sábado, febrero 07, 2015

Natalie Glasson – Are You Willing To Become Love? By Lady Pallas Athena – 7 February 2015

natalie glassonWith a breath of love exhaled from my soul which expands for eternity I bathe you in the presence of my love. Serenity, truth and unity are the qualities I express and demonstrate to you in this moment so you may see, sense and acknowledge yourself more fully and consciously. Your recognition of yourself as the essence of the Creator expressed in
this moment in unique and wonderful ways is the reason for your presence upon the Earth. It is for you to see, sense and acknowledge aspects of yourself within others and your surroundings. If you do not resonate with or feel happy in these reflections then there is a need for you to dive deeper within your being. To ask yourself as a wise and expansive being to illuminate and let go of all barriers which are causing you to see, sense and acknowledge yourself in a way which doesn’t resonate with the truth,

Benjamin Fulford -The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria - Feb 7, 2015

http://api.ning.com/files/PZjn-E6mESK2mQYJYI1AirnGCBoKkoPmv34piqwlR4oSnC8J60FmWKzdbyvu6WUHIRSQYPMaPqOd6-JHt7RSc4l4OKkcQKuT/ben_fulford.jpg More raw intelligence from the Russians:

1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars…

2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.

Benjamin Fulford - Breaking news from my Russian sources: - Feb 7th 2015


Breaking news from my Russian sources:

Feb 7th 2015, 01:52, by benjamin 
Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…

He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.

Méline Portia Lafont – The Tsolians – Integration Of The Infrared Spectrum Formation – 7 February 2015

MélineConveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings to you,
Today we wish to speak with you about the integrations of the Infrared Spectrum. We have spoken of this before in one of our first messages and we will elaborate on this matter now a little bit more profoundly. The infrared spectrum is capable of providing you with a certain degree of illumination as it contains fractals and a diaphragmatic composition that such views of other vibrations may become your reality and senses. (“diaphragmatic meaning that it vibrates as a response to certain waves and brings out signals or to produce waves”)

Humans Are Free.Rags-to-Riches in the Anunnaki World - Feb 7, 2015

In this world, nobody is born equal. There is lip-service paid to the illusion of equality and the premise that everyone has an equal chance of success if only they work hard enough.

This is rarely the case; it is the exception. In fact, most people are stuck in the situation into which they are born.

There are many factors affecting an individual's future. These include: financial and social status, nationality, race, intelligence, health, physical appearance, education, gender, religion, political leanings, connections, character, personality, skills, abilities, family ties and other factors.

Some people are born rich, while others have to work very hard to survive. Some children are born with disabilities while others are basically "normal" or even "gifted". It requires a combination of many factors to lead a child on the road to success.

Sandra Walter – The Currents Of Cosmic Intervention – 7 February 2015

Ascension Path LogoBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Thank you for your patience as I completed the Ascension Path upgrades. I AM very pleased with the new videos, meditations, techniques and materials. I welcome all who are guided to participate to register now. I AM honored to serve both your personal journey and our collective evolution in this way.
Equinox Floodgates OPEN
On January 24, during the last gateway, a giant energetic door was opened. In my visions, it presented like a giant wall of rock splitting open, like the gates of a damn swinging wide. It was a massive floodgate releasing the accelerated energies of 2015; specifically, the Equinox through Blood Moon passages in March/April and September. I have described these before; this series of four passages serve as an attunement device for those who will experience dramatic shifts in consciousness and embodiment of Christed states of consciousness before the rest of the collective.

Eliza: On New Horizons - February 7, 2015

Eagle Cap from Zumwalt Prairie
Eliza: On New Horizons
The past couple of weeks have been challenging for me (and others) for many reasons. Odd feelings like anxiety, melancholia, grief and a sense of hanging out in unknown space have been emerging into waking consciousness.
In the morning, I often wake up from intense, lengthy and colorful dreams, only to lose the story line quickly, like a fading glimpse into another world. I remember one scene, where I looked up a road that went straight up into some green mountains. I could see every tree in detailed shape and color, the various ridges ascending into a violet sky. It was a world that I knew and did not know.
Walking between worlds is something that many way showers have been experiencing of late. There are moments of visionary flashes and peeks under the Veil into what is beyond, which we cannot quite see or understand at this time… but will as we learn to let go of the last vestiges of the conditioning from our old world.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Spiritual Evolution: The Energy of the Future - December 7, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This particular channelling will be filled with information, as it often is, but there is also something else that we offer. We're coming to the close of your calendar year 2014. It's normally a time for reflection and, in this particular room, the energy that we wish to generate with the entourage around you is that of congratulations.

I want you to sit and bask in honor and, in these next moments, I would like you to try to disengage from the issues and the problems that you came with. As you sit there, if you have pain in your body - disengage. If you have pain in your heart - disengage. Corporeally, we understand fully that you are what you are, and you must go through what you go through, but you have the power to disengage from it for a while - for the next few moments.

Irene Aura - The Return Of Lemuria And The Golden Age - Feb 7, 2015

Judith Kusel - The Collective healing of trauma associated with war…. February 7, 2015

As Librarian I have had to often deal with life on multiple levels and read what no-one else would read in a lifetime – mainly because I was forced to read things I would not normally have touched with a ten foot pole, and mainly because of curiosity, or because other people had requested books, and I started randomly opening them and reading it.  In that I forced to open my mind and expand my thinking – something which has truly stood my good stead the rest of my life.
I inherently am a gentle, very sensitive and loving soul.  To find myself then in Museum Archives on the KwaZulu-Natal Battlefields, where my own ancestors had been involved in, and having to classify battles, list biographical details of officers etc. and assist tourists with information – mostly from British regiments involved in these battles.