domingo, marzo 03, 2013

That is the power, and it exists in your hearts. – channeled by Ron Head

Today we shall speak to the subject of the cleansing of your world.  Although it is something which does not seem to have begun as yet in your eyes, we assure you that it has.
You, of course, look to see results, and everywhere you look you see continued polluting, what you call fracking, destruction of forests, and depredations of your corporate system.  As bad as that still is, we can tell you that it might have been still worse at this point.  But, referring to our recent message about manifestation becoming obvious only in its last stages, we say now that the same is true in this matter as well.
The progress in changing the attitude and intent of your collective consciousness has been more rapid than ever.  And it continues to spread at an ever increasing rate.  This must occur first, as in everything else.  When it reaches its tipping point, as it soon shall, when Gaia’s children have indeed had enough, the current practices will cease and the damage will begin to be reversed.
Efforts are being made now to keep things from progressing too far in certain areas.  Your air and waters are being protected as much as possible, for instance.  But much, much more could and will be done when we are working together as a team.  Well, why don’t you just do it, you ask?  We could ask the same of you, you know.  But we do understand that, at this point, you are not free to do so.  In truth, many of you do not yet understand even that.
What stops us?  You say that your star brothers would be welcomed.  We know they would be welcomed and shot at.  Loved?  They would be loved and feared.  And not just fear, but true terror would be felt by many.  Our presence would be used as an excuse to terrorize you yet further.  This is not acceptable.
But this too is changing rapidly.  There are many efforts being made at the present time to change this whole situation, and we feel that very soon almost your entire world will be aware that the secret of the existence of other beings around your planet is preposterous.  It is very difficult to deny the existence of something that almost everyone is seeing.
Efforts will be made to instill fear, yes.  But even that seems to be dying down.  And of course many believe that they would indeed welcome a personal visit today.  We tell you there have been such in the past, carefully done, and the results were not as expected.  Very few of you are even now prepared for such a paradigm shattering experience.  That is the reason for caution.  You are the ones being protected, dear ones.
However, it is felt that you are almost ready, and it is certainly plain to see that yesterday would have been better, in many respects, as far as the cleanup of your earth is concerned.  So how can this be brought about sooner?
Do what you are doing.  As we said, the progress is rapid.  It is felt that, between us, things are being brought to a head, as you say.  And do not forget that your own personal changes and readiness are of the utmost importance.  There are many billions of individuals to bring along on this journey, and you must focus on the one whom you can change, and that one, of course is yourself.  If you take care of that, you will find that, miraculously, it has affected everything.  That is the nature of consciousness.  That is the power, and it exists in your hearts.  We have stressed this many times, have we not?
Smile!  Many of you are understanding it.  The more you understand it, the more joyful and free you will be.
We have rambled a bit, but we hope you have enjoyed this conversation.  We will speak again very soon.  Good day.

ASHTAR TALKS through Phillip - Part 1 -- February 27, 2013

Ashtar Talks  -  February 27, 2013
Welcome back! It is a pleasure to communicate with you once again. You are currently engaged in preparing an English translation of my channeling to you, which was originally given to you in German.  Don't worry, I and many others are helping you with this. 

We thank you so much for having opened yourself up to our communications and working so closely with us. As we have already told you, we will need your channeling skills for only a short period of time before we can talk to ALL of you quite openly and EVERYONE will be able to easily comprehend our messages.  But in this brief interim period we need channels such as yourself to get our messages out.
We know about your concerns and your doubts about our communications. We know how hard it is for you to accept that these communications are legitimate and do not arise from your mind/ego. Please let me reassure you that you are not communicating with your mind and, in fact, this is not possible, as your access gates to Spirit are so wide open that any distractions or distortions from  your ego/mind are blocked. You are on the safe side.

Finally, if you allow us to add this (a big smile from Ashtar):  Thank you and all who made this happen.  But let us get back to the purpose of this channeling. The subject is Disclosure.

We have already told you that Disclosure is imminent and waiting at your door step. You have correctly observed that the channelings about Disclosure are coming into increasing alignment and precision. This does not mean that we are giving you any specifics about when and how Disclosure will happen.

