies is our purpose in order to unlock the divinity and power of the Creator, bringing forth empowerment to all aspects of the Divine Feminine whether on the Earth or the inner planes. When the Divine Feminine is restored and empowered this will allow for nourishment and enhanced vibration of the Divine Masculine, thus the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will become equal in vibration encouraging a full and complete merge where the concept of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are dissolved becoming a unified vibration of the Creator where aspects are no longer recognised as separate identities. Take a moment to imagine how this would impact the Earth, inner planes and most importantly your perspective.

Sarah Varcas - Reporte de Astro-Energía para junio del 2015 - Despertar Creativo - 1° de Junio 2015



Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El mes comienza con una energía subyacente fluida y creativa, suave y no obstante poderosa, que nos hace recordar las corrientes profundas que fluyen debajo de una superficie tranquila. Es tiempo de abrazar nuestra creatividad, sea lo que ello signifique para nosotros. No tenemos que ser Picasso o Beethoven para hacer esto. No se necesita ‘talento’, no hay que cumplir estándares. Simplemente permitirnos abrazar la belleza del mundo natural, la mirada del alma en los ojos de los animales o el suave movimiento de la respiración en el pecho de nuestro niño mientras duerme – todas estas cosas y muchas más nos conectan con la belleza creativa del universo que por siempre nos demuestra su asombrosa maravilla aun cuando sigamos ajenos, cabizbajos, ajetreados otro día más.

Archangel Michael - Aligning with Higher Will. Living in Higher ConsciousnessChanneled by Meredith Murphy - 03 June 2015

Higher Perspectives
Message from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy http://www.expectwonderful.com

Hello Divine Beings of Love,
Welcome to this beautiful connection in light. We greet you knowing you are changing your lives in subtle, yet substantial ways.
As you allow yourself to look within your heart and feel and get in touch with the deepest reasons why you want what you want, you are aligning with your higher self and with higher will in ways that will powerfully shape your experience.
Upgrading your alignment with higher will taps you into expanded momentums of life. It allows you to flow more energy and higher frequency energy in ways that will allow you to experience more peace, more grounded centeredness and for your life to unfold with more grace.

Valerie Donner - A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - June 3, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira.
         You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.
Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Junio del 2015 - 1 de Junio 2015

1 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema para junio es “ACCION CREATIVA”

Aquí la mejor analogía y descripción del mes:

Digamos que tienen una habitación en su hogar y que sintieron la inspiración de cambiarla, remodelarla y mejorarla. Digamos que es la cocina. Han estado tratando de determinar cómo hacerla más acogedora en apoyo a la vida de ustedes. Pero el espacio es pequeño y no han encontrado una solución que mejore lo que tienen en la actualidad, que ha funcionado bien hasta ahora, pero necesitan que su cocina esté mejor alineada con algo que ha cambiado en ustedes recientemente. Se sienten atascados en cuanto a encontrar la solución.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - Which Earth Are You On?