miércoles, octubre 29, 2014

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Isla de Pascua - Parte 3 - Octubre 19, 2014


Los Misterios de Rapa Nui Revelados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos sentamos en un pequeño cráter donde solía existir actividad volcánica y es el corazón del lugar donde se esculpían los moais, y es muy hermoso. Decimos esto para los que están escuchando y no pueden estar aquí. Y sería un buen momento, ¿no es así? para una reflexión. Haremos eso en un momento.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl 
translated by Franz 

Dream: I perceive the worldwide dying of an 
incredible high number of human Beings. 
It is not clear what they die of, it seems that a virus
has broken out. For me this is a heavy and very sad scene.  
(End of dream) 

martes, octubre 28, 2014

Nancy Tate – Diaclosities - Wake up Call – 10-27-14

I am here today to give you a very important message. It is a message of what is right and what is wrong in the new setup for the administration of the legal system and how it will be affecting the money situation around the world. I am Diaclosities and I am seeing the whole mess slowly and emphatically settle down and begin to be put into the manner of rightness that means it will flow without restrictions and interference by those who have been in place for so long.
I see how much the ones who have been manipulating the systems around the world are not stepping down, but are being replaced by ones who are in the harmonics of what is to be in a peaceful and Loving world. There is coming a feeling throughout all of humanity that there is only what is, and that the judgment of right and wrong will have no bearing on anything that is brought forward. Judgment is old news; it is what is in harmony with all that is the deciding factor. Until that is in place there will be a careful manifestation of what it will take to bring it all into harmony. It will be for the best interest of all of those around the world who will be taking their places, which have been destined since this whole earth experience has begun.

Sandra Walter - Feeling the Love: Accelerated Timeline Shift - October 28, 2014

Sandra Walter rainbow over ShastaBlessings Beloveds,
The shift to an accelerated Ascension timeline has occurred. Deep gratitude to all who participated during the Gateway Trigger last week; our work on behalf of the highest interests of all concerned has lifted us to a more expansive, accelerated Ascension timeline. The levels of love, Christed light, and Fifth dimensional consciousness are quite profound.
I AM sure that most of you noticed the turning point – the timeline jump – during the X-flare of the 24th. It was sudden, strong, and palpable as the tube torus alignment between timelines occurred. Add it to the many magical moments of this journey as the unexplainable becomes commonplace; my Higher Levels said Step outside, open up to the SUN, and anchor this. A few minutes later, an X-flare that felt like pure Source consciousness. The following day, another nudge to step outside and Witness the completion: A giant rainbow appeared over Shasta as the Trigger passage anchored our intent. Success!

Boyd Bushman - His Last Interview: A Documentary on Area 51 and UFO's over Tucson, Arizona

Jennifer Hoffman - Miedo, diversión y fe - Cinco pasos hacia la alegría - Oct 24, 2014


Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Qué tienen en común la diversión, el miedo y la fe, excepto que en inglés todas empiezan con la letra "f"? Mucho, en realidad, porque están ligadas a nuestra experiencia de vida. No podemos divertirnos sin fe; no podemos tener fe si tenemos miedo; y tenemos miedo cuando no tenemos fe y no nos estamos divirtiendo. Y podemos divertirnos cuando hacemos cosas que nos dan miedo, como el "puentismo" (saltar desde un puente atado con una soga elástica), andar en montaña rusa, volar en aladelta, paracaidismo, y otros deportes "extremos" que dan miedo y sensaciones fuertes al mismo tiempo. La diversión, la fe y el miedo son parte de nuestro potencial y si quieres saber cómo usar tu fe para divertirte a pesar de tu miedo, y para vivir una vida alegre, libre de miedos, llena de diversión, en este mensaje encontrarás cinco pasos que te ayudarán a aprender dónde enfocar tu fe para usarla de la mejor manera.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: You’re The Saviors – 28 October 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Everyone who’s discovered spirit and works to raise awareness of the spiritual nature of your existence is in an important position to start creating real and lasting change, and you’re all needed and important contributors to your ongoing conscious revolution.
Realizing your value and the importance of the things you’ve come to earth to do is essential to successfully doing them, and when you can empower yourselves and each other to start contributing to your conscious revolution in a real and pure way, you’ll accelerate your ascension timetable and help create a wealth of needed and important changes.

Ute Possega-Rudel – Our God-Self: Your True Nature Is Beyond Change – 28 October 2014


What are you waiting for?
Don’t you know that I AM always Present, Unchanging, in the midst of constant change?
Change is the inherent nature of duality and happens in your mind. It is you who wanted to experience change, to know both sides of the coin, light and dark, and – as you call it – good and bad.
For Me Who Is Beyond of it all, it is a mere play. But for most of you who have chosen to live apart from Me, these opposites are experienced as serious realities, evoking pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

What You Are Not Noticing (Barbara Marciniak) - Part 8

What You Are Not Noticing (Barbara Marciniak) - Part 7