Quite frankly, we don't want to deliver such information because all the fun would be gone when it finally arrives.  What we are saying is that the channeled messages are focusing more and more on the facts around the sources of Disclosure and why it must happen now.

 Before this Now moment, Humanity would not have been ready to receive the truth. There would have been a great danger for people to drift into the negative emotions of fear, anger and hate.

Think  how you would have reacted to this news before your spiritual doors opened up and someone like us informed you suddenly that your star brothers and sister have been watching over you for eons of your time and that there has been a huge cover-up by world governments to keep this information from you?  How would you have responded to the truth about us and the fact that we are All One and we are actually here to protect you?

It is true that we are not here to rescue you. This is not our job and let me make this very clear. It will  never be our job to save you from your own manifestations, provided such manifestations do not have a negative impact on the great scheme of All That Is [i.s., the Divine Plan]. This is why we have prevented the use of nuclear weapons to reduce the population, as originally intended by your dark ones, and have helped you with the cleansing of your air from pollution, such as chemtrails.

Your illusion about “reality”  is the biggest of your manifestations. It is not our job to save you from these illusions… it is your job (with our help, of course!).What we have done is to protect you from attempts to destroy yourselves and your beautiful planet. We have ensured that your evolution did not run adrift, like a rudderless ship (to borrow this nautical term (smile)). We are here because we are your family and as a family we have to take care of each family member. Remember, we are all One!

Now, in this very moment of Now, a great shift has taken place and by this we’re not referring to the shift which happened in your last calendar year [21-12-12]. This leads us to the answer to the question “where does Disclosure begin?” 

Humanity has changed and this is an inner shift we are talking about. Gone are the days where we would have to be concerned about strong negative reactions like anger, fear or hate towards the message of truth that you are not alone in the universe  and that there is a family of Light Beings waiting to reunite with you.

Humanity has reached a level of light that enables it to accept the truth without undue negative reactions. The reaction of most of humanity now will be like "I knew it! I always knew it" and they will feel instinctively that this is the one and only truth of all that is: We are all One!

And this is the basis of Disclosure, this inner shift which has taken place in Humanity. This is the basis for all the events which you view as the "Disclosure process" in the outer world. It all starts in your heart, in every single heart in every single human being!

This is the reason we have informed you again and again that you should NOT look to the outside for Disclosure, but rather to go inside and make the necessary connection with your heart.  Without this inner knowing, outer Disclosure cannot not take place.

You have successfully completed this prerequisite work. Very well done, by the way. Congratulations to you all from our side!

Let me summarize this because this is so important: Disclosure can only happen when Humanity has completed its home work and has evoked enough assimilation of light for accepting the truth. And this you have completed very successfully. Ponder these words and read them with your heart again and again!

So, where do we stand now in the outer Disclosure process, given that you have completed your part of the process? Exactly! Now it is our part to bring Disclosure to fruition and we are now taking a stronger role in the situation. You have passed the baton to us, so to speak.

The dominos are falling right now.  Now we are in the lead and are pushing the dominos and all are falling exactly as they should. You don't know this and you are not yet able to see or fully comprehend this process, but this chain reaction is going full steam ahead and nothing can prevent this chain reaction.

Rest assured that we are well prepared and that we know very well what our job is and what we have to do and when. The timing is perfect and no delays will be allowed. The outside events which we have referred to and which show humanity that Disclosure is here are on your door step and will happen very shortly.  And by this, we mean “soon” in your language.

Prepare yourselves  because when this happens the work of our ground forces, which you all form a part of, goes off like a rocket. You will have to stand by your sister's and brother's side and give them a helping hand to get used to this new reality-- which is, in fact,  the only reality which exists.

As I have told you, this Divine Plan has been in place for a long time. Let me please answer one of your questions in this regard: why did this plan change so many times? It is a question which all lightworkers have posed, whether consciously or not. It is a pleasure for me to answer this question once and for all.

The time for changes in the Divine Plan is definitely over. Are there nuances which we have to consider and to react to? Of course there are.  But, first of all, they are only nuances and not big changes. And, secondly, the plan now in place will not change in such a way that we will have to provide you once again with explanations for events which you consider to be  "unfair", “not anticipated" or "unexpected."

