martes, julio 02, 2013

SaLuSa via “Madad” – We are Preparing Ourselves for the Greatest Meeting of All - Jul 2

SaLuSa –  02:07:2013
We are preparing ourselves for the greatest meeting of all. We are aware that you too are waiting for this moment and are ready to meet us. Some still do not believe that we exist but it is their choice and cannot be changed anyway unless they chose to do so. We are preparing to step closer to you in many ways. Most of you already know, at least in some details what your future will look like and are also preparing for the necessary changes to come into full motion these days. We are aware that you miss a lot of information regarding each aspect of your future life, but do not worry this also should change in a short time. Our plans are being completed in such a beautiful way that you would be astound if you know.
Your body changes are speeding up, by now all should feel rapid changes almost day by day and please allow them to simply transform all that needs to be transformed and do not question them. They are here to change you and prepare you for more upliftment and please surrender into them and ask your Higher Self to help you. By simply saying these words you will allow your Higher Self to be closer to you, which is so much needed in these wonderful times.

The manuscript of survival – part 332 - Aisha North - July 2, 2013
As many of you have ascertained already, things are certainly starting to heat up this summer, and we do mean that in every sense of the word. Much is swirling around you all in the form of not only energetic emissions, but also the outcome from all of these injections of light. For the light never comes empty handed as it were, as it will always have a profound effect on all that it touches on its way. So too this time, as has been amply proven already.

Denise Le Fay – July & August 2013 Grand Water Trines & T-Squares – 2 July 2013

astro glyphs flashing colors
The months of July and August 2013 are packed with big, important, and very potent astrological transits. First things first–on June 25, 2013 Jupiter entered Cancer where it will be until July 2014. On July 13, 2013 Mars enters Cancer for a fast run through the sign until August 29, 2013. This is of course, just enough time to combine with the other Trine aspects happening between the slower moving planets in the three Water signs. Because there’s so much going on during July and August, it gets a bit confusing and hard to remember what’s where and when so I’ve included the amazing astrological lineup below for visual aid.

NaturalNews – Ethan A. Huff – Total Domination : Merck Sues Indian Generic Drug Company To Halt Competition For Lucrative Diabetes Drug Market – 2 July 2013

Money-In-Prescription-Bottle-Drugs(NaturalNews) The second most populated country in the world, India, has become a vicious battleground for competing interests within the pharmaceutical industry that are trying to gain control of the drug market. And one of the latest legal feuds has been initiated by U.S.-based drug giant Merck & Co., creator of the infamous Gardasil vaccine for HPV, which recently sued an Indian manufacturer of generic drugs for allegedly infringing on its diabetes drug patents.

Healing Message – from Divine Mother by Cecilia Kinzie - July 2, 2013
Introducing Cecilia and her beautiful channeling below….Enjoy! Love to all ♥ Fran ♥
*Note from Cecilia about her message is below the transcript*
Divine Mother Healing Message
June 23rd, 2013
A Return to Innocence

Take a few deep breathes into your heart to receive this message from Divine Mother as communicated through Cecilia Kinzie.
I am Divine Mother and I come in the name love. I come in the name of truth and I come in the name of compassion. I come today to share a message with you. The message today is about healing. Many of you are healing on a deeper level that you have ever before. Wounds are coming up, old wounds. Not just wounds from childhood, but ancient wounds from the beginning of your incarnations. These old wounds are coming up now to be healed. You are healing in layers. The superficial wounds have been cleared and you are now working on the most deepest of breaks in your energy system. For some of you this is quite a daunting process. For some of you it is a fearful process. And I say to you: there is no need to fear these old wounds. For you are ready now to clear them. You are at the point in you evolution where you are strong enough, powerful enough, wise enough, and conscious enough to heal these core wounds. And I am here, Divine Mother, I am here to assist you in this process.

