martes, abril 07, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Apr 7, 2015

We stand at the very edge of our blessings. Let each of you feel this inside your precious Soul! Gaia waits for us to get our freedom and use this to bring her great comfort.

from Planetary Activation Organization

6 Caban, 15 Mac, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come this time with more good news! Our liaisons report that our allies are preparing to release the prosperity shortly. At present, the various tests of this new system are proceeding. The holidays have somewhat slowed this procedure. Yet the basic intent continues — namely, to successfully distribute your various blessings! The dark cabal is now unable to stop this movement. This process is presently aimed at completion by the early spring. Until then, expect to see events, which seem to hint at no immediate change. The dark knows what is truly happening and sees that there is no way out of their current predicament. Our ambassadors are presently setting up when and how new governance is to manifest. All of this wonderful news means that we are moving at a good pace toward disclosure. Our Agarthan allies and your Ascended Masters are therefore preparing a number of lessons, which are essential to this cause. Our fleet continues to limit how the exotic weaponry of the dark is used. We have limited it to a very small set of minor cases.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re The Star Of You – 7 April 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Many of you are afraid that you did not “properly” address recent energies. Perhaps you were busy with 3D holiday preparations or you had other issues that seemed more important than yet another energy burst. It does not matter.
Energy does not return to the Universes if not experienced at the designated time. Just as missing a Christmas service or other religious observance does not necessitate you leaving that religious group. Your religion will continue to unfold whether you participate in each observance or not. So it is for energies that are now and will continue pummeling earth.
For adventuresome souls/beings who wish to be at the forefront of experience, the day or hour of the energy event is an important piece. A bit like being the first in a community to buy an electronic gadget.
You tap into energies when it is right for you – and no one else.
Those who proclaim that one day or hour is THE time to experience energy are no different from those who state emphatically that if you do not observe a specific religious holiday you are not in good standing in that religion.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Nº 3 De Gaia Día 2 1ª canalización - Ulluru, Australia, del 24 al 26 de marzo de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

(Durante el primer minuto del audio se escucha el sonido del didgeridoo, instrumento de viento de los aborígenes australianos)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Si alguien entrara ahora, esto le parecería raro. Muchos no estarían de acuerdo con lo que está sucediendo en este momento: la idea de que estén recibiendo mensajes de una fuente que muchos ni siquiera reconocen como real. No sólo mensajes, sino conceptos: benevolencia, unidad, belleza. Y esto es lo que hace la diferencia entre quienes tal vez se sentarían aquí y quienes no lo harían. Y eso nunca hace que un grupo esté en lo correcto o en el error, porque todos son vistos como iguales desde la Fuente Creadora, pero esta unidad de la que hablamos es un descubrimiento.

lunes, abril 06, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - April 6, 2015: Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet. They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world’s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth if world power.

The meeting took place April 4th, 2015 a day of great occult significance. As widely reported, on that day there was a blood moon lunar eclipse that coincided with the Jewish Pass Over holy day and the Christian Easter day of rebirth. This is all seen as a good omen for the West. For the Chinese, however, the fourth day of the fourth month means double death and is highly inauspicious. The Chinese representative was also unable or unwilling to visit the shrine to the Dragon God King of the White Waterfall (白瀧龍王神) where the meeting was supposed to take place. He seemed scared of it so, the meeting took place about 200 yards away from the shrine. This seems symbolic of how the Chinese push for world dominance fell short of its goal.

The Truth... written by The Enlightened Master on April 6th,2015

The Truth...
The truth is not easy...
Realizing the truth needs a long spiritual journey...
In order to deal with the truth, you should exceed the Spiritual Mental Plane
Warning: if you are not ready for the truth, please don’t follow this Blog..
This Blog is a special request for those who are seeking the truth...
Watching this Blog; requires an extensive background of spiritual knowledge to absorb it...
If you were not as well, your journey in viewing this blog is finished here...
Please note:
This Blog was written in the form of points, because every one of these points needs a huge explanation & deep consciousness to understand..