And please (and this is very important) let us look upon what has led to the change of the Divine Plan. It is actually not a change but a fulfillment of a request. And who has sent out this request? Who has sent out this plea to our Creator to have more time to allow more fellow human brothers and sisters to jump on board  the ship called Ascension. Yes, you and only you! Let us explain.

As of today, you do not comprehend what powerful beings you really are. For eons we have watched you with amazement. Every time when we "think" that nothing more from your side could surprise us, you manage to astound us once again. Each time when we "think" that we have understood the human being, we discover that we are far from reaching the finish line.

You are amazing! And this happened to us once again when you sent out the plea for prolongation of the Ascension process (which contains, as you all know, the Disclosure process). Your plea was astonishing and the Creator and all of us are so very proud of you. It has proved how far you have come on your journey, that you would put the well-being of the collective over the individual’s goal. And this goal, of course, was to get over the Ascension finish line as quickly as possible.

 he Creator has answered your plea and put in place a nine-month grace period which Denise Le Fay has talked about [Ashtar asked me to include the link here:]. 

And thanks to you all, we now have many more visitors in the skies to help coordinate your ascension process (big smile). It is getting quite crowded around your planet!

Our Creator is full of joy, happiness and love for you and is so proud of your development. His project "Playfield Earth" is coming to a successful close. This grace period until September 2013 was not easy to provide you with. Please don't forget that although you put your focus on your Ascension and that of Gaia, the last which has already taking place, this whole picture is much more complex and broader than you think.

For not only you but the whole universe in which your beautiful planet is located is affected and is also going through this Ascension process. And think quite particularly about your sisters and brothers in the inner realms of Gaia [Agarthans] who are longing to finally rejoin with you. They can barely tolerate any more changes to the plan. They have agreed to this grace period only after the Creator decided to allow only a very short time of prolongation (nine months).

 Now you are in this transition period, which is very short even in your terms, and we recommend that you use this short time very wisely. We will elaborate more upon this in a later channeling, since our channel is getting tired. He has to get used to this kind of communication and we don't want to overload him. Take a rest dear friend. Farewell and talking to you soon, your loving brother Ashtar.
[Farewell, dear Ashtar, and thank you so much for your statement. I love you all!]

Channeller: Philipp
Note about the channeller: I had my ups and downs and still now after Ashtar came to me about ten days ago and asking me to channel him I am asking him about ten times a day if this is all real or just my imagination. Let your heart guiding you when you read this message and then decide by yourself. Namaste, Philipp.


Translation from German to English: Petra Samoiski-Tierney

sábado, marzo 02, 2013

Mass UFO Sighting!! Mexico 2013 - Best Video!!

