martes, octubre 22, 2013

Brenda Hoffman – Throw Away Your Creation Training Wheels – 22 October 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s October 20, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Creation is no longer linear, nor is it within 3D shoulds or work. Decide what you want to create and then stop working on the end-product. Your 3D world was work with a little play. Your new world is play with a little work.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Your Earth You is the Commander of Your Totality”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Most of you have creation concerns. You believe others are creating what they want and you cannot or are very slow at learning how to do so.
No one can yet do all we have outlined – including creating.

I AM A STARSEED - Catherine Victoria -

I am a starseed. I am different. I don’t belong on earth. That is because earth is not my true home. I felt different all my life. My thoughts are different. My mind is different. My energy is different…  I sense things around me. I hear things. I will just know things. I “see” people, beyond the exterior. It’s like I see their soul. I see their colours. I see their energy. I see their heart… Or lack of. I feel what others think of me. I am sensitive. I have allergies because of my sensitivity.

Mensajes De Una Montaña Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll Monte Shasta, California Primer día de la Serie El Descubrimiento 2013 - 20 de junio de 2013

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos de ustedes sienten que Dios y la Fuente están lejos; Dios está en el cielo y ustedes… ustedes están en el suelo. De modo que la separación misma se interpone a la clase de fusión que algunos buscan, la que les permitiría andar por montañas y valles tomados de la mano con la Fuente Creadora. Y además de esto, a algunos les enseñaron durante toda su vida que no pueden lograr esa clase de fusión, que no está en sus manos. Y vienen y se sientan aquí o recorren el sendero y una pequeña voz, que tal vez emana del suelo, de los árboles o del agua, les dice: “¡Hazlo de todos modos! ¡Hazlo de todos modos!”

MADAD - SaLuSa - 22:10:2013

SaLuSa 22.10.2013

Do you feel the freedom you all now have, to choose from so many wonderful possibilities that are open for you with your own letting go of the old? We are not speaking of the choice to awaken or to ascend but rather of the choices or decisions you are now free to make of your further experiences, without being pushed back with negative energies that swirled around all of your not so very long time ago. Now you are allowed to freely follow your visions and dreams and no such force exist to be powerful enough to stop you unless you choose to do so. The calling of your higher reality is getting stronger with your each thought of being there, and this creates incredible power and energy that is leading to finishing of all necessary preparation in the exact perfect moment for each and every one of you. We are following your progress very closely, as all those that chose to be connected with us are constantly receiving our energy, either directly or through our messages and we are very happy to receive your wonderful and powerful response that you are sending back to us.

Natural News -Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials - Oct 22, 2013

The second largest country in the world, India, has become a hotbed of pharmaceutical fraud, as unscrupulous drug companies, mostly from the West, continue to use India's generally poorer populations as human guinea pigs in unethical and flat-out inhumane clinical trials. 

And India's Supreme Court is finally taking action against this massive organized crime ring by ordering India's health ministry to justify its approval of 162 global clinical trials to take place in the country.

Because it is a rapidly developing nation with lax regulatory protocols, India has been a primary target of the pharmaceutical cartel in its never-ending quest to dominate the medical systems of the world. Major drug companies have been largely successful in swindling the Indian government to approve trials for all sorts of "new chemical entities" (NCEs), many of which have been tested on rural Indians in poorer communities, where there is minimal access to proper medical care.

Nancy Tate – Hatonn – 22 October 2013

NancyTateDear Ones,
I have been feeling inspired in the past several days to create another slideshow that was timely with the recent full moon eclipse and the energy that was associated with it. It is called Love Moon Rising, and it is available to see now. Click Here
I am here this morning to speak through this one about a matter that is troubling many of you at this time. It is one that needs addressing in a way that can ease your minds in many different ways. It is about the changes that many of you are experiencing in your lives and within your inner selves. I am Hatonn, and I am with you this day to alleviate some of the concerns that you are undergoing in these times.

lunes, octubre 21, 2013

Fran Zepeda- Lady Nada: Let The Sweet Peace of Your Stillness Be Your Guiding Light – 21 October 2013

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:
Hello my dear ones. It is a wonderment to see you all progressing oh so well. The changes within you are astounding and although it has been a challenge for some of you, you are graduating with flying colors.
It is not to say that the difficult times are over. However, many changes have been made to your light bodies and inner selves and you will see a marked change in your environment as a result.
All-be-it to say you are a work in progress, a wonderful and delightful work in progress. If you were to see a graph of how far you have come, it would astound you.

Dana Mrkich: For Anyone Still Asking “When is Ascension Going to Happen?” - Oct 21, 2013

This question came in from Richard* (name changed) about ‘ascension’. I’m sharing it here for anyone who has the same concerns.


I have been reading several ascension blogs. Most of them have info that humanity would ascend on 21 DEC 2012 and since then the dates simply kept on changing and even the so called channeled info from higher dimensional beings and ascended masters is wrong so many times.

Just don’t know what to believe anymore and like so many other readers and followers I am more than frustrated to just keep waiting for a date and when nothing happens then conveniently some new date comes up and this has been going on for so long. So my question is if we are going to ascend at all then when do you think its gonna happen? If it is so difficult to give a date then is it possible to atleast give a time frame? So many people who are working as channelers and light workers, how hard can it be to just get a date?

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Oct 21, 2013

We would like to take this opportunity to delve a little bit into the current energies. As many of you have already ascertained, these are not your regular blasts of energy, rather, it is as if you are being disconnected from it all, as if you are floating, almost like an astronaut lost out in space. It might feel lonely out there, but trust us when we say you have not been left out there for good, rather, this is a very important transitional phase, one that will help you to re-enter YOURSELF, rather than stripping you of anything that might still be construed as the old you.

Bionics, Transhumanism, and the end of Evolution (Full Documentary)