miércoles, diciembre 10, 2014

Karen Dover - Blending and finding balance in TRINITY - December 10, 2014

The energies of the last linear 24 hours have increased dramatically and many of us are finding that our relationships are changing rapidly. The balance that is required at this time is to balance the duality that we have been taught to live within with the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, this brings us into TRINITY, this is one plus one equals 3.  Within the old 3D earth created reality there is polarity of duality, this is to say that we are taught black or white, left or right, hot or cold etc.   There is a BALANCE to be found that can only be found when anchoring the LOVE that IS that brings us into TRINITY, human plus the LOVE that IS equals creation.
In the Universe of 3 all is BALANCE and the duality of the old 3D earth created reality will attempt to hide this balance from us.  Many of us at this time are finding that we are not supported by the universe in an “either/or” decision and this is due to TRINITY and the BALANCE that is achieved at this frequency.

martes, diciembre 09, 2014


Message from the Light Reading on November 21st, 2014 in Vienna.

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

I have ascended, as you ascend today, and I have come back 
to this world, as you will return to this world after your ascension, 
to many worlds, foremost to those levels in All-That-Is, which you
have created yourself.

I am

And until it is that far, until your transfiguration is fulfilled 
and until the course of time is completed, opportunities upon 
opportunities are created so that human Beings recognize, 
awaken and can perfect themselves. The cornucopia of God’s Grace 
is truly unlimited and today it pours out over mankind like at no 
other time before. Today this wake-up call from Eternity is dedicated
to all human Beings, who still carry a living Light spark in themselves 
and have still not ignited it.

The "Not so Royal Family thieves of the world" "Warning not for minors"

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Dec 9, 2014

Our liaisons are now doing what is needed to free the mess that continues across Gaia’s surface realm. The time for success is upon us!.
Ummac Dan
4 Etznab, 16 Yaxk’in, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We come now to explain what is presently happening around your globe. The dark minions who control your realm are in a vast quandary. The strategies which have always worked to befuddle the Light are no longer working. A special counter-strategy is now leading to the cabal’s defeat. Hence, they are in limbo and unable to move forward with a winning plan. This dilemma has caused panic in their global leadership. The large international financial services groups and their multi-national allies understand that their defeat and arrest is indeed imminent. Several individuals in their vast intertwined banking corporations suggest some radical developments as possible ways out. We have assured the head working groups of this immense octopus-like organization that any attempt to delay this process is doomed to failure. We have proposed a series of moves to our allies that can bring this convoluted chess game to a swift denouement. This involves a series of unilateral moves that permit the global currency reset to happen. This set of moves frees the logjam by swiftly ousting the many key regimes that have stalled this transformation for years.

Brenda Hoffman – Declare Independence From Outer-Directed Power – 9 December 2014 - DECLARATE INDEPENDIENTE DE CUALQUIER PODER DIRIGIDO AL EXTERIOR

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
It is time to emphasize independence from yourself. Perhaps that statement appears a bit silly for how can you separate from yourself? Such is not a physical separation, but separation from 3D fears.
You have read of the importance of self-love and self-worth throughout this transition. This is a different type of independence. This is separating yourself from society in whatever way is most comfortable for you.
Such a statement appears counter-intuitive for you know all are one. But the logical 3D conclusion of the belief that all are one is that you must accept everyone even though they are not of your frequency. That you must care for everyone even though they are not caring for themselves. That somehow your love will push them into new earth.
Such is not true. For this transition is more similar to understanding a drug addict or alcoholic must decide to obtain treatment before treatment is effective – than it is that just by being you will somehow shift the beliefs of all.

lunes, diciembre 08, 2014

Origins Exclusive Worldwide Premiere

Masonic illuminati actors

Benjamín Fulford - 9-12-14. En primer lugar el Papa malvado, después el tonto del Secretario de Defensa, ahora Netanyahu, próximo al clan Bush

08 dic
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2014/12/09/first-the-evil-pope-then-the-dumb-secretary-of-defense-now-netanyahu-next-the-bush-clan/#comment-290840
El cabal satánico está sufriendo una serie de derrotas catastróficas. Como una bola de nieve girando que se hace más grande gradualmente, la eliminación de unos pocos cabalistas se está convirtiendo en una avalancha de pérdidas para el cabal. A la eliminación del Papa Maledicto y la abdicación de varios miembros de la realeza europea ahora le sigue la eliminación de poderosos agentes del cabal clave en los Estados Unidos. El secretario de Defensa Chuck Hagel, de bajo coeficiente intelectual y fácil de manipular  ha sido sustituido por Ashton Carter, un erudito con un doctorado en física teórica. Bajo el dominio del cabal, gente de mérito como Carter se toparon con un techo de cristal. El hecho de que un hombre así esté ahora en el puesto más alto es una buena señal, pero Carter tendrá que demostrar con sus acciones que él está en el lado correcto. Los primeros augurios son buenos. El complejo industrial militar de Estados Unidos que está decidido a expulsar al psicópatas asesino de masas Benyamin Netanyahu ya ha logrado derrocar su gobierno. La evidencia presentada en un tribunal británico de que Netanyahu fue uno de los principales planificadores del ataque del tsunami y el asesinato en masa nuclear de Japón el 11-3-11 ha sido una razón clave para su pérdida de apoyo en el interior del complejo militar-industrial, así como en el gobierno israelí, según fuentes del Mossad.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

2:44 AM
The days get tight; the world now stands at the 
end of its journey and human Beings with it.

Wake up beloved Ones, time presses on, 
the course of the world changes and lives 
end and are reborn!

There is still time, God’s Grace is still omnipresent, 
the Light flux to this world is still unbroken, in order 
to enable each transformation. The end of time is still to be 
expected, the light warriors of the first and last hours still 
see themselves confronted with the unpredictability of this 
world and those, who want to impede all of mankind, either 
good or evil, are still riding high.
As long as the great events still have not unwound in great 
success from the Creator, there is still time for everything, 
foremost time for your turning back!

Aisha North - A short update on the Gathering - Dec 8, 2014

And so it is with the greatest of pleasure that we can welcome you all to the New, in every sense of the word. For as you once again came together to pool your resources in the way that only you can, you once again managed to establish yourselves on a very new level of existence, one that has been unattainable for mankind up until now. But now, you have arrived, and alongside you a whole new world has come into being. We know that these words may be thought of as nothing more than fanciful pleasantries to those still mired within the old subsets, but to those of you already pulling in that enticing and oh so fresh new air into your lungs, you will be more than willing to agree upon these sentiments. For you know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the world you awakened to bears little resemblance to the one you left behind a few short hours ago.