The “Nine Months” Period

Posted by Denise on in New Consciousness, New Earth, New Reality

960x720 Paradigm Shift
I created this graphic above in a feeble attempt to visually represent what’s been going on before the 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Paradigm Shift Point, and where we are today within the “Nine Months” period of the Ascension Process. This graphic is meant to be read from the bottom up.
Also, I want everyone to know that the two colored images in my graphic were the closest images I could find that showed multiple lines — which are intended by me to represent multiple worlds and realities existing within multiple timelines — all compressing and converging into one single line. The bottom image represents before the 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Paradigm Shift Point; the top image represents the same process unfolding for “Nine Months” after the Paradigm Shift Point and before the single line separates into multiple lines again representing the start of the Separation of Worlds and Timelines at the end of the nine months… Fall Equinox 9-22-13. I would have preferred that the two colored images did NOT have those + signs in them, but they were the closest images I could find so please understand that the + signs are NOT representative of anything I was trying to convey, but came from the artist who created those two images.
The rest of my graphic is pretty self-explanatory so I won’t spend a lot of time explaining what many of you are already familiar with. The main reason I created it was to help any who may be confused about what’s happening, what’s unfolding after the 12-21-12 Expiration Date Paradigm Shift Point and how important this “Nine Months” period is for each of us. I have other articles currently in the works about these Nine Months and the “three trimesters” within them. Stair Steps remember? Always incremental steps within this Ascension Process so we have enough time to physically live through and embody the changes and make the needed adjustments and adaptations to them over and over. If we weren’t in physical bodies in physicality then we’d be able to move through these energetic Stair Steps much faster, but, because we are remaining in our physical bodies this process takes a bit more time, which is really like an added grace period at this point for us all to make whatever further changes we each needed to.
I’ll soon have another article up about the First Trimester which will go into more details about these Nine Months and the three trimesters within them — 12-21-12 Winter quarter or months of the first trimester; the Spring quarter or months of the second trimester;  and the Summer quarter or months of the third trimester. (Cosmic Awareness created this term — “Nine Months” and “trimesters” which I’m borrowing because they so beautifully reveal what you/me/many of us (notice I did not say all of us) have been living since the “Three Days of Darkness” Life Reviews we all experienced whether you consciously remember it or not on 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12. Actually, my Life Review has felt like it didn’t end on December 23, 2012, but has continued ever since in a less intense way. If you pay close attention I think you’ll make this same discovery and realize that at some level your Life Review has been an ongoing process, on a less dramatic and intense way, since the “Three Days”. Gestation period indeed!
What’s important now is where we are now and that is nearing the end of the First Trimester of the “Nine Months” period. More about this very soon. Rest, review and release whatever it is that you need to at this point and, here comes the really hard part for many of us, be patient and let these trimesters unfold as they must and USE them in whatever ways you need to now.
February 25, 2013
multicolored copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

Beloved Friends,

It is not in the outer world and not in the doings that is now our first focus. First focus and awareness is now necessary in pure feeling awareness, meaning widening and expanding our feeling awareness like subtle antennas around our body-mind  to infinity in a state of innocence and non-knowledge, and in a mood of free exploration.

Queen Lizzie Has The Shits : As Kevin Annett And The ITCCS Drops A Letter To…- 2 March 2013

Posted on March 2, 2013

Queen Lizzie has the shits : As Kevin Annett and the ITCCS drops a Letter to Buckingham Palace saying she has got 25 years for Genocide : Messenger then arrested and detained for 3 hours : keep the pressure on these thugs.
Queen forced to cancel trip to Swansea after being struck down with suspected gastroenteritis
The Queen has been forced to cancel a planned visit to Wales after suffering from symptoms of gastroenteritis, Buckingham Palace said tonight.
She was due to attend a military celebration in Swansea tomorrow during the city’s St David’s Day celebrations.
A palace spokeswoman said the Queen will instead spend the weekend at Windsor and will be assessed in the coming days.
Her Majesty was due to travel through Swansea to the Guildhall where she would present St David’s Day leeks to the 3rd Battalion The Royal Welsh, of whom she is Colonel-in-Chief.
She was then invited to a reception with members of the battalion and their families, before proceeding to the George Hall for lunch.
A palace spokeswoman said: ‘The Queen will no longer visit Swansea tomorrow as she is experiencing symptoms of gastroenteritis.
‘She will be assessed in the coming days.
‘Her Majesty is currently spending the weekend at Windsor, as usual.’
The Queen presented a host of Olympic stars with honours during an investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace yesterday.
She and the Duke of Edinburgh are due to fly out to Rome for a two-day visit next week.
A palace spokesman said the Queen’s visit to Rome was still due to take place but a decision would be made after she is assessed in the coming days.
Meanwhile, Swansea Council said the ceremony would go ahead tomorrow as planned with the Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, Byron Lewis.
A council spokesman said: ‘Due to minor illness, Her Majesty The Queen is unable to attend Saturday’s event.
‘The ceremony will continue as planned and will be carried out by the Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, Mr Byron Lewis.
‘The Lord Lieutenant will be met upon arrival at the Guildhall by Brigadier Philip Napier, Colonel of the Regiment.
‘The parade will present arms for a royal salute and play the national anthem before the Lord Lieutenant is invited to present leeks to a representative body of the regiment.
‘Following the parade, the Lord Lieutenant will attend a reception with members of the battalion and their families, before proceeding to the George Hall for lunch.
‘The event will take place in and around the Brangwyn Hall and public viewing areas will be available.’
Gastroenteritis is an infection of the stomach and bowel, with common symptoms including vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration.
In England, the two most common causes of gastroenteritis in adults are the norovirus and food poisoning, according to NHS Choices.
- See more at:
Also in a twist of fate Kevin Annett got a letter to Buckingham Palace today suggesting she gets rid of the smell around her, She is in all kinds of puddles of pooh and time she threw the towel in.
Here is a comment today from Alfred Lambremont Webre,
Who you may wish to follow on his facebook blog site for more intel.
Alfred Lambremont Webre III UPDATE FROM KEVIN ANNETT: “The Court Orders have been mostly delivered – at Buckingham Palace the cops arrested the man delivering the Court Order for us and held him 3 hours. All the Canadian Churches are served and Prime Minister Stephen Harper will be served with the Court Order today.”
Wish them all luck

