lunes, enero 27, 2014

Wes Annac – Every Path Leads Home – Part 2/2 – 27 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Concluded from Part 1
The problem with all of the different religions comes not from Source or the heavenly realms, but from man. We’re the ones who decided to start killing each other over our differences in belief, and in a lot of cases, we were led into war by self-serving kings and leaders who didn’t and don’t care about the fate of their people.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 27 January 2014

I am Horus once again, with you to tell you the latest from Hollow and Inner Earth. There is a great deal of activity going on within this great planet. It is a matter of all of you on the surface completing your missions here and then being ready for what we will be bringing for you to the surface. As you all take your places in the cosmic happenings that will be coming as a result of your choices, it will be as a homecoming for many of you, and a complete surprise for others. I speak of the coming forth not only from the cosmos but from inside this planet that you have called home for so long.

Natalie Glasson – Lady Quan Yin – In The Face Of Truth, Divine Mother Activation – 27 January 2014
It is with a heart filled with great compassion and gratitude that I, Lady Quan Yun, step forward to greet you. Please know you always exist in my heart as my love is as ever with you as it binds with the light of the Divine Mother aspect of the Creator which is so vividly in existence upon the Earth in this present moment. I bring forth with my own energy the intertwining and connection I experience with the Divine Mother vibrations so that you may unite with the same within and around you.

Wes Annac – Every Path Lead Home – Part1/2 – 26 January 2014 by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Every person who’s spiritually active, despite the template they express their spirituality through, seeks to know God; Source; the Formless. It doesn’t matter if they’re religious or generally spiritual – we all want to reunite with our creator and the heavenly realms of consciousness we’ve come here from.
People from all walks of life have opened up to spirit, whether their belief systems have been controlled or not.
I know a few Christians who are more interested in heaven and the afterlife than persecuting people who don’t think the way they do, and even though religion has been used as an excuse for war and persecution, it doesn’t invalidate one’s spirituality.

Méline Lafont – Shift Into Quantum Consciousness – 27 January 2014

Picture by Gretchen Rainforest Guskey

Giant leaps in awakening and in Quantum consciousness are amongst us, ladies and gentlemen! MAGNIFICENT connections, shifts, changes, growth and expansion, as well as experiences of the most beautiful things one could not even imagine were possible a few years ago? Well it is reality in this now! It is NOW and here that we are here and it is HERE brothers and sisters of the Light.
You might slightly begin to adjust to all and everything that is unfolding within you and in your personal reality and environment because we are in for a big treat and this is just the beginning for you all. A wondrous spectrum of colors and energies are amidst us all on the planet because WE bring them in into these Earthly templates as we are those conduits of pure Light. Beware! INCOMING transmission on the move!

Tribute to the Dolphins of Taiji - Stop the Slaughter, Enough is Enough!!!

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: We See Your Luminescence Ever Growing Brighter – 27 January 2014

Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:
My dear sweet angels of Light, of illuminated excellence that you are. By now you are feeling the energies in a most accelerated fashion. They are becoming such a part of you as you are of them. As you expand, you take in more of your essence and accept it to the “nth” degree and in doing so, you spread it out and encompass a larger part of you and mingle with a larger part of everyone, my dear travelers of the Light.
I come before you to enhance your experience with this new light infiltration, with this new Light Essence of you. By now you are not feeling such a delineation between you and the light, between you and others, between you and the many aspects of yourself. They are one and the same with you as you are one and the same with others.

Serie del Descubrimiento Shaud 5: "Descubrimiento 5"por ADAMUS - Geoffrey Hoppe Presentado al Crimson Circle - Enero 11, 2014

Presentado al Crimson Circle en Enero 11, 2014

Traducción: Yezid Varón

Shauds en archivo Word: Manantial del Caduceo:

Shauds en MP3 y videos doblados al español: Grupo33

Yo Soy lo que Yo Soy, Adamus Saint-Germain. Pero ustedes ya sabían eso. ¡Ah! ya saben taaanto que ni siquiera saben que saben, una ingente cantidad.

Estamos aquí en la Serie del Descubrimiento, en este Shaud, y es acerca de descubrir lo que ya saben. ¡Ah! Ustedes han estado buscando cosas que creen que no saben; se trata de lo que ya saben.

Vamos a tomar una profunda respiración con eso, porque ya está ahí. Ya está ahí. Hm.

¡Ah! Fue una de las pocas – ejem – introducciones musicales que disfruté, Safe and Sound*, porque lo que van a llegar a saber es que todo funciona y es increíble. Heh, palabra sobreutilizada – es impresionante. Es perfecto. Todo funciona. Todo llega junto y nada importa. ¡Ah! Podríamos terminar ahora mismo.

Jahn J Kassl - ENLIGHTENMENT, MAITRAYA - January 27, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The enlightenment of the world has begun, 
has reached all levels on this planet and has 
seized all human Beings!

A process, which has been mandated by the prime 
source of All-that-Is, cannot be more comprehensive, 
more perfect, greater and more exalted.
You are honored beyond all measures!

I am MAITRAYA, the cosmic Christ,
I am among you.

What does the expression “enlightenment” mean?
What to think about, what to attune to?

domingo, enero 26, 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – Your Human Life Path Is A Journey Of Great Importance And Significance That Is Mostly Hidden From You – 26 January 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms we are all deeply indebted to you for your ongoing and frequently exhausting Earth journeys as you work non-stop (yes, you do really work non-stop, waking, sleeping, and dreaming) to bring your brothers and sisters to awakening by constantly sending them Love.  What you are doing, and achieving, is quite amazing.  Each of your individual functions and contributions in this ongoing awakening process is essential to it; without your combined collective intentions and efforts it would not happen.