martes, diciembre 16, 2014

Karen Dover - Closure of the “corridor” between worlds - December 16, 2014
Many of us have walked a path that seems to have been never-ending and yet this is not TRUTH for everything is energy and energy continually moves and shifts. It is not possible for energy to remain static and yet the old 3D earth created reality tried to teach us this over and over again. Looking out onto the world at the moment shows a breaking down of “society”, a breaking down of “reality” and this is part of the unfolding in TRUTH. For in order to birth a “New Earth” the heavily structured and re-enforced construct had to begin to dissolve fully. This has allowed for an expansion which is the “corridor” between worlds.

Jahn J Kassl - OF RIGHT CHANNELING, SANANDA - Dec 16, 2014

From the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I, Chapter 3
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb
Conversation with Sananda 
JJK: The situation that a dark source was able to interfere 
with my channeling and to determine it, still preoccupies me 
(see the message «Massive attacks of the dark ones»:  
Also the question is raised in my mind, what has to be done, 
so that this can be absolutely avoided and the question, 
what are the conditions, in order to carry out this work at all? 
To carry it out, so that clean and pure messages come 
through – and only those!?

Aisha North – A Powerful Connection – 16 December 2014

AishaNorthDecember 15, 2014 in Words of inspiration
Beloved family of light! My sister and I have just been through such a powerful experience, I have asked her to help me to share it with you. For this morning, my sister asked me to come and look at something she had been guided to connect with, and it was about Tintagel on the West Coast of England. I felt tingles all over my body and I told her “this must be so important, for there has been a lot of talk about King Arthur and Merlin at the Pond the last couple of weeks”. She was not aware of this, because she very rarely read anything that is posted here, not even the messages that I channel. After I had read through the link she showed me, I said to her that I felt we should sit down and meditate together. She agreed, and we both felt guided to prepare by taking the time to light incense and read a prayer to Mother Nature and using my Tibetan singing bowl to mark the occasion. We also brought in three feathers that we have been gifted over the last two years, an owl’s feather and an eagle’s feather from the area around Lake Gjende and a hawk’s feather we found during our week in Crete. We also brought the two pieces of yellow quartz we found at Lake Bygdin this summer, one for each of us.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Dec 16, 2014

Ummac Dan
11 Chicchan, 4 Mol, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come with more news for you. At present, the mechanism for giving you your blessings has been activated. Our liaisons report that the first aspects of this process are underway and no hitches have been encountered. Our Earth allies are confidently using a delivery system, which has been well tested over the years. It is our desire to have a number of important elements in place well before the arrival of Christmas. In this regard, we have contacted those who are in charge of these various projects and been told that a number of special circumstances are being employed to ensure the success of these various deliveries. We know that these deliveries are under the jurisdiction of those who are completing the adjustments needed to forge a new and much fairer banking system. It is this new system, which is to handle the bulk of the deliveries that are to bring you your blessings. Thus, the first part of these deliveries is to prove conclusively that these many prosperity and humanitarian projects are indeed unstoppable. Our desire is to use these first deliveries to prove to all that the power of the dark is truly over.

Brenda Hoffman – Saviors Are SO Yesterday – 16 December 2014 - Los Salvadores son TAN del Ayer

Dear Ones,
It is likely you do not comprehend how much you are shifting the Universes. Even though you continue to believe yourself a very small piece of earth, your power far exceeds your beliefs.
Since it is likely that you view yourself as one cell or atom in the totality of all, it is time for you to understand how one cell, one atom can shift the Universes. Perhaps you, the cell, accept a cancer mutation into the totality of you. That one mutation attracts (like attracts like) other cells also wishing to experience a cancer mutation. Then those like-minded cells join together to create enough cancer energy for an illness within your totality.
So it is for you now. You are attracting like-minded beings or cells, if you wish, to the point that you are mutating earth beings, and thereby the Universes, away from fear and to love. Love has always been a Universal key.