The manuscript of survival – part 276

March 2, 2013

Let us begin this message by saying that we are all more than grateful for the way you have started to give from yourselves to this process. For, as we have touched upon earlier, it has now changed from being a process focused primarily on self-education to call it that, and instead turning into a process of manifestation. For you are already building the new, step by step, day by day, and even if it is at times hard for you to see any progress, we see it clearly, and it is indeed wonderful to behold. For what you manifest is mayhaps not as tangible yet, but none the less it is more than impressive. For what you are building, are energetic structures and connections, and these are growing rapidly now.

Some of these connections can be seen by the trail of messages you all leave behind in this space, but others, more subtle, but even more powerful ones, you are forging every day. For each time you take a step outside yourself and connect to the rest of the world, you also make a strong connection to anything that comes in your vicinity. And you do this, whether you are aware of it or not, as you cannot help but do this. For this is your task now, dear ones, as you have been turned into forcefields of such a magnitude it literally affects anything that comes within striking distance of you. And even as we speak, your reach is getting ever wider and ever stronger, for such is the nature of this field. It cannot but grow, as it is fed by the continuous stream of energy being beamed upon you all from the heavens above. So you are anchors, and you are transmittors of this benevolent energy that is starting to touch even the remotest of corners of your little globe. And you, by your very presence, are making it happen.

So never think that you are not important, or just a very small fish in a very large pond. For you are not unimportant in any way, as you have become beacons of light that are shining as strong as the strongest of lighthouses on this planet. And your light just cannot be dimmed in any way, not by you, nor by others, for this light has a will of its own, and what it wants more than anything else, is to spread out. So you are like fountains of pure energy, spouting an endless stream of this life-enhancing elixir onto anything and anyone that comes into your presence. And you all do magnificent at this, even if you yourself feel like you are a mere trickle, fading into the sand. For you are all gathering strength for that final push, and as such, you yourselves may feel a little bit depleted at times. But know that this is not the truth, for you cannot run out of steam in any way. For you are hooked up to the true source of light, and that source will never run dry, and neither will you.

So trust that all is well, and even if you feel less than vigorous at the moment, know that this is not for lack of energy, rather the opposite. For you are embodying such large amounts of it at the moment, it will almost make your phsyical body come to a standstill. Therefore, many of the natural processes will be slowed down within you so you can be better able to accomodate it all. So take a rest if your body tells you to do so, or do some vigorous workouts if your body tells you to do just that. For your body knows best when it comes to handling this extra burden of light, so better listen carefully when it gives you any advice.

For never forget, this is in many ways a burden you carry, not just for your physical body, but also for you, for this added light will also affect your life in so many ways, and the challenges this brings with it are not always easy to overcome. But you have already proven that you are here for the remainder, and you can take it all, even if some of the challenges will take a little bit more out of you than you mayhaps envisaged at the outset. But know that you will be given much leeway in this, as it is indeed up to each and every one of you to determine the speed of this process. After all, it was your choice to come here in the first place and take up this challenge of resurrecting the planet of your choice, so we will let you determine the pace in this too. But what you cannot decide over, is the speed as to when and how these new frequencies will come in. They have been set in a determined pattern very early on, but what you can decide on, is how to tackle them in the best way. And the best way is, as always, to listen to your own core. Then you will know what the best course of action will be for you. For you are wise, dear ones, and you will choose well in this, as you already have. So once more we would like to extend our gratitude towards you, as you have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that we could not have hoped for anything better than what you have all given us already.

