miércoles, marzo 11, 2015

Selacia - Soul Agreements and Living Now

red heart small

Soul Agreements and Living Now  
by Selacia   

With times this intense and next week's fiery Equinox and other energy events just around the corner, you may have asked yourself more than once: "Did I really sign up for this?!" Consider that this question is much more than a rhetorical response to these crazy times. In fact, contemplate how this idea is coming from a deep place within you, a wise part of you that understands why you chose to be alive at this pivotal time in history. Consider that this quantum part of you, having boundless foresight, orchestrated a series of soul agreements that led you to now.

If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random - they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh 
with the affections and lusts. Bible, Gal 5,22-24
Everything that is alive is born of the Spirit, the Love 
for all emanates from the Spirit, and whoever works 
out of the Spirit is truly God’s child and God’s 
messenger on earth, and to those human Beings 
bliss befalls on all paths.

martes, marzo 10, 2015

Kryon - Lee Carroll - El Clima Introducción - Dallas, Texas, 1º de marzo de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Les digo otra vez: Yo sé quién soy, yo sé quién está aquí. Hay tantos que oyen esto por primera vez y al instante de oír hay juicio; el juicio proviene de todos los años en que la vieja energía ha prohibido que una cosa tal pueda ser real. Todos los siglos que has vivido, literalmente con una tapa puesta sobre ti, un techo para tu creencia, y ese techo proviene de lo que llamaríamos atributo de vieja energía. Crees lo que crees porque nunca lo has visto de esta manera. No todos ustedes.

Uno de los atributos, de que hemos hablado una vez tras otra, es el de la nueva humanidad, en la que esto que hoy ven no tenga que ser escudriñado, discernido a tal grado, o juzgado, porque sabrán que es la manera en que la familia habla con la familia.

Quick update..by/ The Enlighened master on 10th of March 2015

 Quick update..

- We reached a state of energy that allows us to activate the
   manifestation law...

- All the timelines are ready now to integrate into one timeline..
- The obstacles and borders began disappearing between dimensions..
- Liberating the "hostages" in the solar system at its peak...
- The rift between the physical and ethereal planes {cosmic anomaly}
   begin to recover and need little 

- The necessary preparations for the reception of the event from inside
   the earth are at its peak...

- We are very close to the phase of remarkable changes..

PLEIADIAN PROPHECY 2015 - 2017: World Revolution!

lunes, marzo 09, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - There Has Never Been a Time When You Were Alone - Mar 8, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt.
As we evolve into true multidimensional beings, there are times when we are feeling empty, disconnected and even abandoned. This can usually mean we are about to take a leap in energy to a greater expression of ourselves. As intriguing as that sounds, it can be profoundly uncomfortable.

We are in a powerful time astrologically that is encouraging us to liberate ourselves from our old ways of being. There are shifts in energy occurring within us that are requiring us to have the faith and trust enough to let ourselves expand into new aspects of life even when they are unknown to us.

These feelings of disconnection are the indicators that we are about to move into a more expanded level of being, just as electricity in a house needs to be shut off in order for new wiring to be put into place.

Benjamín Fulford - 9-03-15. Evento histórico de cisne negro inminente 09 mar

09 mar
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/03/10/historical-black-swan-event-imminent/
Ahora hay muchos signos innegables de que un acontecimiento histórico de tipo cisne negro es inminente. La naturaleza exacta de este evento es incierta, pero se trata del final de un sistema de gobierno que se remonta a miles de años y el surgimiento de un nuevo paradigma para la humanidad. Dado que el liderazgo mundial oculto vincula sus maquinaciones a eventos celestes, existe la posibilidad de este evento estará conectado con la súper- luna del 19 de marzo y el eclipse solar del 20 de marzo.
Esto viene después de las elecciones del 17 de marzo en Israel, que se espera ponga fin al régimen zionazi de esa nación. La humillación del primer ministro israelí, Benyamin Netanyahu, durante su visita a Estados Unidos sin ser invitado la semana pasada, fue una clara muestra de esto. Su discurso no fue transmitido por las principales cadenas de noticias de Estados Unidos y fue recibido con manifestaciones anti-Nentanyahu de Judios en Nueva York e Israel. Por si fuera poco, un ex jefe del Mossad lo acusó de mentir sobre la persistencia de la llamada “amenaza iraní”. Incluso es posible que se le ordenara secretamente a Netanyahu que perpetrase su propio suicidio político con ese discurso.

What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self - What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self March 9, 2015

http://insightsforthesoul.com/Images/GuestPhotos/2009/JimSelf.jpgAs the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension.
In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.
However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.
Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyone has the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms.

Sandra Walter – Alignment With The New Light – Activation – 9 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Alignment is a primary theme of 2015. Obviously the energies coming onto the planet for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway are of a MUCH Higher frequency. It is vital to stay peaceful, relaxed, and aligned with your Higher Levels as this New Light does its work throughout the next few weeks.
I AM experiencing dramatic revelations, and visits from Masters and Galatics with clear direction on the Gatework unfolding here in Shasta. It is a powerful Leveling Up for me and my mission, and I feel completely capable of the task at hand. Strong anchoring dates presenting: March 7, 13-15 as stepping up frequencies for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gate.
This is a remarkable passage for the Light Tribe; please stay focused as the light steps up in intensity. We are holding a massive field of Light for the Shift and Ascension right now. Know this, feel this, honor it with integrity. Accessing the multidimensional Self takes on a whole new meaning as we merge consciousness. Take care to surrender to the Now of it as the Light levels increase.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Divine Badge of Courage - March 9, 2015

by Carla Thompson, March 9, 2015
The highly compressive energies of the February 21st portal led to sweeping changes in our perception, not only of ourselves but of the reality around us. Here we experienced highly compressive and unrelenting energies through to the end of February and into early March. This entire time has been another gift of massive deconstruction that has made way for the truth to reveal itself in yet another expansion of our consciousness.
The Elohim have a very strong message for us: Share truth from a strong foundation of courage!
“The World as you knew it has now changed. Your life, as you knew it to be, shall now be of greater beauty. Your Being, as you knew it, drops the old attachments that your mind truly knows to have no more value nor benefit to you along this road to enlightenment. True freedom has been graced upon you!