Ute Possega-Rudel – Our God-Self: The Cause For Fundamental Change – 16 December 2014

VIDEO (recommended)
The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.
However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?
Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?
Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

lunes, diciembre 15, 2014

Steve Rother - Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar - El ciclo de 26.000 años - El siguiente planeta de la existencia - Dic 15, 2014

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

Nota: Este mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar en algunas secciones con la supervisión de El Grupo para una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos, queridos…

Bienvenidos y saludos desde el Hogar

Desde lejos les observamos todo el tiempo en la Tierra, y penetramos en su mundo cuando nos lo permiten. Cuando se abren a que eso suceda, no estamos aquí para decirles qué camino tomar, ni para dirigirlos por el camino más corto hasta la siguiente parada. Simplemente les invitamos a re-cordar, porque esa es una de las claves. Es de lo que queremos hablarles hoy, es algo de lo que ya les hemos hablado antes, pero ahora vamos a avanzar un paso y compartir lo que está ocurriendo en el planeta Tierra en estos momentos. Como ya dijimos, el final de marzo será un momento muy importante para los seres humanos de todas partes. Algunos sentirán que la energía se desplaza con fuerza, y es posible que incluso se sientan liberados, como si finalmente se desprendieran de una carga. Sin embargo, la mayoría no va a experimentar esa sensación. En los niveles más elevados se puede sentir el cambio mayor. Sin embargo, la mayoría de la gente sencillamente sentirá que es un día normal aunque todo esté cambiando. En verdad no se trata tanto del día en que cambia, sino de que hay una gran cantidad de energía alineándose para este movimiento en particular. Así que vamos a explicarlo.

Steve Rother - Re-minders from Home - The 26,000 Year Cycle - The Next Planet of Existence -

Beacons of Light—December

Channeled live 2014_11_22

The 26,000 Year Cycle

The Next Planet of Existence


Greetings dear ones. Welcome and greetings from Home.

We watch you on Earth from afar all the time, and we reach into your world when you allow it. When you open the space for that to happen, we’re here not to tell you which way to turn, nor to direct you to the shortest path to the next stopping point. We simply encourage you to re-member because that is one of the keys. What we wish to speak of today is something we have spoken of before, but now we will take it a step further and share what is taking place on planet Earth right now. As we mentioned before, the end of March is going to be a very important time for humans everywhere. Some of you will feel the energy shifts strongly, and you may even feel released as if you have finally let go of a burden. However, most will not experience that sensation. It is the higher levels that may feel this shift the most. Yet most people will simply feel like it is a normal day yet everything is changing. In truth it is not so much about a single day that is changing, for there is a great deal of energy aligning for this particular movement. So, let us explain.

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll en Newport Beach, California, el 7 de diciembre de 2014 - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Unos pocos momentos atrás han experimentado las frecuencias de los minerales naturales del planeta, fundidos juntos, en formas profundas y canalizadas, para presentarles esa vibración que puede ir directamente a la esencia. Y el mensaje que en esa meditación se entregó una y otra vez fue: ¡Recuerden! Es el tema de este corto mensaje. Pero para los que están escuchando y no están en este salón, el salón está lleno de almas antiguas de un tipo particular.

Jennifer Hoffman - 5 Steps to Living In Joy - Dec 15, 2014

Have you ever carried a heavy box and then, when you put it down, your arms still feel the weight of the box? Or you pick something up, expecting it to be heavy, and then nearly drop it because it is much lighter than you expected? This has been a long, arduous, journey for everyone and we have followed the light to the end of the tunnel. Now that we’re there, we have to decide how to proceed. When all of our energy has been expended towards holding the light, what do we do when that is no longer necessary? Then it’s time to celebrate but even that means our journey is finished and we need to find something else to do with our time and energy. The voyage of light and dark has led us to wholeness and now we need to learn how to be in joy. (these irises joyfully bloom in my garden each spring, they are a great source of joy to me and to everyone who admires them. They are perennials, so they come back every year — joy is like that, it doesn’t need a reason but it does require an invitation when we are ready to receive it).