lunes, abril 13, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - 13 April, 2015

Inspiration for the Week - Picture Wings of Angels Enfolding You in Light

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Call on us often and picture the Wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.
It takes practice to remember to call the Angels into our life as the first resort and not the last. When we do ask for their assistance the Angels are there, sometimes dramatically, but often very subtly.
When I get very quiet and tune into my most still place, I can actually feel myself wrapped in wings of Light. I like the sensation very much as it melts my heart and helps me know I am not alone in the situation.
I have gotten into the habit of calling on the Angelic Dimensions for every area of my life. They have been powerful partners in an often difficult path this lifetime.

Ron Head - Become excited at the possibilities that approach you now.- The Council - April 13, 2015

untitledThe Council
We are showing you a picture which includes images of several of what you call extreme sports. Many of you seem to enjoy having your adrenaline flood through you. Since you don’t seem to have any saber toothed tigers to run from, you have taken to jumping from high places or plummeting down mountain sides.
When you stand upon that cliff or at the start of that ski run, you are very much in a place equivalent to humanity’s position in its evolution at this time. The difference is that much of what you are now to experience will seem to happen at a pace that will have you saying, as usual, “Nothing is happening”. We have spoken of this before.
However, this will not always be the case. And for your screaming enjoyment we offer you now the beginning of change that may have you breathless at times. Remember, you have asked for this, “Bring it on” being one of your favorite phrases. You may use that less often in the future. But we are not wanting to frighten you at all. We actually want you to become excited at the possibilities that approach you now.

Selacia - Prepárense para la Luna Nueva del 18 de Abril - 13 de Abril 2015
13 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Prepárense ahora para la Luna Nueva del18 de abril, una ventana de energía para crear un nuevo comienzo en su vida avanzando hacia un nivel expandido de conciencia superior. Hagan el proceso simple que les recomiendo aquí para que se puedan beneficiar plenamente.

Como este ciclo trata de nuevos comienzos, consideren situaciones claves que quieren comenzar por vez primera o escenarios que necesitan refrescamiento.

Seguramente incluirán a otras personas, siendo las relaciones el frente y el centro para cualquiera en el sendero espiritual.

Selacia – Prepare For April 18 New Moon – 13 April 2014

Selaciaby Selacia
Prepare now for the April 18 New Moon, an energy window for creating a new beginning in your life and moving into an expanded level of higher consciousness. Do the simple process I recommend here so you can be resourced to benefit fully.
Since this cycle is about new starts, consider key situations you want to either begin for the first time or scenarios that need a refresh.
Most likely, these will involve other people, relationships now being front and center for anyone on the spiritual path.

And specifically related to other people, consider how you manage your own power when you are with others. Power issues are universal right now – everyone is dealing with them. Get in touch with yours now ahead of Saturday.

Blossom Goodchild – 13 April 2015

bloss arizona biggerHi there. Here we are once again. I always look forward to these times.
Indeed, it is the pleasure of us all to communicate in this way.
You may be aware that I desire to ask a question on behalf of a scientist who is so keen to have his answer for his research. It is regarding the document we spoke of weeks ago and the Truth as to whether or not our reality as we know it is being restricted/bound or confined to an artificially created “bubble” inside  of the greater unrestricted universe that houses it?
We shall address this matter in this way. Of course your Earth plane is residing within/upon Energy. For EVERYTHING as you know, is of this. As to it being ‘confined’ … we would say ‘Yes, it is.’ Yet, not in a way that restricts. I.e. caught in a bubble.

domingo, abril 12, 2015

Aisha North - An update on the energies - April 12, 2015

Beloved family of light!
I have not been given any words this time, just a message to share this image with all of you:
Aisha North series 6 - 1
With all my love – always

Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast April 2015

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 12 April 2015

marilynraffaeleAPRIL 12, 2015
Welcome to spring dear ones, how quickly this year seems to be moving along. Time as you have always known it is now different because as your energy is lifting and evolving so are all the qualities of the third dimension lifting and evolving. Time is simply a measure necessary while living in the third dimension.
We wish to discuss the energy of conflict. Conflict is the manifestation of duality/separation consciousness . Everyone seeks the experience of completeness and wholeness as well as to be loved because it is the only reality, the real you, the essence of every living thing. However, those who do not understand this yearning, interpret it in ways that make sense according to their three dimensional belief system. “If I act a certain way, dress a certain way. look a certain way, make a lot of money, then I will be loved and loveable. “

sábado, abril 11, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de Gaia Nº 3 - En la Roca - Ulluru, Australia, 26 de marzo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Aquí es apropiado recibir los mensajes de la Creación. Pero antes de decir algo, y antes de entregarles algo, pedimos permiso. Hay unos pocos lugares en el planeta donde mi socio al sentarse a canalizar debe tener el acuerdo con la tierra y con los ancestros de la tierra y de los dueños de la tierra para poder canalizar.

Y cuando decimos "los dueños de la tierra" no es lo que tiene dueño a la manera occidental. Ellos son dueños de la tierra porque ellos son la tierra y fueron creados con la tierra y la tierra es suya. Y la tierra lo sabe y cuida de ellos de acuerdo a eso.

Mi socio habla del hecho de que ciertas áreas energéticas suelen crear problemas técnicos. Eso demuestra la energía que hay aquí. También les muestra que el deseo de lo que está aquí, que ustedes llaman el polvo de la Tierra, o la Roca ante ustedes, tiene energía, tiene propósito.

As Clarity comes in on all perspectives ~ April 11, 2015 ~ by Méline Portia Lafont

The Lunar Eclipse Portal and Blood Moon has been intense so far. A real emotional roller coaster filled with happy, beautiful things as well as with sorrow. It started out for me personally, with some serious and profound tangible shifts in my physical vessel and all my energy fields being upgraded as to their speed of spinning. Which instigated a vibrational expansion in those areas. I wrote this brief explanation and personal sharing to my good friend and soul Brother Bill Ballard a few days ago:
“so much body changes and energy fields are spinning at a much faster pace. I love this shift! the only thing is that I AM SOOOO exhausted over nothing! But body is coping well, emotional body is being triggered for sure and old decisions which have been made previously are being affirmed and clear as to why they were made. There is no way of being in that old place anymore; it is just not possible as your body reacts to this very clearly. I love how I am starting to feel every cell of my body spinning and vibrating at times. Kind of a buzzing experience and having goosebumps all over. The ascension chakra is very open and pulsating big time. On we go!!!!”