HAARP Creates Artificial Aurora, Lights Up The Sky 2013 02 2

By Elizabeth Leafloor | Red Ice Creations

Sources are reporting that the US Naval Research Laboratory, and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, have used HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)array to create an artificial version of an aurora borealis "that can be used to explore ionospheric occurrences and their impact on communications, navigation and space weather".

Using the powerful HAARP transmitter in Gakona, Alaska, the lab produced what they called a "sustained high density plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere". This cloud apparently glowed green, and was clearly visible to the naked eye.

This, and other research, is sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

For those concerned about such undisclosed projects being run in the Earth’s ionosphere, this news comes as a disturbing verification of the power and abilities of HAARP. These advances might be leaps towards the weaponization and control of our own environment.

LaboratoryEquipment reports:

"Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less," says Paul Bernhardt, NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. "This higher density plasma ’ball’ was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam."

Some researchers warn that such technologies might be used by militaries or governments to influence and control a population by terrifying or otherwise influencing the public through displays in the sky, such as in Project Blue Beam. Other investigators speculate that developments in mind control technologies could stem from this type of research, and we the public must be mindful of the ethical issues of mental and geophysical manipulation. Other possibilities for undisclosed instances of this type of technology include unexplained mass bird deaths, abnormal hurricane and weather behaviour, and the 2009 Norway Spiral anomaly.

By Elizabeth Leafloor , Red Ice Creations

Sequence of images of the glow plasma discharge produced with transmissions at the third electron gyro harmonic using the HAARP HF transmitter, Gakona, Alaska. (

Norwegian spiral anomaly of 2009

PanStarrs, el cometa que llegará en marzo

PanStarrs, el cometa que llegará en marzo

Drunvalo's Corner Story by: Drunvalo Melchizedek “The Window Of Great Change”

Drunvalo's Corner

Drunvalo's Corner

Story by: Drunvalo Melchizedek
“The Window Of Great Change” -  an important message from Drunvalo
There are so many changes taking place in our outer reality, anyone who knows how to keep up with it all understands that we are at a tipping point. Within the swirl of events that according to some, could turn the next few months, and the world, upside down, there are some simple things that need to be kept in mind. We are here to hold space for an incredible moment in time – and Drunvalo is here with a message that will help all of us know how, and where, to direct our energy in a realm of possibilities that is due to heat up between now and the end of June.
Dear Ones,
We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.

