viernes, agosto 29, 2014

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Relocating and Sensing Departed Spirits – Part 1/2 - Aug 29. 2014

Photo Credit:
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
If you follow the instincts of your heart, you’ll never be led astray.
If you listen to the constant wants and demands of the fading ego, however, you’ll find that it’s much more difficult to re-reach the brimming, heart-centered space so many of you are ready to reach and flow from there with the pure energies and expressions that result.
You can do anything you put your minds to, but your willingness and dedication are always important. No matter what skill you want to hone, dedication will always be crucial if you want to do it successfully. Your abilities are growing, and many of you have yet to surrender to the flow and find out just how potent and far-reaching they can be.
You manifest everything you experience, and as long as you refuse to put up mental barriers around your flow, everything will become easier and you’ll enjoy tasks and chores you might’ve otherwise found tedious.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Joy Invocation” – 29 August 2014

DjwhalKhulAugust 28, 2014
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. This particular week I want to talk about invoking Joy and how to create as much Joy in your life as possible. So I am going to work with the beautiful 9th Ray color which is blue-green and when we take it up an octave or two, we end up with something that is sort of a pale aquamarine color, very clear, very high vibration.

Denise Le Fay - Second Half of August 2014: More intense than the first! - August 29, 2014

emotional wounds
                     (Artist unknown)
This is for my readers who, from 5D HighHeart awareness feel/sense/know that something big is up with me now. I’ve always felt all of you but I know more and more are feeling me now too as this is a primary aspect of what life, consciousness, reality and being is within a fifth dimensional (5D) level and frequency of being. This is the ‘we are all One’ business but while we’re still individuated. I should also preface this by saying that I’m exhausted (nothing new with that however!) and terribly sleep deprived at the moment not to mention overly emotional in both highly positive 5D ways, and saddened in other personal ways too so please bear with me.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

You are the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Beloved Ones,
Ascension means the greatest effort for all, 
who are participating in it.
Ascension means the greatest happiness for all,
who will see God at the end of the day and will 
recognize themselves as what they are.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa 29 August 2014.

The more you learn about the Illuminati, the more frightening they will appear as they advance in leaps and bounds, whilst keeping your civilisation in the Dark Ages. The progress you should have made has been denied you, but you will go forward with leaps and bounds when the Illuminati have been disempowered. However, you should avoid any overreaction to such news, as they are following a path that will lead to their demise. Before that happens, you who have devoted yourselves to the Light will move away from them. You are destined to ascend and will in fact leave them behind as you move into the higher vibrations to continue your evolution. You will go forward at an immense speed by which time we will have joined you. With us you will become Galactic Beings and receive immense help and assistance. We have a future together although you are not bound to any particular path, and you will choose where and when as it serves your best interests.

jueves, agosto 28, 2014

Selacia – Best Use Of Current Lighter Energies As August Ends – 28 August 2014 - Mejor Uso de las Energías Actuales Más Livianas a medida que Agosto finaliza

SelaciaBy Selacia
Sometimes when the undertone of energies lightens up, this fact may not register fully with you.
Indeed there has been a lighter feel in the energy the past several weeks, bringing in a sense of more expansion and possibilities.
As August is about to end, it is helpful to acknowledge this shift and to contemplate your own personal examples of new doorways opening. Focusing on the positive brings you more to feel good about – you must remember to do it, though.
When you bring your conscious awareness to energy flow and notice what has begun to shift, you are better equipped to take advantage of good things that begin to materialize. Even one small piece – like making reconnection with an old friend – can catalyze your creative juices and a series of seemingly unrelated actions that lead to a big opportunity down the road.

Blossom Goodchild – 28 August 2014

bloss arizona biggerHello. I’m back home at last! Looking forward to catching up with you now, on a regular basis. So, let’s get straight to it. How should we begin today?
We shall start by stating the fact that ALL IS WELL.
That which we have spoken of many times is now to be moved onto a Higher level for the soul self to understand. For indeed, many of you have ‘changed’ your ways of thinking and we suggest that in order to continue in this fashion that WE offer to you more knowledge on a different level.
Ok. Sounds good, yet, I have no idea exactly what you mean?
In the knowledge that WHO YOU ARE now expands into a Higher consciousness from that which you have been resonating upon until now.
So, how do we go about doing this? I am more than keen.

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Aug 28, 2014

The time has come to once again bid farewell to something that you no longer need to carry with you. You see, as you are being propelled ever faster forward by this incessant stream of light, you will continue to be encouraged to lighten your load in any way you can. We know that by now, many of you will feel as if that is what you have been asked to do from the very beginning and that is indeed easy to understand, for this has in many ways been an unending process of jettisoning old baggage. But now, what we refer to, are not those old and ingrained habits of yours that used to stand in your way. For these have been removed from your being, even if some lingering traces can still be found here and there. No, what we refer to now, is actually something far more intriguing. For you have come into this world carrying with you some complex blueprints, blueprints that constitute your part of this ongoing rebuilding and restructuring of your entire planet, and so, what you carry with you is indeed an indispensable piece of it all. But now, it is time to let go of that burden, and by doing so, you release this inherent package of information within your being into this stream of energy, and through that, you actually help to speed up the process while simultaneously lightening your own load.

Eliza - Journey of Re-Discovery – Part II - Aug 26, 2014

Journey of Re-Discovery – Part II
A Passage to Britain
Sometimes a trip is just a trip. Sometimes a trip is a visit into many past lifetimes. The latter case was my experience in my one and only, rather momentous trip to Britain in 1984. It would activate triggers within to remind me of “past” lives lived all over the British Isles.
When I accompanied seven other acquaintances on a trip to Great Britain, I didn’t realize that I was about to begin a new phase of my life and my spiritual journey. It was a month-long trip, visiting villages, ancient spiritual sites and countryside, from the south of England, through Wales and into the lower Highlands of Scotland.

How to Release Negative Beliefs and Form New Belief Patterns! (Good Stuff!)