martes, febrero 24, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - a message from Archangel Gabriel - Your Mission Now - Activate the Powerful Pillar of Golden Light - February 23, 2015

Activate the Pillar of Golden Light
You are being gifted waves of Divine Illumination within Golden Light. Your job is to direct these frequencies and empower your life in its flow!
Dear Ones,

The Archangels are here to initiate the power of awakening energy upon the Earth as the Golden Light flows throughout the world now. This Light of pure divinity contains all the elements of consciousness that are so desired by those living on the Earth such as Peace, Love, Joy, Creativity, Freedom and Abundance.

In harmony with the Solar Ray of Gold, there is a presence you can invoke as the illumination of celestial forces integrating with human. It is a beautiful Pillar of Golden Light carrying the Christed presence so you can fill your inner being with the golden essence of Divine Love.

UFO Crash Filmed in Manitoba CANADA by Witness!


The Deluge of Thoth and the Pyramid Recovery Vaults [FULL VIDEO]

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 434 – February 24, 2015

By now, so much will have been irrevocably changed within you all, and as usual, the outside phenomena accompanying this internal turnaround may be hard to perceive. But again, what you see through those apertures in your head you call eyes accounts for only a small percentage of what is actually there to be perceived, so once again we will remind you that what you see is not all that you get. For there is a way to see beyond this small superficial presentation of “reality”, and that is by way of your heart to use a phrasing you are more than familiar with by now. But as you already know, we are not referring to that actual organ, those cells whose main function is to literally run this show that is your physical vehicle. No, what we refer to, are all those parts of you that do not actually belong inside said physical vehicle, but who have chosen to begin to interact with it in such a way, you too will begin to see beyond the physical limits.

Steve Rother - Lead with the Heart A Special Message from the group.

Judith Dagley – Light BE-Ing – 24 February 2015

judithGreetings Beloved, from our light being collectives to your own!
We hope our greeting got your attention, for You are a light being, indeed. As we have previously pointed out, it is not only from OUR dimensions that your light is perceived. Your own scientists have seen the biophotons that beam through your eyes and radiate from your physical body with their own light being eyes. With their newly refined instruments, they have ALSO seen that You are not only a light being, but the center of an entire collective. The biophotons that radiate from every cell of your physical body makes the light WITHIN You even more concentrated.
You see, Beloved, your body is literally an entire universe, and it is your own consciousness that brought it into BE-ing. Your consciousness is also the central sun that continues to spark it into BE-ing, over and over, many times per one of your seconds. (Your quantum physicists can verify THAT as well!)

lunes, febrero 23, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain

by benjamin, February 24, 2015

The lunar year of the sheep went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.

The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.

Benjamín Fulford - 24-02-15. El Pentágono puso a la CIA bajo el bloqueo para detener el terrorismo nuclear, pero todavía quedan bolsas de resistencia del cabal. - Feb 23, 2015


El año lunar del caballo salió con un golpetazo la semana pasada, con el movimiento sin precedentes del Pentágono de poner la sede de la CIA en Langley, Virginia, bajo bloqueo. El ataque sobre la CIA estaba “entre otras cosas” dirigido a la localización de las tres bombas nucleares ilegales que los zionazis han amenazado con hacer explotar en Ucrania, según fuentes del Pentágono. Además, el arma nuclear dirigida a Stanlingrado (hoy Volgogrado) ha sido requisada por los rusos, dicen las fuentes.
También hubo una explosión cerca de un aeropuerto cercano a la sede de la CIA en Virginia Occidental la semana pasada.  Las agencias de noticias corporativas de EEUU describen la explosión como resultado del “descarrilamiento de un tren”, pero los residentes locales dijeron que se parecía a una explosión nuclear. El video se puede ver aquí:
Sólo podemos especular que alguien, tratando de huir de la redada en la CIA, se se encontró con una muerte ardiente.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re Prepping For The Role Of A Lifetime – 23 February 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel as if your nerves are on top of your skin, that you are re-addressing issues you thought you addressed long ago or you are angry for seemingly little or no reason. Know that you are undergoing a major transition at this time.
All of earth are now under the influence of the energies building within your environment.
Those of you who climbed your mountain are definitely angry. Where is the fun? Where is the joy?
Ah. You do not yet understand that you selected a specific role to play in this ‘now’ and you are diligently preparing for that role.
Perhaps an analogy might help you better understand. Let’s pretend you were selected for a stage role in 3D you coveted for years (completed your climb up the mountain). Now you must learn your lines and prepare for the actual role – and so you are. Meaning you are letting go of any pieces that might hinder you – a new type of cleansing if you will.