Ex US Marine Speaks the Truth about Afghanistan, Israel and Iraq Powerful MUST SEE! )

Jesus and the Wheel of the Ancient Ones (Part 2) Jun17 (Continued from Part 1) - AngelicView - June 17, 2013

Q & A between NDERF (Near Death Experience Research Foundation) and William

In response to your question “I am curious – can you say what the symbols were or what they mean and how they are used?”
Well, I can and I can’t, to say what the symbols were, some of them I know what they were and why they are there, others, I know them when I see them and also know how to use them.
First: 1 set of the symbols were those of the zodiac, but not as we know them, but their astrological star constellations.  Whether some want to believe it, those symbols do have a correlation to events or occurrences that have or will happen on this earth or in an individual’s life.  It is really more complex than even some astrologers have ever delved into.
Second: Another set of the symbols pertain to the healing art of Reiki as we call it here.  I know all of the symbols, and how to use them, as I’m also a Reiki Master.  I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but some of these “new” symbols that Reiki Organizations have come out with are nothing but marks, they do nothing.

Jesus and the Wheel of the Ancient Ones (Part 1) - AngelicView - June 17, 2013

AngelicView: I have read this NDE for the first time several years ago. I’m glad I ran across it again the other day. This man has had a few NDE’s, and he has some great insights to share! Some things he learned from Jesus, himself. He had a fascinating experience with a wheel with spokes and pillars with symbols and crystals on them. He also shares some insights he learned about Reiki.
Thanks so much to William for sharing your experience.
The first part of my experience, the part of leaving my body, that is pretty much the same as in all the books and lectures that I have attended and read.  However, during the course of my NDE, what I “felt” and “understood” during the passage through the tunnel or shaft of light that I was in was quite extraordinary.  Passing through this area, which seemed as if it could be endless, yet wasn’t, I could sense those spirits that were in the shadows, I understood why they wouldn’t look into the light, mostly because of the religious indoctrination that had lived by on earth, they felt they were not worthy to look into the light because of actions they had done in the human existence.

Cuando uno ha recibido el obsequio de un sueño vuelto realidad, es importante darse cuenta de que el individuo se lo ha ganado. – Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

los sueños se hacen realidad dos
Cuando uno ha recibido el obsequio de un sueño vuelto realidad, es importante darse cuenta de que el individuo se lo ha ganado.
A medida que la velocidad en que tus sueños se vuelven realidad incrementa en dimensión y profundidad, llegas a una intersección de tiempo donde todos tus sueños pasados se traslapan y fusionan con todas tus nuevas creaciones.
Aquí es donde ellas se fusionan en un formato físico que sostiene una vasta gama de posibilidades.
A este punto de multiplicidad uno puede respirar más vida en sus sueños o simplemente permitirles volverse realidad por sí mismos.
En esta sagrada intersección es donde puedes ajustar la senda que siguen los sueños.

Arcángel Gabriel – Permitan al universo ayudarlos porque él puede ver TODAS las opciones disponibles a ustedes - Trinity Esoterics - Junio 26, 2013

universo-en-mis-ojos dos
Permitan al universo ayudarlos porque él puede ver TODAS las opciones disponibles a ustedes y siempre enviaría lo que es para su mayor bien, si tan sólo le permitieran hacerlo.
Muchos de ustedes batallan para controlar el resultado de las cosas porque ustedes piensan que saben mejor cómo deben ser exactamente las cosas.
Por supuesto ustedes son los expertos sobre ustedes mismos y lo que desean, pero en realidad ustedes no tienen simplemente un punto ventajoso ni toda la información necesaria para saber todas las opciones.
Por eso la cocreación es un poderoso medio para vivir su expresión de vida más elevado.
La vasta mayoría del tiempo, si tan sólo se entregaran con la intención más elevada, lo que el universo les proporcionaría iría más allá de sus más locos sueños.
¡Los humanos con frecuencia ponen una gran cantidad de energía tratando de manifestar cosas que son mucho menores que lo que tienen disponible
! Permitan al universo ayudarlos porque él puede ver TODAS las opciones disponibles a ustedes y siempre enviaría lo que es para su mayor bien, si tan sólo le permitieran hacerlo. ~Archangel Gabriel
Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach