viernes, enero 30, 2015

Wes Annac - The Voice Within: Everyone’s Waking Up - Jan 30, 2015

Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
Everyone on your evolving planet is waking up in their own way, and some awakenings require an enthusiastic exploration of the spiritual concepts that are popular in your day and age.
Other awakenings happen in different ways, and you can be assured that everyone’s becoming aware and there’s no need to worry about an absence of awakening.
There will be no such absence, because the work those of you who’ve awakened have done so far is allowing everyone who’s been lost in the unawareness that comes with living on earth to shed their unawareness and open up to a life that was once beyond their wildest dreams but is now easily accessible.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Time To Change Perspective! Radically – Or Not? – 30 January 2015

Video (recommended!)
We should be Happy, because this is our natural State of Being.
If we are not, it is because we buy into all that stuff that we are NOT.
It is time for humanity to free ourselves from all that rubbish we have being hanging on for millenniums. It is time to recognize that we lived from a wrong point of view, and now it is time to change the perspective! Radically, – or not?
What perspective? The idea that we are a body-mind-complex who lives in such and such a world. While it is true, that we have had enough of all these betrayals, false images, beliefs, strange experiences, shortcomings, frustrations, fears, angers, and so on, by experiencing this stupid limitations of a world that we allowed to be governed by a few absurd individuals who shrinked ridiculously away from the forever Unobstructed Radiance of Truth – we also  might come now to understand that this is not anymore about exchanging black suits with white suits.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Accomplishments” – 30 January 2015

DjwhalKhulJanuary 29, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. I’ll take a moment here to work my way a little deeper into the channeled state. Those of you who practice channeling know you sometimes get that instant deep connection and other times it sort of sinks in more slowly and we’re having that kind of a day with a little more sinking in slowly and building the power.

Blossom Goodchild – 30 January 2015

bloss arizona biggerMy ORBServation on the matter.
After the quandary and uncertainty of the explanation given of the orb videos … hoax or Truth … time and no time … I received, literally hundreds of emails. 99% of them were Love filled and in full understanding of the explanation given by the Federation of Light, via the voice channelling audio. Many received so much Love through the vibration of their voice that it brought them to tears. (This is a good thing!)
I went for a long walk on the beach yesterday morning … still unsure and rather down hearted.
Then I remembered to BREATHE … as they had taught me …
Then I remembered all that I HAD TO BE GRATEFUL FOR … as they had taught me …
Then I remembered to CHANGE MY ATTITUDE … as they had taught me …
Then I remembered that NOTHING MATTERS … as they had taught me …
Then I remembered THAT EVERYTHING IS LOVE … as they had taught me …
Then I remembered to LAUGH (at the situation ) … as they had taught me …
And before I knew it … My Energy had transformed … Blossom was back!

Judith Kusel - Immense energy changes coming in…. January 30, 2015

There is a higher state of Being which is truly something so deep, so immensely and totally there and is best connected to deep within ourselves.
It is that BEING which is behind all life and life forms, the very Higher Mind, the Higher Heart and Soul, and that which is beyond all of that.
In this moment, that is what we, who have been prepared for this for so long, are stepping into in the next few years.  It goes beyond whatever went before, and into a much higher octave of consciousness.
I understand this as pure energy and energy field, and it is there in every living cell, atom, and particle of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and all other bodies (12 in all) and it moves with very patterns and symbols, sounds of creation itself.
We can only tap into this from very deep inside of us, for it moves through certain energy systems in our physical bodies and then once those are unclogged and activated again, we move into a much higher frequency band.

SaLuSa 30 January 2015

Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle, except the highest authority. Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them. You may therefore proceed with your life, knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones. They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place, as they will have their power taken away from them. They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions. Until now the dark Ones have consistently interfered with your evolution, and been able to block or slow down progress. This situation is rapidly changing and will soon come under our control. You will then be able to go ahead with your tasks without fear, and make headway quicker than any previous occasion. Dear Ones we hear your pleas and requests for help, and soon we shall be able to assist you in a more direct manner. Have no fear at any time as the lower energies will attract a like energy, whereas you are working with the higher energies.

