lunes, febrero 02, 2015

Suxanne Lie - Returning to the Corridor--Arcturian Message to Gaia's Portal Openers 2-2-15

Returning to the Corridor
Arcturians Message to Gaia’s Portal Openers

We appreciate all that our volunteers to wear an earth vessel have undergone and are striving for. We further appreciate all that you have shared with humanity and with Gaia. The power of your unconditional love, multidimensional power and infinite wisdom has been an immeasurable gift to planetary ascension.

We know that as you awaken enough to realize that ascension is a possibility, you remember that you are already ascended within the myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, your gifts become even more pure and unconditional, as you realize that there is no “pay off” for your labors.

domingo, febrero 01, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - February 1, 2015: Why a future planning agency - February 1, 2015

By Benjamin Fulford

February 1, 2015

When I first came to Japan in 1980 I was amazed to see fish swimming in the rivers in downtown Tokyo. Japan of the 1980’s was by many standards the most advanced nation on earth. By 1985, after decades of sizzling economic growth, they had the highest per capita income on earth, the lowest gap between the rich and poor in any developed nation and a very healthy natural environment. They also were the greatest creditor nation on earth, having supplied cars, electronics and other goodies to the rest of the planet often in exchange for IOUs.

One of the reasons I chose to go to university in Japan was to study the system that had made this miracle possible. This is how it worked. Japan’s government was run by a combination of highly talented bureaucrats, industrialists and politicians with deep roots in their local constituencies. They presided over a system that was a combination of central planning, free market capitalism and socialism.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 1 February 2015

marilynraffaeleWe come again dear ones, to speak of love and oneness, for in reality there is nothing else. Accepting this has proven difficult for many, because outer appearances testify to separateness. Society promotes and functions from this viewpoint and it is what you have taken for granted through many lifetimes. Yes, indeed the many do appear separate, but it is individuality within ONE omnipresent Consciousness that you see.
As you mature spiritually there comes a point where you no longer judge by appearances because you understand that what you see is the mind interpretation of ever present spiritual realities. This is why the world has been called “illusion” by so many enlightened masters. The world is not illusion, how it is perceived is the illusion.

James Tyberonn - Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra Projecting Purple Orb

The Real Roswell Alien Film?

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Es su Alegría Algo del Futuro? - Ene 26, 2015

26 de Enero 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Ustedes escalaron su montaña y son libres – todavía no han aceptado que lo son. Están parecidos a los elefantes entrenados desde la infancia a mantenerse en un área con una cuerda de la que pudiesen zafarse como un adulto.

Tom Kenyon – Hathorian Stream Of Light – A Hathor Sound Meditation – 1 February 2015

tomkenyonThe Hathors have been asking me to post this sound meditation for weeks due to the extreme stress that many individuals are experiencing and will continue to experience in their lives.
This sound meditation is gentle and subtle, but its benefits are extensive, in that it allows you to gently release tension that arises from your present circumstances, and if you choose to work with it further it can help release negativity from your past.
The meditation is 12 minutes long and is best listened to with stereo headphones or earbuds. If you have the space to do so I suggest you lie down and prop your legs up so that they are higher than your head and chest as this simple position will assist you to relax more deeply.
Breathe in long slow comfortable inhales and gently relaxed exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it.

Planetary Update - February 2015

Aisha North - Welcome to the February Gathering around the Pond, Sunday February 1

Dear family of light! Once again we are about to enter a new month, and once again we have the opportunity to come together and “pool our resources” as the CCs like to say. For this upcoming Sunday is February 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“Rejoice dear ones, as you have once again elected to be a part of this wondrous collective that is furthering the development of this evolution. For you are the awakened ones, the ones that have chosen to go where no man has gone before, and to do so with your eyes and indeed your hearts wide open. And once again you will do an important collaborative exercise where you will be guided to come together in a very new way, based upon the current level of frequencies that you as a group now represent. And let us simply say that it is more than impressive, for over the last period of time, you have managed to acquire quite a few new strings to your formidable instruments as we have already told you, and we venture to guess they will be more than ready to be tried out as you sit down to engage in what can only be described as a veritable flood of activity.

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: The End of Religion and Review of Lab Rats