This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.
I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.
There are three reasons why this window was created. Let me explain.
First, the Mayans long ago predicted that if they had to choose the moment when the shift from male consciousness to female consciousness would begin, they would choose the dates of February 18/19, 2013. I wrote about this long ago. They see it like a sunrise that gets brighter and brighter each day.
At the same time, they said that they don’t really know for certain as it is Mother Earth that will decide exactly when the Mayan Prophecy will begin.
What the Mayans have told me about the 18th of February, 2013 is that it is the moment when the energy within Mother Earth begins to flow in a new pattern. I doubt if you will feel this in your daily life, but the Mayans say it is an important time in human history.
Second, NASA gave a public warning about a year and a half to two years ago concerning the solar flares. It was a dire prediction. It will take a moment to explain.
In 2000, we had the Y2K scare, around the realization that if the calendars within the computers of the world were not repaired so they would read “2000”, the world’s computers would stop working on the moment the year 2000 rolled around. I am sure most of you remember those events well.
This caused governments of the world to more or less freak out. The predictions were wild, but accurate. If the computers of the world were to shut down, most of our material needs would not be met and life on Earth would be challenged, at the least.
Then a French man saved the world by creating a software program that corrected the computers and allowed them to continue working into the 21st century.
As time went on, the world continued its dependency on computer systems and today all aspects of our lives are controlled by it. The way everything comes to us; such as food, water, electricity, gasoline, parts, medicine, and on, is controlled by computers.
If the computers were to stop functioning today, the ramifications of the experience would be many times greater that it would have been in 2000.
It’s been analyzed that if the internet went down permanently, hundreds of millions of people would die within months simply because there is no food or water.
NASA predicted that during the height of the Solar Cycle 24, which we are entering very soon, all computer memories could be erased. Exception to that would be hard drives, DVDs, and etc that are in Faraday Cages, which shields its interior from external electro-magnetic fields and radiation. If these memory drives were to be wiped clean, our entire electric grid around the world would fail. The world would be in the black. From there everything else would come to a stop. NASA has calculated that this may happen sometime toward the peak of the solar cycle from about February to August of 2013 and could last between one and nine months.
This would be a major human disaster.
England didn’t believe NASA’s reports and researched their own data; they shortly replied by saying that they agreed with NASA.  Red flags went up around the world for the governments who now are preparing for this possibility.
Russia then came back with even a more dire scenario that extended beyond what NASA was forecasting.  You can read about this in the newest book, The Mayan Ouroboros.
We didn’t learn from our past mistakes with Y2K. We should have slowed down our dependency on computerized systems until we knew it was safe, but we didn’t even look back.  Instead, we expanded our use of computer technology globally as rapidly as possible. The world quickly forgot how vulnerable we are with computers and solar flares.
And then there is a third concern that matures during this same time period; the Earth’s geomagnetic field which is about to shift it’s polarity from North to South, and the effects of that on humankind. I also wrote about this in The Mayan Ouroboros. Both of these scenarios are definitely necessary to understand, and both of them are inside the window we are entering in a few days on February 18th.
This geomagnetic field reversal is of greater concern for human life than anything that has ever happened in our memory including all the wars since WWI.
But why would I suggest ending the window on June 2nd, 2013 and not later in August? In the government’s remote viewing program back in the 1990’s, a team of expert psychics using their extra-sensory perceptions reported to the US military that something huge was coming to the Earth. They began to search into the future for when it happens.  When they viewed June 1st, 2013, the Earth was already damaged.  So whatever occurred has happened BEFORE June 2nd, 2013.  If this information is not accurate, then we have to continue to be cautious until the end of Solar Cycle 24. In any case, 2013 definitely looks like a year of dramatic change.
I am not here to create fear. That is not my purpose. I am here to bring your awareness to events that are occurring now by scientific standards. As citizens of the Earth, we need to be aware of these global transition events so that we can be prepared and not be surprised by them.
From a Mayan point of view, we must be ready to move into ascension at any moment over the next three years or so. This means staying in meditation, keeping your heart light as a feather and interconnected to your brain.
Now the question is, what can we do to prepare for both a rapid global change and ascension at the same time?  In my meditations it has become clear that I am to give you instructions so that you can make this change within yourself and ascend into the higher levels of Earth’s consciousness. I will do everything I can for you.
Very soon, hopefully before the end of this month, we will release  special instructions for those who know the Mer-Ka-Ba, either synthetic (Flower of Life) or natural (Awakening the Illuminated Heart™), on exactly how you can move from the 3rd dimension of Earth to the 4th dimension of the Earth. At this time, this piece of knowledge will only be useful for those who have been practicing either form of the meditation. It is the missing piece of knowledge that millions of you have been waiting for for years.
For the rest of you, you need to catch up as quickly as you can. In order to assist new people learning this meditation, we will be creating a series of lessons available to you over the internet.  And if you wish to really accelerate your understanding and practice, you can go to The School of Remembering™. There you will have full access to a global school with certified teachers in a vast number of countries and in many languages ready to serve you.
Trust yourself. You will know what to do.
Our filming studio, One Lotus Studios, is nearly completed; but until it is, we will share information with you in whatever manner we can.
Dear people, we are about to enter a time where you seriously need to be awake and prepare for inner and outer transformations that will change your life forever.
But please remember, if we successfully pass beyond the window of The Great Change, we are still in the timeline of the Mayan prophesy until we enter the year of 2016. The critical period of rapid changes will be over when we see a Red Star in our sky. Then we will enter into the change of order and harmony.
With great love for you, I promise, God willing, to help you.
From my heart,