Dana Mrkich - ¿Qué les está diciendo su energía? Sugerencias y Herramientas - Enero 22, 2015

por Dana Mrkich

22 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Nuestra energía nos está hablando alto y claro en este año. Bueno, siempre lo ha hecho, solamente que ahora estamos escuchándola y sintiéndola con más fuerza. Cuando las energías están muy elevadas como lo estarán en adelante, será resaltado todo dentro de nosotros y en nuestras vidas que no sea cierto respecto a cómo quisieran nuestras almas que fuésemos , será sentido con mayor intensidad, visto con mayor claridad y a veces liberado o cambiado completamente con o sin nuestro deseo consciente. Así que, en dependencia de su perspectiva esto se puede sentir totalmente liberador, o dejarlos sintiéndose muy desnivelados.

Brenda Hoffman - Más Roles, Dimensiones y Viajes en el Tiempo - Enero 19, 2014

Por Brenda Hoffman

19 de Enero 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Algunos de ustedes han recibido mensajes internos respecto a varios roles que quisieran desempeñar o desempeñan. Por supuesto, ustedes son el Ejecutivo de su totalidad – un rol muy apropiado por cierto. ¿Pero cómo desean dirigir su totalidad? Esa es la interrogante de su Ejecutivo.

Quizás quisieran visitar un rol que interpretaron en la 3D y que no completaron adecuadamente. Quizás estén creando un rol que nunca hayan jugado antes. O quizás estén recibiendo mensajes aparentemente en conflicto – que están dirigiendo su totalidad hacia más de un rol.

Steve Rother - El despertar del mago interior - Enero 15, 2015

Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

15 de Enero, 2015

~ Re-cordando su magia ~
El despertar del mago interior
Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.

Un planeta de imperfecciones

Oh, eso no es del todo cierto, pero casi. Este día está colmado de alegría para todos ustedes. Les hemos dicho una y otra vez lo mágicos que son en este planeta. Aunque al parecer la evidencia de su propia vida diaria no siempre refleja la magia de la que hablamos, eso está a punto de cambiar. Están sucediendo algunas cosas muy interesantes a medida que se acercan a ese cruce de la línea del tiempo. Cuando entren en esa energía empezarán a ver nuevas capacidades dentro de sí mismos, y esa es la parte mágica que estamos esperando ver. Queridos, entiendan que viven en el planeta de la imperfección para tener la experiencia de vivir aquí como espíritus, porque los espíritus son perfectos. Ah, no tienen nada que aprender o ganar como espíritus, hasta que llegan aquí y dividen su perfección para poder experimentar la imperfección o algunos vacíos en sus propias energías. Bueno, sabemos que es difícil comprenderlo plenamente, por eso les hablaremos más al respecto a medida que avancemos. Ustedes viven en la multidimensionalidad todos los días, pero aquí viene lo interesante, para tener una experiencia real en el planeta Tierra fingiendo ser imperfectos y pretendiendo ser humanos, también fue necesario que escondieran gran parte de sus propios dones. De acuerdo con lo que diseñaron, muchos de sus dones fueron desconectados completamente para poder participar en el juego de fingir ser humanos.

jueves, enero 29, 2015

Judith Dagley – “My Life In Reality: The Movie” – 29 January 2015

judithBeloved, if You do not yet believe that You create your own reality, do You believe your own eyes? We laugh… “Of course I do!” You say. Well then, believe them by all means, because your eyes KNOW You create your own reality!
What You see with your eyes are actually frequencies translated into images based on your collective belief system of what “reality” looks like. Of course, each of You “sees” the images in subtly different ways, based on the frequencies of your own individual variations of the belief, which then becomes your personal version of “living in reality.”
Thus, what You see is like a movie called “My Life in Reality.”
The projector is YOU, Beloved!