sábado, mayo 30, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Te Estás Reconstruyendo - 4 de Mayo 2015

4 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



Cada parte de su ser está cambiando rápidamente de lo que era a lo que es. Algunos de ustedes cuestionan esta frase porque no han sentido la alegría al grado que esperaban – de la forma que su ser 3D entiende la alegría. En su lugar, su alegría está sucediendo en milisegundos mientras se ajustan al nuevo ustedes.

¿Alguna vez han comprado algo que no les parece bien solamente para descubrir que ese objeto era exactamente lo que anhelaban pero no lo comprendían? Así es con ustedes ahora. El temor, el descontento de querer algo hacia donde mudarse, todo es parte de ustedes convirtiéndose en ustedes.

viernes, mayo 29, 2015

A Message to Lightworkers – May 29, 2015 | Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – May 29, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you once again.
We look out upon your world, and we are astounded — astounded at the changes in human affairs, astounded at the shifts and transformations in surface life on your planet, and greatly astounded by the leaps and bounds taken in the evolvement of your spirits’ consciousness.
We would say in fact, that though it appears little has changed from even one or two months ago, that this could not be.
For the astrological shifts and occurrences, the amazing Light pouring in via Alcyone the Great Central Sun, the incredible celestial tones and frequencies held constantly by the Angelic realms, who are circling Earth in ever greater numbers — all of this ensures that your Ascension is moving forward quickly — as quickly as it can, without throwing your physical aspect into shock.

SaLuSa - 29 May 2015

The old system continues to break apart as it no longer serves your need to expand your levels of consciousness. Also those who serve your interests are largely working with the old energies and whilst they remain, making more progress into the Light is a very slow affair. However the Lightworkers do have a voice and those seeking illumination will be drawn to those people who can guide them along a suitable pathway. Your intuition has a major role to play in guiding you in the direction that best suits your needs, and sometimes there is karma involved that may require you to experience progress in a certain way. Be assured once again that nothing of importance to your evolution happens by chance, and all experiences have their value. Sometimes the reasons may not be immediately apparent, but often in retrospect you can begin to see the lesson to be learnt. In these end times some lessons have been harsh, but you would be well advised to take note of the message they have given. However, do not worry about your degree of progress, as providing you handle your experiences with the intent to learn from them you will evolve. In fact, you would not have reached this far had you not been walking your path of illumination.

John Smallman - You are, always have been and always will be, ONE WITH GOD! 05/29/2015

Time is running out!  Time is of the illusion, of the dream or nightmare, and dreams themselves last only a moment.  Yes, they frequently appear to occupy long and ongoing periods of time as your expectations, anxieties, fears, and hopes fill your minds with “what if” thoughts that distract you from living in the now moment, the only “real” time that exists.  The now moment is the eternal moment, the moment in which you were created and which never ends, there is, in truth, only now. Any other time, although seemingly very real, is unreal. That is very hard for you to grasp as you struggle with the endless selection of issues and situations the dream state constantly brings to your attention, which was the whole purpose for constructing it.  It is indeed very confusing for you because of the extreme and inordinate limits that you placed on the human vehicles that you built for yourselves so that you could experience as convincingly as possible the state of separation from God, our divine Source; or even apparent complete abandonment by that loving energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.


jueves, mayo 28, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - May 25, 2015: The battle for the planet earth continues with regime changes, nuclear threats, imminent financial collapse etc.

Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive. That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default, the Ukraine threatens to default, the US runs out of money again, there is another fake mass shooting event in the US (this time Waco), China and Japan say slightly different things about each other’s history then military pilots fly to obscure islands and wave the finger at each other, Shias, Sunnis, Jews and Western mercenaries pretending to be Muslim extremists do bad things or are victims of bad things, North Korea shoots off a missile, etc. etc.

In the alternative news world, we see something similar: mass arrests of Western cabalistic elites are imminent, the new financial system has been announced and your check is in the mail, UFO’s have landed, the end of the world is nigh, President Obama is a time travelling Muslim space alien etc.

Given all this, it is understandable that many people cannot help but wonder if we will ever see any real change.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - "La Plantilla de la Cápsula de Tiempo - 2ª Parte" Principal - Buffalo, N. York, 17 de Mayo de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todos los grupos de almas antiguas tienen su propia energía; cada uno de ellos. Este grupo también es único; hay una camaradería, un lazo especial de familia. Hay lugares en el planeta donde los grupos de almas antiguas reencarnan una y otra vez en el mismo lugar, como ya he dicho. Hay profundidad en este sistema, porque crea un grupo en que tienen más probabilidad de conocerse uno a otro y tener sincronicidad uno con otro. Hay otros lugares en el planeta donde sucede lo opuesto, donde reencarnan en una cultura que no reconocen, y pasan una vida volviendo a la que conocían. Cada ser humano tiene su propio programa, basado en lo que eligen cuando no están aquí.

Kryon "Mini Channelling" Buffalo, New York Sunday May 17, 2015

Kryon - "The Time Capsule Template" Buffalo, New York May 17, 2015 Main Channeling

Kryon por Lee Carroll - "La Plantilla de la Cápsula de Tiempo - 2ª Parte" Introducción - Buffalo, N. York, 17 de Mayo de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos han oído estas palabras tantas veces, sin embargo hay muy pocos que se hayan sentado literalmente frente a mí y a mi socio durante este evento. Se llama canalización, y hay muchas energías aquí que pueden ver o no, muchas energías que pueden aceptar o no. Aquí hay una realidad que se les presenta que no han visto antes realmente, ni comprenden. Si no están preparados para verlas, se vuelve confuso. Y esto los conduce entonces a decidir que tienen que decir que no es real.

Menciono esto otra vez, como he hecho una y otra vez, porque la realidad de ustedes se limita a lo que han visto y a lo que les han dicho que debe o no debe ser. Y es una lástima.