Kara Schallock - Integrating the Eclipse Cycle - April 6, 2015

We are in the phase of integrating the recent Eclipse Cycle. As we step further from this energy, we can begin to see what we moved from and into. So much has been transformed, whether it has been conscious or unconscious. Violet Flame energy was gifted to us from our Source Galactic Sun and touched everyone. This Divine Flame moved through and transformed all that was ready to be transformed. For those not yet awake, they may not have realized what was happening and so resisted much, which created great pain within them, as resisting anything results in a schism within and simply is not pleasant; it blocks the Flow.

As we continue to integrate the changes, many will be seduced into repeating past behaviors in order to “fix” things. This is not the way of the New, for we are not to save, rescue or fix anything or anyone. If a person attempts to do this, they retreat back into the old and prevent circumstances and people to be able to move forward in Divine Order. We are to stand strong and firm in our knowing that everyone is on their own path and to rescue them is to deny that they are powerful and responsible for all in their lives. We can, however, be Compassionate Observers, without interfering in their own growth as well as our own. You may want to go back into your old ways of being, yet please resist that temptation. Choose a new way of being. You can still be loving, yet not become embroiled in others’ lessons or drama. Let it go; let it be without feeling the ego-need to fix or rescue.

Jennifer Hoffman - When Is It Too Broken To be Fixed? - April 6, 2015

oil_sprayThis is a photo of my (former) oil sprayer. It’s in pieces because it’s broken, although I did spend a considerable amount of time — two days — trying to fix it. I don’t like throwing things away and I think that kitchen gadgets should last forever but in this case, while it was not working properly, I made it worse by trying to fix it. After trying numerous things, I came to the point where I had to acknowledge that it was beyond repair and throw it away. Sometimes our choices for release revolve around whether it’s a good use of our time and energy to try to fix something and to acknowledge when it’s broken beyond repair. Saying ‘no’ can be the objective of a lesson and the source of its greatest empowerment.
I use an oil sprayer I can fill instead of canned sprays because I’m allergic to the propellants they contain. The oil sprayer did work well at first, but then it got all gummy inside and wouldn’t spray. So I did what I always do when things don’t work, I took it apart. Then I soaked the pieces in white vinegar, and in hot, soapy water, dried them off, and tried unsuccessfully to put it back together. That’s when I decided that I was going to fix it and make it work. So I took it apart some more, breaking it beyond repair. Then I realized that I was spending more time trying to fix the sprayer than I needed to and it was time to throw it away.

domingo, abril 05, 2015

Aisha North - Welcome to the April Gathering around the Pond, Sunday April 5 - Apr 4, 2015

Dear family of light! This upcoming Sunday at 21:00 Oslo time, it is once more time for another Gathering around the Pond. This Gathering will be the day after the Full Blood Moon on Easter Saturday, so I am certain it will be a very special meditation for us all. Here is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“And so it is that we have come to give you another message that will accompany you all as you come together yet again to pool your energetic resources in a way that no others can. For as you once more sit down with the intention to incorporate your energy into this vast pool of shimmering light that has already accumulated in this energetic space, you will open up some new sluices that will help to distribute this light out into the world where it will literally make its mark on all. For you are all truly unique, and what you accomplish during these instances where you consciously open yourselves to each other and the energetic worlds that surround you, you engender such a powerful force-field of light it will once again literally move mountains.

Georgi Stankov - Multidimensional Aspects of Immediate Creation - April 5, 2015

Georgi Stankov, April 4, 2015
The blood moon eclipse this night was spectacular. We woke up at 04.40 am local time and enjoyed this natural spectacle due to the clear sky. Exactly at 4.50 the blood-red disk of the moon completely vanished in the dark sky, only to appear again with white light on the fringes a couple of minutes later. I read that this was the shortest moon eclipse in a century.
We could see with small theatre binoculars all the craters on the moon surfaces now painted in crimson red. The energies were overwhelming, but highly harmonious and peaceful as we majestically ascended higher and higher and out of this still 3D reality. The robins were singing happily from all trees around and announcing the coming spring of the new humanity. The whole nightly scene was very solemn and full of promises. So much about our personal experiences with the blood moon portal on April 4th.