Soul Agreements and Living Now
times this intense and next week's fiery Equinox and other energy
events just around the corner, you may have asked yourself more than
once: "Did I really sign up for this?!" Consider that this question is
much more than a rhetorical response to these crazy times. In fact,
contemplate how this idea is coming from a deep place within you, a wise
part of you that understands why you chose to be alive at this pivotal
time in history. Consider that this quantum part of you, having
boundless foresight, orchestrated a series of soul agreements that led
you to now.
If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random - they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way.
If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random - they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way.