viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Estrés, ¡Fuera de Aquí! de Wayne W. Dyer - 7 de octubre del 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

Queridos amigos,

No hay nada natural acerca de vivir una vida llena de estrés y ansiedad, con sentimientos de desesperación o depresión, necesitando pastillas tranquilizantes. Los pensamientos agitados que producen presión arterial elevada, problemas de estómago, sentimientos persistentes de incomodidad, incapacidad para relajarse o dormir, y demostraciones frecuentes de disgusto y atropello están violando su estado natural.

Metatrón via James Tyberonn - 2014: El Águila, El Cóndor y el Regreso del Dharma - Sep 8, 2013
Canal del Señor Metatrón

Traducción: Fara González López
Edición: Angy Bahl

¡Saludos! Yo Soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz y les saludo. Les damos la bienvenida aquí en este momento en su espacio y en su tiempo. Les enviamos a cada uno de sus Seres un exquisito rayo de amor supremo. Oh, querido Humano – Siente el amor que enviamos porque se lo enviamos en tiempo real a cada uno de ustedes “AHORA”, en un rayo brillante desde un vector de dimensión no lineal en una ola que abraza a cada uno de ustedes al leer estas palabras. ¡Cierren sus ojos por un momento y reciban esta energía! Maestros, ¿pueden sentirla? Es amor incondicional y recarga el campo de ustedes, sana su corazón y le recuerda a cada UNO su verdadero hogar, su fuente!

Breaking News! Arriving Aliens - UFO Fleet in orbit of the Sun October 11, 2013

Where the Action Is NOW– Relationships - Judith Dagley - 10.7.13
Just in case you haven’t tuned into it yet, here’s a heads up– we seem to be in the midst of quite a shift. More specifically, ever since our Libra New Moon on 10.4, we seem to have entered an initiation into experiencing ”expansion” as the process of LIVING it truly is, rather than conceptualizing it as lessons to learn and/or something to wait for. That this initiation is also a process is indicated by the full Aries moon/lunar eclipse that follows the new moon by two weeks, and the Scorpio solar eclipse that will follow that, two weeks later.

UFO / Lights in the Sky Near St George, Utah, September 27th 2013

Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: Dancing and Skipping Around the Edges of Time October 11, 2013

Balanced Heart Chakra - available from HeavenOnEarthSilks on Etsy
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and full message without alteration when re-posting this message.
Dear Friends,
I’m doing a rare daytime channeling as the urge to rest and bring in a message is so strong that I can no longer ignore it.
For the past week I have been floating in and out of “time” or transcending the 3rd and 4th dimensions .. “Skipping time”.. The only things that seem to be keeping me tied to this reality that includes time and dates are a couple of old work projects I’m finishing up that have deadlines. After those two projects, my work responsibilities are over and I am faced with the prospect of no new “work” in my field; but I feel that my “work” is now in being aligned with my soul contracts and missions, namely the assisting of ushering in the new Golden Age upon Earth by bringing in higher dimensional messages and lightworks of art. My next painting series will be an archangel “miniseries” (not a tv show lol), as well as another two new series which are a surprise. I AM moving forward in faith that financial abundance will come somehow by following my soul mission and soul contract, i.e., the reason my soul came to this earth at this time of great transformation for All.

You are magnificent – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 11, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you are magnificent. You can not be anything but magnificent. Your soul is beautiful and she just wants you to be happy. Listen to what your soul speaks to you. She knows you, for it she you and you are she. And please have no more doubts of your magnificence. Can I, as the Creator of all that is, create something that is NOT awesome? This is not possible, and since you are a part of my SELF, you have to be necessarily magnificent. The one begets the other. It might be all well and good to be humble, but it would significantly raise your self-esteem when you no longer look at yourself as small and insignificant, but as a beautiful, magnificent being. The easier it will be for you to manifest a wonderful NOW for you. In your humility you set yourself limits and then you are manifesting only also with limitations. My wish for you is but that you think and manifest limitless, for the benefit of all, including yourself, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Government Hoaxes The Movie

Merkaba of Sound - Jonathan Goldman with visuals by Davin Infinity

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 363 - Oct 11, 2013
The symbols of success can be many, but for now, let us just focus on a few that will appear for many of you. You have and will start to connect in a way that will enable to you start to see things, but when we refer to this, we do not necessarily refer to tangible things that you can simultaneously touch with your bare hands. We refer to symbols and shapes that may not contain any information that you will understand from a human point of view, but symbols that in themselves contain essential information that will leave their imprint on you in a way that will be of great help. Of course, this whole message, in fact, any message that you may receive in this kind of manner also conveys much of its information this way.